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WTF is with the new layout? (read thread before posting)


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Guest disparaissant

Where is the "Last Read Reply" button next to each thread's title? :(

it's the star/dot to the left of all the titles and junk

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It looks cleaner and brighter! oh... that's just because I've finally turned my screen light up.


Not pleased about my avatar mind, you can't see my annoyed face. Scratch that, you can see it when you post but looks odd small..

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for a while it even looked like this:




(which was pretty cool, actually).


I definitely miss that old color scheme. It was so much better than all these default blue Web 2.0 templates that we've had post-2006 or whatever.

That was definitely my favourite-ist of all the schemes we've had on WATMM (and time periods also)

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Not gonna read entire thread, but has anyone mentioned Tapatalk not working? Or is there a dedicated iphone skin now?


really not happy that Tapatalk no longer works. Since there is no free version of Tapatalk for Android (hasn't been for at least 8 months), i had to buy it. now that purchase is useless.


thanks watmm.

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Guest Mirezzi

(and time periods also)

Yeah, that, too...


Not gonna read entire thread, but has anyone mentioned Tapatalk not working? Or is there a dedicated iphone skin now?


really not happy that Tapatalk no longer works. Since there is no free version of Tapatalk for Android (hasn't been for at least 8 months), i had to buy it. now that purchase is useless.


thanks watmm.

You bought that shit? I wouldn't blame WATMM for it!

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(and time periods also)

Yeah, that, too...


Not gonna read entire thread, but has anyone mentioned Tapatalk not working? Or is there a dedicated iphone skin now?


really not happy that Tapatalk no longer works. Since there is no free version of Tapatalk for Android (hasn't been for at least 8 months), i had to buy it. now that purchase is useless.


thanks watmm.

You bought that shit? I wouldn't blame WATMM for it!

i bought it at the recommendation of the moderation team here, due to the fact that the mobile skin for WATMM never worked properly.


although you are right, it's not really watmm's fault - it's IP Board's fault.

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I could get used to this I guess. I do agree that the white is a bit harsh to look at.

The sexy fonts are nice. So is the new emoticon scroll-bar.

My one issue is the individual posts seem too high from top to bottom.



You get update notices when someone replies to some bullshit you posted!


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Guest hahathhat

yeah, this is crap. i can tolerate a new layout, but i can't tolerate crap. please put the old one back. or the one from three years ago!

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Guest futuregirlfriend

I'd like plain text editing WITH the ability to use the buttons to quickly do the bbcode stuff. For example paste an image url, select text, press img button and it'll get wrapped in tags without the big lightbox thing.

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My fault, actually - I'm behind on the Tapatalk updates. I'll take care of that shortly.


yeah, this is crap. i can tolerate a new layout, but i can't tolerate crap. please put the old one back. or the one from three years ago!


OR, you can just GTFO :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Mirezzi

I'm sure it won't be to hard to get rid of the hot topic shit. Except, of course, you can replace it with the following:



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Guest sirch

i like this new look. prefer it to the old one. but i think this font is a bit too big. and yeah the HOT thing is a bit pants.

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For shitting.. crikey.. bollock.. jesus..


Wat the fuck? I refresh and see this. Put a poll or something before you make changes like this. Some of us paid towards this site...

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Today, I have seen my beloved city burn to the ground but still I feel myself more concerned by this change of design.


I don't hate it. :emotawesomepm9:

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For shitting.. crikey.. bollock.. jesus..


Wat the fuck? I refresh and see this. Put a poll or something before you make changes like this. Some of us paid towards this site...






Are we clear on that now?


*wipes away tears with velvet-coated handle of the Banhammer™*

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