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Still can't get into draft.


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After all this time, Draft is the only studio album of theirs I have trouble listening to. I enjoy Confield, Quaristice, Oversteps, LP5 etc a lot, but I still can't get into Draft.


What is it about this album that makes it so unaccessable?

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After all this time, Draft is the only studio album of theirs I have trouble listening to. I enjoy Confield, Quaristice, Oversteps, LP5 etc a lot, but I still can't get into Draft.


What is it about this album that makes it so unaccessable?



Mmm I have been thinking of starting this thread myself. I was going to say 'The Toughest Autechre nut to Crack?'


Draft is my Ae achilles heel. I played it a few times but it just seems so harsh and cold. But seeing as this is Autechre it could be that they are right and I am wrong, maybe it will click one day?


I presume we are not alone.

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if i'd had to pick one AE album to keep this would be it. it mostly sounds SLAMMING, but then there's stuff like the theme of sudden roundabout and surripere as well. def some of their tightest heaviest beatworkings imo.

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This was the first autechre I bought (without much prior knowledge of their work). It took me about 18 months before I could start to appreciate it as a credible album - and only when i started to buy up their back catalogue did it really start to impress me. Certainly a "difficult" album - but rewarding, eventually.

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Draft is fantastic. It's one of their top albums, it just seems to combine everything they do into one album.


It's kind of like the Chiastic Slide of the second half of their careers. Maybe.





Anyway, that said, somehow it always seems like it has a sort of vomit inducing sound to it. It's like a Big Mac or something, I don't know how to describe it. It's thick, and sometimes it resembles in my mind a BAD kind of thick, like Nu Rock / Linkin Park thick.


That said, small issue.

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It's kind of like the Chiastic Slide of the second half of their careers.

Draft 7.30, Quaristice and Chiastic Slide are my favorite albums of theirs.

I think Draft sounds the most like a movie of anything they've done except maybe LP5. You can sit there in a dark room listening to it and it will take you on a journey through its own world. I think that's true of Oversteps also, but it's just not as detailed.


Like Quaristice and Chiastic, I'm not in the mood for it all the time, but when I am, it's the only thing that makes sense. The only thing about it that I don't think has aged well is the ending. The last track of this and Confield don't really work for me - they sound sort of melancholy but there's not really a good sense of closure or release. They just arrive at a stasis and end.

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Guest nsixqatsi

surripere is a top fav track of mine


i remember driving to Draft 7:30 one night and after a bit of Theme Of Sudden Roundabout i realized that track just sucks or something.


all the other tracks are amazing though.

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Draft gets into YOU.


I went through the ae discography in order. All of albums before draft had a crystallizing moment, where everything came together and I felt like I "understood" the album. Not draft. I listened again and again and again. It had incredible moments, but eventually I just moved on to untilted.


When I returned to draft several months later, it all made sense. The pacing in particular made total sense. Take a track like v-proc. Thats a pretty slow track when you consider the groove it attempts. It's like ae picked the slowest tempo possible for a beat like that to work. I don't know how to explain it, but it's like the track is so meticulous and controlled that it becomes that much more powerful. It doesn't need to assert itself in any other way than the sounds it makes.


For these reason I consider draft to be autechre's most fascinating experiment, even though I find it less successful than, say, confield.

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Guest nowyouknow

i like draft. It's been very hard at the beginning: so complex, so abstract... now i've listened to it a lot & like it. the sound is just amazing & rhythms are maaad even if sometimes i feel lost... i don't get anything but just take it as it is.


& i don't really see what's so magic about (the second part of) surripere.

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xylin room, surriperre, vproc and reniform are all fucking ace. this album is so immaculately and deliberately produced that i can't think of anything else that comes close to the overall mood.


there is nothing like it.


It's got 6IE.CR! And if that's not enough, there's also TAPR and VL AL 5. What more do you need?


i still haven't really gotten into these ones. i listen to most of draft but i'm not really moved and i find it hard to concentrate on most of the tracks 90% of the time.


but when i'm in the mood for draft i don't want anything else.

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xylin room, surriperre, vproc and reniform are all fucking ace. this album is so immaculately and deliberately produced that i can't think of anything else that comes close to the overall mood.


there is nothing like it.


It's got 6IE.CR! And if that's not enough, there's also TAPR and VL AL 5. What more do you need?


i still haven't really gotten into these ones. i listen to most of draft but i'm not really moved and i find it hard to concentrate on most of the tracks 90% of the time.


but when i'm in the mood for draft i don't want anything else.

funny how xylin room is my least favorite track of the album. every beat somehow just does not want to get into the flow, but almost does. horrifying track.

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Draft, EP7, Confield, Untilted and Move of Ten usually rotate as my favorites... I don't have to be in a mood for draft... I can listen to it while mowing the lawn, cooking eggs, or getting my wang mouthified. it just fits my every mood.


But seriously, to me there's a street quality to draft, future ghetto hip hop. kind of like a present representation of what hip hop would sound like 50 years from now... but they got flying cars wrong in the 60s and hip hop is already wrong it this present state.

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But seriously, to me there's a street quality to draft, future ghetto hip hop. kind of like a present representation of what hip hop would sound like 50 years from now... but they got flying cars wrong in the 60s and hip hop is already wrong it this present state.


See, no one took me seriously when I said around the time it was released that it was more of a fun "dancey" album than the more deep, abstract, ambient releases they'd done before. I know it's not really danceable in that sense but it seems the hiphop/dance influence seems way stronger, I always got that future/ghetto/hiphop vibe from it. Which is really cool, but up until this album, Autechre was a lot more than "cool" to me, it was something moving that would transport me to indescribable worlds and recalling feelings that were both familiar and really difficult to describe at the same time.


I can definitely appreciate the slick, funky, cool side to Ae more than I used to, but I think they nailed it a lot better with Quaristice and especially Untilted.

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a lot of tracks on draft have layers that feel out of place in their tracks. especially in P.:NTIL, there's such a weird clash between the synths in that track. it's like a few different songs are playing at the same time.


draft makes it hard to find harmony in the commotion, but when you do find it it feels even sweeter, you know? like a forbidden fruit.


surripere has always been a favorite of mine. and i really like theme of sudden roundabout, mostly for its placement on the album. there's something really comical about being sucked into the dark void of surripere for so long and then popping out in this awkwardly happy little tune. appropriately titled.

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It's an amazing album, no question. In fact, your thread has reminded me to listen to it for the first time in quite some time.

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draft makes it hard to find harmony in the commotion, but when you do find it it feels even sweeter, you know? like a forbidden fruit.

Totally agree. It's funny you say it this way because Draft has always reminded me of some kind of wilderness or a forest. Some place with predators and prey scurrying around and both wide open spaces and big trees with lots of holes and shade and places to hide.

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