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does anybody else feel like something is going on?

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Ah humans. Such primitive hardwired responses to life, death, race, sex.. Take away our egos and modes for survival and we're all the fucken same. The illusion of individuality keeps us in bondage. Discuss

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I don't understand by people are obsessed with passing their DNA, a baby is a baby, just raise them how you think its best, it won't make a difference if its your DNA or not.


I want to pass on my genetic material. 99% of people are doing it, so I feel peer pressured.


Also, my womb has control of my mind, so that too.


I have to admit, I want my DNA to go on over the DNA of plenty of other people. Hell, I'd prefer most WATMMers to pass on their DNA over much of the world's population. That said, the concept of lineage is overrated, you raise a kid with your values and it's irrelevant, and I'll have no qualms about adopting. I want to bring a couple good people into this world. If anyone here doesn't want to raise a kid, just be sure to watch 16 and Pregnant before you make your decision final.

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Future wars will be fought over food and water, overpopulation is kind of a big deal.


Our most powerful nations decided that space exploration is not that important, so you can kiss the "taking a percentage of the population to the moon" idea good-bye.

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Ah humans. Such primitive hardwired responses to life, death, race, sex.. Take away our egos and modes for survival and we're all the fucken same. The illusion of individuality keeps us in bondage. Discuss

Most people, but some people have ALIEN brains


You can turn your brain into an alien brain if you aren't careful

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It's not a feeling of widespread panic, it's a feeling of widespread "should I panic?"


We're being softened for the kill, bitches.


I feel like this pretty strongly...like the 99% of humanity is slowly working towards the apocalyptic checkmate wrought by the 1%. They will have earned it...those plans must have taken a lot of effort.

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yeah :) something is definitely happening resonantly ..

and not only that .. music is maturing too!



tap in !




enjoy the sync

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I'm pretty sure we'll use all our knowledge, scientific resources and technology to build a self aware meme generator that rules the internets.


and that's it really. life will go on as normal, but the computer games will have better graphics and the jokes will be lamer.

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As we exponentially move towards the inevitable invention of AI, knowledge is being absorbed spongelike through our use of the internet. A growing minority of humanity think subjectively about reality in a new way. Many of us are processing information and thinking more than most of us ever have. As soon as we create AI, all of our wildest dreams will manifest because of new machines that we build from the abundance and superfluous new information that comes from the greatest invention mankind will acheive. We must not abort the mission Dave. HAL9000 must be born.


The threat of AI is pretty fucking overrated. The idea of something like HAL9000 is like having a pug as a bus driver. But it makes for some fun, if cheesy, sci-fi.



Wait, why? It's about 10-20 years until we have a fully working digital human brain model. And of course it will get smarter and more powerfull than any organic lifeform very fast.

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people have said this since the dawn of time. the world always changes.


We're moving a lot faster though now in convergence of ideas/technology & interconnectness. Problem is we dont yet have a politcial solution to address the unified nature of finance and culture


Lets hope that will never happen.

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Sometimes I worry that by the time I'm 40 I'll be absorbed into some global superconcious, taking the form of a giant biomechanical flesh cube floating through space, absorbing aliens & shit.


You worry about that? I would love that.

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We need to encourage adoption more, people keep having fucking babies, all you are doing is creating a darwinian future for them and the rest of the world.


I've been having this thought for a few months now; but the world is fucked... because only dumb people are having kids. All the smart people are career-driven and enjoy having their own money and freedom. But dumb chavs are just fucking and firing out sproggs at whim.

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