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Neil Young lol


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top tidbits:


apparently, vinyl is the same quality as a 24bit/192KHz raw digital file.


he seems to never have heard of FLAC files.


also doesn't seem to understand the practical limitations of carrying lossless audio around


at least he seems to 'get' piracy

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

neil has been a supporter of high-quality digital audio for a while now. I've got a couple of neil young dvd-audio discs, and they both sound incredible. a lot of that incredibleness is probably in the mastering, though. I'd rather listen to a well-mastered cd than a brickwalled 24-bit flac.

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Of course, his comments regarding the '5% of music' are overgeneralised, but my point that he doesn't understand the practical limitations of lossless audio is still valid.


until we have 1TB SSD drives, or people settle for only having a 'handful' of albums on their 'xPod', then it's not really going to change.


Not to mention the ludicrousness of listening to lossless, high quality audio on shitty headphones on your commute to Basildon.


I have no problem with listening to high quality music, fuck - i've spent enough on vinyl. but all in context you nahmeen?


high quality at home


reasonable quality on the move.

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To date no person has been able to successfully differentiate (ABX) "high resolution" audio vs. good ol' redbook 16/44.1.


While it has it's place in mixing/mastering/etc, hi-def audio for the end listener is pure snake oil.

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Yeah, you can almost feel everybody in the room thinking "does he even understand what he's talking about?". The only thing he really needs to fight against, is that good ol' loudness war.

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Everything I listen to on my iPod is lossless. What limitations?


It's a noticeable difference, even on mediocre headphones while commuting.


noticable from a v0 encoded MP3? you're a liar.

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In fairness:


Neil Young is really old. I think I'll give him a pass because he had close to 20 albums released when I was still shitting myself.


ahh yeah, in the same sense that my grandma got a free pass for her casual racism (making an appointment at the doctors and asking not to see the 'darkie doctor' in front of a full waiting room in 2003)



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Guest Lucy Faringold

ahh yeah, in the same sense that my grandma got a free pass for her casual racism (making an appointment at the doctors and asking not to see the 'darkie doctor' in front of a full waiting room in 2003)


Seeing oscillik try to argue a point is like watching a snake trying to peel an orange.

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ahh yeah, in the same sense that my grandma got a free pass for her casual racism (making an appointment at the doctors and asking not to see the 'darkie doctor' in front of a full waiting room in 2003)


Seeing oscillik try to argue a point is like watching a snake trying to peel an orange.


actually i wasn't making a point, it was supposed to be a joke.


but obviously failed at that anyway, so your point is still valid.


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Most Neil Young fans aren't even going to have good enough eardrums to appreciate lossless audio. They might as well record his discography being played out on shitty AM car radios and reissue that.

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Everything I listen to on my iPod is lossless. What limitations?


It's a noticeable difference, even on mediocre headphones while commuting.


noticable from a v0 encoded MP3? you're a liar.


The last time I encoded mp3s from music I owned on purpose was back in iTunes on 10.3 or 10.4 days, so I'm sure as mp3 encoders goes it was probably an inferior encoder. I bet you're right that LAME would be a much tougher match.


Buddy and I did a very casual ab test when the remastered Beatles stuff leaked, as I had them all on my iPod in lossless and he had them all at vbr something something on his. I got about 3 or 4 right in a row before we got bored. Not trying to brag or anything, I really don't think it's that hard, particularly when there's so much information in the music as there is with those new Beatles transfers.


I guess saying it's a "noticeable" difference was probably overstating it. I have one real clear memory of standing on the train platform in Boston AS A TRAIN WAS PULLING IN and hearing new room tone on a Black Keys snare drum that I'd never heard before, though. I remember because for ten seconds I was like WHAT THE FUCK and then I remembered that I'd just recently re-ripped the album in lossless. Totally subjective story and everything, I get that, but it was enough to convince me that since there's really no HARM in lossless, other than some extra disc space (which is incredibly cheap anyway), then that's the way I would go.


Just my opinion. But thanks for calling me a liar though!




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Most Neil Young fans aren't even going to have good enough eardrums to appreciate lossless audio. They might as well record his discography being played out on shitty AM car radios and reissue that.


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Guest nene multiple assgasms

To date no person has been able to successfully differentiate (ABX) "high resolution" audio vs. good ol' redbook 16/44.1.



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To date no person has been able to successfully differentiate (ABX) "high resolution" audio vs. good ol' redbook 16/44.1.




Yeah, curious on this as well.


You'll be sitting on a chair doing puzzles bitches.


Fucking hahahaha

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Yeah, you can almost feel everybody in the room thinking "does he even understand what he's talking about?". The only thing he really needs to fight against, is that good ol' loudness war.


I'm sure he would be a huge fighter against the loudness war, in fact I'm shocked he hasn't made that part of his goals...when I first saw blurbs about his digital audio concerns I figured he'd be discussing that.


Most Neil Young fans aren't even going to have good enough eardrums to appreciate lossless audio. They might as well record his discography being played out on shitty AM car radios and reissue that.



lol I re-read that and had the same reaction. What I meant was, this lossless re-mastering project and his personal aim to bring digital lossless as a standard is cool, I think it sends a good message, but it's going to be irrelevant to most of his fans. With the exception of record collectors and audiophiles, the music most people love doesn't get heard through high quality speakers, regardless of their age. Whatever emotional resonance he's attached to the effort is irrelevant because honestly most older folks probably can't tell the difference in quality. He's heard his music through mastered tapes in studios all the way to itunes mp4 files on an ipod. Most people have been listening to his albums on CDs, cassettes, old vinyl, and burned mp3s on a variety of mediocre sound systems, so they'll probably have no idea anything sounds different unless it's dramatically remastered/mixed differently.


You can't fucking put Neil down dude. It's fucking NEIL YOUNG.


None of us won't be 1% of how cool (and relevant) he is, at his age. You'll be sitting on a chair doing puzzles bitches.


He also builds hybrid cars and drives a Hummer 1 powered by bio-fuel.

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You can't fucking put Neil down dude. It's fucking NEIL YOUNG.



None of us won't be 1% of how cool (and relevant) he is, at his age. You'll be sitting on a chair doing puzzles bitches.

Nobody posting on this board will ever be as cool as Neil Young at any age, except plum.

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