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Fuck Michael Bay


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well i think "the tutters" (like my grandpa used 2 say) look pretty cool in that trailer imho, no doubt michael bay will fuck it up though

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This shit looks awful, Micheal Bay needs to stop fucking with my 90's kid childhood... And WTF happened to him not wanting to work with Megan Fox again?!

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The turtles look all fucked up on synthol Injections. Teenage beefcake synthol turtles.

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Yah, well Michael Bay is just producer, but the director hasn't done anything I've watched, so.... I dunno. Could be good? Don't like the human mouths of the turtles, though. And Splinter, is fucking that hard voiced short dude from Seinfeld. And Shredder, is a white dude, da fuk.


To help out with Turtle Power, here is a quick drawing I did years ago, that was based on a story where Splinter and all the turtles but Raphael are killed. So Raphael gets the only family he's ever had tattooed on the front-side of his shell. Raphael gets all fucked up and is generally just angry at the world; a world he now lives alone in. So Raphael starts to eat mad pizza to make super gains in muscle, and he trains like 10 hours a day. Raph gets hardcore rippling with muscles and veins, and his ninja skillz go to level 9000. The whole film is basically just Raphael training and being angry- downward spiral of the mind- and he even lets some mugged people get killed cuz, "If this world couldn't save my family, why should I save them?" In the climax, he battles the whole Foot Clan single handedly (well, Casey Jones does come in randomly (who's been following Raph the whole time, to make sure he's cool/safe)). The Foot are humans, so there is blood + guts. At the climax, Raphael carries one of each weapon, to kill with the weapons of his brothers. In the ultra climax battle part, he goes turtle zen, turns his bandana around, and fights blindfolded. Then at the end, it turns out Shredder died of cancer or someshit years ago, so there is nobody left to kill except some weak ass skinny mafia boss dude of The Foot, who can't even fight. He feels no closure..... Raph yells at the ceiling, and Casey Jones is on the side smoking a spliff. But then the building (17th floor, he fights his way up the abandoned commercial building headquarters) starts to shake... And then of course the ghost of Splinter appears. "Ninja is not about killing or revenge. Ninja is about doing what is right." "But I did do what was right..." "Yes. Good job." And then there is a long speech about how Splinter will always love Raph and in the bright cloudy background portal thing, you can hear the other Turtles laughing and like "Hey, is that Raph? (a little bit too Raph...)" And then for the first time in the whole film, we see Raph smile. He realizes that the world is fucked, and it will always be a neverending battle of good vs evil. But he is tired of being amongst humans. So then he goes to a window, already no glass, and looks over the edge. We never see or hear him jump, but we hear the other turtles get all happy with Splinter laughing as the camera pans back and the portal closes... Final line of the movie, the whole group: "COWABUNGA!!! *high five sound*" Then final shot is Raph's headband hanging from a nail at the side of the glassless window, which Casey Jones takes, wraps around his arm, and walks to fight the streets into eternity... The End. Directed by Jason Asato



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This shit looks awful, Micheal Bay needs to stop fucking with my 90's kid childhood... And WTF happened to him not wanting to work with Megan Fox again?!

Bay is all about the money and now he's monetizing on the nostalgia of 30 year olds.

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If we of watmm came together to make peace 7's vision a reality, the world would be a better place. I'm just saying.

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I dunno why you'd get excited about Michael Bay exhuming childhood fragments, positively or negatively.

I loved the Turtles cartoon back then, and I'd still watch it today. But I probably would have hated the soulless Bay adaption even back then.


Apart from that, it's not like there'd be any expectations to meet or anything. Would you go to the cinema and watch a well-made Turtles movie starring humans and cgi, expecting an actually good film? Turtles seem to do alright in their cartoon world, the result of porting them to 2014 cinema could only be terrible, regardless of what director is on the job. Except maybe Lars von Trier or Lynch or someone who turned it into a re-imagined mindfuck type movie, but then it wouldn't really be Turtles anyway.


Pearl Harbor.

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thinking about it i loved the toys, NESgames and movies but those turtle cartoon's were god fucking awefull i think i'd rather sit 20minutes in church then watching one again

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The turtles look pretty cool, but i put that down to some talented CGI guys hunched over their computers day after day perfecting every pixel. Now Bay is gonna grab their good work and wreck it.

Bay blows, y'all.

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If we of watmm came together to make peace 7's vision a reality, the world would be a better place. I'm just saying.

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They totally fucked up.


Look how much better a more classic facial design would have been.




I have to admit, that looks SO much better. Fuck. Now I'm pissed.

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I hope this pisses off everyone sufficiently to end gen y's constant need to climb up its own nostalgic, marketing-gullible asshole, forfuckingever.


Edit: get the fuck off my lawn

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