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my dad's work computer that he would bring home all the time and let me play with.

then he got a raise and a new position and they comped him a new computer and he got this:


only ours was 486dx2 66mhz, 12mb ram, 2mb ATI 3d video card. it was a beast, but it had no cdrom and no soundcard and no modem. so it was years before i finally found out what descent and x-wing SOUNDED like.


lol, my family had one of these, I forgot about the turbo button. They should bring back the turbo button.

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Aside from a bunch of Apple II systems at school, we were actually a little late to the personal computing party:


IBM PS/1 circa 1992, 80386sx; I think.




I could never get Falcon 3.0 to work.

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Amiga 600, but it was my older brothers' so maybe that doesn't count. My first very own computer was a Gateway 2000.




266 whopping megahertz!

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Guest mafted

ehh, don't remember.. some 386 with WordPerfect.. fuck yeah. i remember having the one after that and saving up to buy a 486 overdrive processor, which upgraded it from 66mHz to 83mHz, so i could play Quake. a brand new processor to upgrade 20mHz, just to have the floating point processor. lol those were the days

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Guest futuregirlfriend

In 1995 a second-hand Amiga 500 showed up, along with a case of pirated floppies and a handful of originals.

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ehh, don't remember.. some 386 with WordPerfect.. fuck yeah. i remember having the one after that and saving up to buy a 486 overdrive processor, which upgraded it from 66mHz to 83mHz, so i could play Quake. a brand new processor to upgrade 20mHz, just to have the floating point processor. lol those were the days

83mhz ? you probably had some x-treme oc edition, i remember upgrading my 66mhz cpu to a 80mhz one.

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my late grandma was cool, she had one of these. i used to play videogames at her house, took ages to load from tape. memmorriiieesss

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Apple 2c was my first and only for like 15 years.


Since we're talking grandmas, mine had this one:




As used by Arthur C Clarke (might've been popular with an older crowd).






I remember it had a game where little letters and numbers and letters chased each other through grids of random punctuation.

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First one I remember getting a lot of time in on. I know we had some older one's because we had giant floppies of shit like Operation Wolf around. I use to load up DOS games like Megarace. Spent some time playing King's Quest, WC2, and a bunch of other games on this bad boy. Also remember being introduced to Rebirth on this machine.

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We had an 8088 PC that my dad had cobbled together from parts that his workplace was throwing out. All i remember about it was that it had an amber monochrome screen, a word processor and a few games like Alley Cat, Captain Comic etc.. I was so amazed when we upgraded to a CGA graphics card (4 colours), then later EGA, oh my god, 16 colours fuck yeah!

Funny thing is, the 'soul' of that PC lasted until 2008 when I finally abandoned desktop PCs. In other words, every time it was upgraded, at least one thing from the previous incarnation survived. It was mostly minor upgrades, so it was always a cobbled together mess.

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I forgot about the turbo button. They should bring back the turbo button.


Haha! Our 386 had one! I remember my dad getting frustrated at the slow speed of the computer because he forgot to activate the turbo button!

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c64 with cassette deck, then started getting cartridge games stag as the awesome top down tank battle game called vindicators! Then got a mega drive.


Our first home computer was a 386, cant remember the make but i do remember playing loads of text based dos adventure games and loving windows 3.1

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oh, and i didn't become computer literate until 2006, when i moved to new york and my lovely know-it-all girlfriend at the time showed me everything from graphics to coding & programming. i went from country boy to super geek in about 2 years. god i miss her.


so, my first computer was some laptop, probably by dell, with XP on it.


edit: though i remember working with one of her machines running windows millennium edition, and learning photoshop on version 5 !

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