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You need to come back to Canada and come hiking/camping with us sometime Blysky!


I mean, you don't need to.


But it would be a jolly ole' time I reckon'.

Edited by StephenG
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Holy shit. So are doses that high considered to be "thumbprint" level as I've seen people call it?


I can't even begin to imagine.


Do you think LSD at high doses converges onto a DMT breakthrough type of experience or are they wholly different?

Edited by Zeffolia
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Good words Audioblysk.


I definitely got the complete loss of vision effect last time I took mescaline. It's what made me feel like I was passing into the spirit world.


I can' t really imagine taking high dosages alone. It is so easy to lose yourself. The only reason I made it through my last trip without too much discomfort is because I had friends I trust with me. Luckily they didn't trip as hard as I did either.


As for your experience zeff. I think if you would have been around people to comfort you that your experience would have been much more positive.


I also agree that definitely mescaline is very gentle and cozy with a lot less potential for confusion. For me shrooms can be very confusing but the benefit is that you generally aren't going to surpass the ~4 hour mark on a shroom trip.


You should only use the medicines if you have a draw to use them though.

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from my own experience it doesnt matter how large a dose of LSD you consume, none of the larger doses experienced even came close to DMT for its utter inter-dimensional strangeness & bizarre clarity. The only thing you'll achieve dosing larger amounts of LSD is confusion which, reading from your previous experience, could dovetail quickly into paranoia. If you really wanna meet the elves they're not going anywhere though and as much as folks might dismiss diazepam/valium, they're far more likely to bring you out of a bad trip than a close friend telling you everything's gonna be ok. Hugs never solved a bad trip imho.


this is the thing with certain substances Zeff, we sometimes think we can "map" these experiences, like a trail left behind you in a maize, but the last time i did DMT some1 i tripped with during that session ended up in psychiatric care as a result & unfortunately that poor cunt has never been the same since. Uber bright lad, everything to live for & now he lives on social security & talks in complete riddles (and no, he's not The Riddler). Urban myths like bad batches are just cover for the fact that some substances scar the mind. Same with LSD too - a mate who was a regular tripper throughout the late 80's/early 90's has a condition called 'Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder'. He calls it "vision thing". Irreversible, even with a drug course like Lamotrigine. Ask him how much he'd like to turn the clock back and he'd be building his own Delorean and hitting 88mph as i type.


its hard reading the last few posts cos as much as i wanna say take it easy (only 2 bad trips among several hundred personally), you seem drawn towards these experiences as some kind of transcendental wonder and the truth is that sometimes they're the exact opposite of what we seek.


if yer convinced DMT is something you want to experience i'd source an experienced guide to do it with as fully as i'd seek the purest substance available.

Edited by cwmbrancity
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I'm very curious to see what the research says about the people getting long-lasting negative effects from psychedelics in the near future. My father has a similar story, "Normal kid took some shrooms once and became mental deficient afterwards."


I feel like given the stupid things I've done with drugs I should be dumb as fuck and possibly dead, but alas here I am. Same as always from what I can tell.

from my own experience it doesnt matter how large a dose of LSD you consume, none of the larger doses experienced even came close to DMT for its utter inter-dimensional strangeness & bizarre clarity. The only thing you'll achieve dosing larger amounts of LSD is confusion which, reading from your previous experience, could dovetail quickly into paranoia. If you really wanna meet the elves they're not going anywhere though and as much as folks might dismiss diazepam/valium, they're far more likely to bring you out of a bad trip than a close friend telling you everything's gonna be ok. Hugs never solved a bad trip imho.


this is the thing with certain substances Zeff, we sometimes think we can "map" these experiences, like a trail left behind you in a maize, but the last time i did DMT some1 i tripped with during that session ended up in psychiatric care as a result & unfortunately that poor cunt has never been the same since. Uber bright lad, everything to live for & now he lives on social security & talks in complete riddles (and no, he's not The Riddler). Urban myths like bad batches are just cover for the fact that some substances scar the mind. Same with LSD too - a mate who was a regular tripper throughout the late 80's/early 90's has a condition called 'Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder'. He calls it "vision thing". Irreversible, even with a drug course like Lamotrigine. Ask him how much he'd like to turn the clock back and he'd be building his own Delorean and hitting 88mph as i type.


its hard reading the last few posts cos as much as i wanna say take it easy (only 2 bad trips among several hundred personally), you seem drawn towards these experiences as some kind of transcendental wonder and the truth is that sometimes they're the exact opposite of what we seek.


if yer convinced DMT is something you want to experience i'd source an experienced guide to do it with as fully as i'd seek the purest substance available.


A good cuddle goes a long way.

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You need to come back to Canada and come hiking/camping with us sometime Blysky!


I mean, you don't need to.


But it would be a jolly ole' time I reckon'.


I've been pondering that. I was looking up mountains the other day with the GF and remembered you guys mentioned some Canuck Rodeo Days thing that you said would be fun for me to come out for... them mountains call my name. The syrup, poutine, seasonal cars... How can I resist?!


But seriously, that would be quite nice. I'd of course bring you something you haven't tried... you know, like a cake, or American candy bar :emotawesomepm9:


Holy shit. So are doses that high considered to be "thumbprint" level as I've seen people call it?

I'd say so.. Thumbprints are indeed a real thing in some of the more inner circles of USA distribution. Back when I had these experiences it was necessary before anyone would ever see or handle raw tartrate salt, but not every circle runs like that because some don't want to or cannot handle the experience, but are qualified based on reputation and actions. I don't know about now-a-days, I hear there is a lot more raw that gets dished out to people who have no purpose handling it and there is a lot more money in the scene with the rise of festivals, silk road and such.


Good words Audioblysk.


I definitely got the complete loss of vision effect last time I took mescaline. It's what made me feel like I was passing into the spirit world.


It's a really lush and full-bodied experience. The euphoria is pretty other-worldly with higher dosages. It's incredible that so many species have psychedelic alkaloids that are very safe on the body. I'm not one to get too preachy or new-age but I do believe they are meant to be used by humans in some way shape or form, not as in they were designed to be, but that we are attracted to these things for a reason. Mescaline is some deep shit, man :sleep:


from my own experience it doesnt matter how large a dose of LSD you consume, none of the larger doses experienced even came close to DMT for its utter inter-dimensional strangeness & bizarre clarity. The only thing you'll achieve dosing larger amounts of LSD is confusion which, reading from your previous experience, could dovetail quickly into paranoia. If you really wanna meet the elves they're not going anywhere though and as much as folks might dismiss diazepam/valium, they're far more likely to bring you out of a bad trip than a close friend telling you everything's gonna be ok. Hugs never solved a bad trip imho.


this is the thing with certain substances Zeff, we sometimes think we can "map" these experiences, like a trail left behind you in a maize, but the last time i did DMT some1 i tripped with during that session ended up in psychiatric care as a result & unfortunately that poor cunt has never been the same since. Uber bright lad, everything to live for & now he lives on social security & talks in complete riddles (and no, he's not The Riddler). Urban myths like bad batches are just cover for the fact that some substances scar the mind. Same with LSD too - a mate who was a regular tripper throughout the late 80's/early 90's has a condition called 'Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder'. He calls it "vision thing". Irreversible, even with a drug course like Lamotrigine. Ask him how much he'd like to turn the clock back and he'd be building his own Delorean and hitting 88mph as i type.


its hard reading the last few posts cos as much as i wanna say take it easy (only 2 bad trips among several hundred personally), you seem drawn towards these experiences as some kind of transcendental wonder and the truth is that sometimes they're the exact opposite of what we seek.


if yer convinced DMT is something you want to experience i'd source an experienced guide to do it with as fully as i'd seek the purest substance available.


I'm going to agree and disagree with you on those points. DMT is an amazing psychedelic, but I would say it is indeed the most jarring. One qualm I have with the substance in the method that most users experiment with (vaporizing) is that having a full-blown psychedelic experience in 15-20 minutes is pretty hard (IMO) to actually get much use from. It gets a good boost because yeah, it's essentially the crack of psychedelics with the depth of a hefty tryptamine, but I find the experiences to be too hectic and fast for me to really assimilate much other than 'That was intense'. Combinations of mono amine oxidase inhibitors and DMT in careful proportions and ingested orally is much more worthwhile IMO, but really it's a 'to each his own' thing at the end of the day.


LSD while being confusing to some is IMO the most intense experience ever with high dosages of known amounts and purity. I've smoked a few points of DMT at once and got my ass kicked for shooting myself in the face with a universe cannon, but it didn't echo as deeply as the (very) large LSD dosages I have done with the right environment. One of my high-doses I was trip-sitted by a gorgeous and kind older woman who helped me have one of the most amazing experiences of my life, I didn't have a shred of anxiety and I can say the experience offered more to me than many of the 'dicking around with my mates and vial' experiences. It's really an apples to oranges comparison at the and at the end of the day - personal preference and set and setting are HUGE. LSD can be confusing if you really have to think about a bunch, but if you can quiet your mind and ride it out, it's breath-taking to let go.


I have definitely seen dozens of 'bad trips' solved through simple talking, connection, breathing and meditation first hand and/or guided someone back to a positive place myself. It's well documented protocol for psychedelic therapy sessions that the folks at MAPS do as a first resort and is regarded as very effective if there is someone who is experienced enough to talk someone down. I have also seen benzo's and anti-psych's take trips away very quickly. They both work, but if I were to place those two options into a metaphor, it'd be like fixing paper with a hammer instead of scotch tape. It really is mountains out of molehills and I've seen a majority of bad trips ease off once proper measures are taken.


I'm sorry about the guy you tripped with, but I will say that underlying latent psychological conditions are likely the most likely cause of what happened to him. Psychedelics will not create something that doesn't exist already in the user, but it can magnify and amplify a latent problem and exacerbate it to the point of someone breaking. And as for the other gentleman you spoke of with the HPPD, I do believe his qualms, but in my experience people who get to the point of having problems down the line did not understand the neurological and neuropharmacological repercussions of irresponsible use of chemicals. I know a bunch of old heads that are fried out because during tours back in the day they'd practically live of LSD all day, every day, and be eating close to a half sheet to get any effect by the end of the summer, but semi-regular users of psychedelics have maintained themselves and used the experiences to better themselves, as with pretty much every drug. There is always going to be the ones that burn too bright and burn up fast and the ones that keep bright for a long time. I can only speak for myself, but I used LSD almost every weekend for a good 6 years along with many, many other chemicals, but balanced them based on sound research and took care of myself with diet, exercise, breaks, and supplementation and have seen little to no negatives from those chemicals. I'm not negating any of your experiences or your mates, but merely offering a different perspective, there's always a reason things go awry.


One point you touch on that frustrates me about some psychedelic users is that there are a whole lotta gurus out there. I say that meaning that there are a lot of people who take psychedelics with the mindset that it is a malleable experience or that they can get what they seek with control. Thus they almost view themselves as gurus believing that their ego whispering into their ear what they want to hear when they are in a psychologically vulnerable state is the truth that is 'meant to be' or other such nonsense. The other way to approach, which I try to tell people who are getting into these things is that you are a 'witness'. Nothing lasts and nothing is lost, you are just here to get the message so to speak. Maybe I'm off base, but I think that a lot of times that is another damaging feature of modern psychedelia without education or common sense, it's a sort of megalomaniac-brain way of 'growing' or 'experiencing' anything. This is all sort of paraphrasing what Terrance M. talked about some time ago, but it really has some weight.



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Last Thanksgiving, I took three tabs at 109 micro doses. Shit got a little weird.


I forgot who I was and had to piece together what my drive in life is. Then I had the paranoid feeling that my life pre-trip was an illusion, and that I was going to be arrested and jailed for the rest of my life for the sheet of acid on my friend's coffee table. This happened in like a 15-20 minute period.


On the walk back to my friend's place, there was a car crash that happened right after I passed through the intersection. Also, some friend's stopped into a grocery store to buy some juice, but some asshole tried shoplifting a bunch of shit, so we just put down the juice and walked out.


The visuals were excellent :nyan:

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re-Audio's post - well said!


sometimes its difficult to differentiate between underlying conditions compounded by ingestion of hallucinogens and bad luck....also i'm certainly no psychologist. Its just hard when good friends end up permanently pickled. At the height of the House/free party scene here more people i know/knew got into problems drinking heavily on various comedowns. A few went further with bad addictions and thats no drugs are bad mmmmkay lecture. More an illustration of bad choices and the insidious nature of heroin & crack.


on the flip-side i've known folks who've indulged for decades, at varying rates of participation across the board with various special-fx and have come through it all relatively unscathed. I just thank the gods that with my own explorations nothing permanent occurred in terms of mental well-being. Road traffic accidents are another matter entirely :/ . Maybe it was just me, but i found genuine clarity with DMT sessions, despite the speed of woooooooosh and immediate reality disintegration, its v hard to articulate. What some people label elves i found more as a kind of presence, an intelligence (but language fails again), which wasnt threatening or invasive, more the 1 aspect of those experiences that was almost communicating with my spannered self. It was only through doing it more that i managed to remember more when coming down off the drug, comparing field-trip notes with mates for example, which pushed through the whole "whoaaaaah wtf is appenin" into something coherent. Learning about Dennis McKenna's (not El-Tel) ultimate of ultimate bad trips (the 1 where they thought they could fetch back matter from their trips into actual reality) certainly made an impression. Not that i could abide by the huge amount of bollix the McKenna chaps wrote, more a certain level of misplaced respect for their commitment to that cause.


i'd never say never again, but sometimes you have to "retire" so to speak and as much as i had an absolute blast at times on all kinds of compounds (the music environments of the time def contributed for the better here too), everything that could be seen, witnessed and learned from entry into those rooms has/had been gleamed. My olde brain can just about cope with greenery and strong opiates for permanent crush injuries.

Edited by cwmbrancity
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Based on you guys' discussion I am going to be very cautious. And not that I know anything but I think this quote is probably pretty accurate and if you follow it you'd be more safe:



If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen

-Alan Watts

Oh and do you guys when on LSD get the feeling that you've felt these things before? I got these feelings like I've experienced this before but I just couldn't put my finger on it. And I know I have too. Sometimes years ago even back when I was a young child I'd get a feeling for just a moment but I can't think of a way to explain it to myself using the English language so I forget about it, but then now on LSD it was nonstop remembering all of these moments in my life that weren't describable because it was THIS feeling. It was weird and familiar.

Edited by Zeffolia
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I've heard of lsd being used in a therapudic setting and having pretty amazing results for people with issues like agoraphobia and addiction. And on the flipside, there are the stories of PSTD-like symptoms after bad trips, HPPD, etc. I think most of us, who've used these drugs relatively lightly, haven't noticed much of any long term change. If anything my 10-20 trips have changed my thinking only in very subtle ways, giving me some interesting new ideas to reflect upon. It's always been pretty benevolent for me, but it is definitely smart to test the waters with low doses since some people do not react well.


For example. Last time I tripped a friend of mine had a breakdown and locked himself in his room the whole night. Then the next day he texted us all that he couldn't be our friends any more and something about wanting to kill people we knew. Pretty sure he's in the latent psychosis category. At least he saved that for the day after - we actually managed to have a pretty good trip that night despite wondering what was up with him. Low enough dose that we were able to keep things casual. Also, that dude has always done way too much ecstasy, and I feel like that can really perma-fuck peoples' emotions, especially if they make a habit of candyflipping (and are maybe psychotic on top of it all).

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I've heard of lsd being used in a therapudic setting and having pretty amazing results for people with issues like agoraphobia and addiction. And on the flipside, there are the stories of PSTD-like symptoms after bad trips, HPPD, etc. I think most of us, who've used these drugs relatively lightly, haven't noticed much of any long term change. If anything my 10-20 trips have changed my thinking only in very subtle ways, giving me some interesting new ideas to reflect upon. It's always been pretty benevolent for me, but it is definitely smart to test the waters with low doses since some people do not react well.


For example. Last time I tripped a friend of mine had a breakdown and locked himself in his room the whole night. Then the next day he texted us all that he couldn't be our friends any more and something about wanting to kill people we knew. Pretty sure he's in the latent psychosis category. At least he saved that for the day after - we actually managed to have a pretty good trip that night despite wondering what was up with him. Low enough dose that we were able to keep things casual. Also, that dude has always done way too much ecstasy, and I feel like that can really perma-fuck peoples' emotions, especially if they make a habit of candyflipping (and are maybe psychotic on top of it all).


I'm not sure if there is a direct correlation here or some other cause, but I've noticed that over the years, especially after experimenting with things like mdma/psychedelics, that my sensitivity to cannabis is heightened. I know that it is stronger now so there is that part of the equation, but I can very easily overdue it on cannabis and not be in a good position mentally during the peak strength of the cannabis high. I'm not sure if this has to do with permanent changes to my brain, part of my brain development, or some sort of change in the strength/characteristics of the cannabis that is supplied here, but there was definitely a noticeable change in how I perceive being stoned after experimenting with those other medicines.

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Based on you guys' discussion I am going to be very cautious. And not that I know anything but I think this quote is probably pretty accurate and if you follow it you'd be more safe:



If you get the message, hang up the phone. For psychedelic drugs are simply instruments, like microscopes, telescopes, and telephones. The biologist does not sit with eye permanently glued to the microscope, he goes away and works on what he has seen


-Alan Watts


Oh and do you guys when on LSD get the feeling that you've felt these things before? I got these feelings like I've experienced this before but I just couldn't put my finger on it. And I know I have too. Sometimes years ago even back when I was a young child I'd get a feeling for just a moment but I can't think of a way to explain it to myself using the English language so I forget about it, but then now on LSD it was nonstop remembering all of these moments in my life that weren't describable because it was THIS feeling. It was weird and familiar.


also on DMT, that feeling of deja vue.


The feeling of bliss that has been somehow forgotten/hidden because of our ego

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For me, my binges on MXE were the most profound, blissful and transcendent experiences I have ever encountered as a human being. It was so strangely seductive for me. It was as if I was viewing the world anew again, everything felt fresh, and the wonkiness of a powerful trip was almost always worth it. But it was just way too addictive for me, especially as it had so few apparent side effects. All I wanted was more, day in, day out.


Now, DMT is something different. This must be chemical communication with extraterrestrial life forces if there is any. I used to take Spice on my comedown from MXE as it would always lighten the DMT experience in a positive way. Without MXE, the trip had potential to have a much more serious, malevolent tone.


I do have loads of homemade e-Spice at my disposal, but honestly, the stuff is intimidating.. and at two years sober, even slight altercation to just my serotonin receptors alone can throw my normal, daily routine off. I'm comfortable with low doses once in a while. The effect is similar to traditional tryptamines, but with a much shorter duration.


These substances deserve the utmost respect. It saddens me to think so many people marginalize these drugs in place of dumb intoxicants such as alcohol or stimulants. Each can arguably have their place in moderation, but why do so many societies shun such powerful healers/teachers? Fear of the unknown or uncertain?


Anyway, I feel like bragging, so here is my rig, including my glass sherlock and temp-controlled vape mod with rebuildable coil, strictly for Spice. Tools for spiritual/alien/otherworldly guidance.


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  • 1 month later...

WOW. Microdosing LSD was amazing my first time yesterday. My day was noticeably very good


1/8 tab resulted in:

-Uplifting mood

-Happiness for being alive

-Feeling like I am very connected to my body and the world and less dissociated within my own mind (computer use can do this to me)

-Lots of energy like I had tons of caffeine, definitely a good stimulant

-Minor visuals in the form of brightness and color enhancement, everything with a rough texture had a very subtle look of being shimmery and gold like it was painted with pretty reflective paint


Will admit though had some very bad muscle soreness for a while which went away when I exercised. Will report back on how it goes when I do again in a few days

Edited by Zeffolia
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For me, my binges on MXE were the most profound, blissful and transcendent experiences I have ever encountered as a human being. It was so strangely seductive for me. It was as if I was viewing the world anew again, everything felt fresh, and the wonkiness of a powerful trip was almost always worth it. But it was just way too addictive for me, especially as it had so few apparent side effects. All I wanted was more, day in, day out.


Now, DMT is something different. This must be chemical communication with extraterrestrial life forces if there is any. I used to take Spice on my comedown from MXE as it would always lighten the DMT experience in a positive way. Without MXE, the trip had potential to have a much more serious, malevolent tone.


I do have loads of homemade e-Spice at my disposal, but honestly, the stuff is intimidating.. and at two years sober, even slight altercation to just my serotonin receptors alone can throw my normal, daily routine off. I'm comfortable with low doses once in a while. The effect is similar to traditional tryptamines, but with a much shorter duration.


These substances deserve the utmost respect. It saddens me to think so many people marginalize these drugs in place of dumb intoxicants such as alcohol or stimulants. Each can arguably have their place in moderation, but why do so many societies shun such powerful healers/teachers? Fear of the unknown or uncertain?


Anyway, I feel like bragging, so here is my rig, including my glass sherlock and temp-controlled vape mod with rebuildable coil, strictly for Spice. Tools for spiritual/alien/otherworldly guidance.


Spice, the synthetic cannabinoid product?

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  • 2 months later...

Hey so I'm probably being paranoid but I just took a drug test, urinalysis, and I want to know how long THC stays in your system. I've seen numbers from 3 days to 3 months. I'm like 99 percent sure I'm fine. I never smoke anymore, just ate a little edible like 4 weeks ago. Idk if theres been any advancements in urine drug testing.


Anyways, just tell me your drug testing stories and tell me I'll be alright.

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Hey so I'm probably being paranoid but I just took a drug test, urinalysis, and I want to know how long THC stays in your system. I've seen numbers from 3 days to 3 months. I'm like 99 percent sure I'm fine. I never smoke anymore, just ate a little edible like 4 weeks ago. Idk if theres been any advancements in urine drug testing.


Anyways, just tell me your drug testing stories and tell me I'll be alright.

If it's little, you'll be fine.


I remember getting a drug test from my job and I had a little brownie about 4 or 5 days before and I tested negative. You'll be fine, especially if it was 4 weeks ago.

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Hey so I'm probably being paranoid but I just took a drug test, urinalysis, and I want to know how long THC stays in your system. I've seen numbers from 3 days to 3 months. I'm like 99 percent sure I'm fine. I never smoke anymore, just ate a little edible like 4 weeks ago. Idk if theres been any advancements in urine drug testing.


Anyways, just tell me your drug testing stories and tell me I'll be alright.

If it's little, you'll be fine.


I remember getting a drug test from my job and I had a little brownie about 4 or 5 days before and I tested negative. You'll be fine, especially if it was 4 weeks ago.



hmmm, i have no tolerance and i remember getting really fucked up. It said on the package something like 130mg per dose. Gave the rest to a friend and he could barely feel it

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Hey so I'm probably being paranoid but I just took a drug test, urinalysis, and I want to know how long THC stays in your system. I've seen numbers from 3 days to 3 months. I'm like 99 percent sure I'm fine. I never smoke anymore, just ate a little edible like 4 weeks ago. Idk if theres been any advancements in urine drug testing.


Anyways, just tell me your drug testing stories and tell me I'll be alright.

i think you'll be fine but these new urine drug testings show how much illegal porn you downloaded tough

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