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Funny Pictures Part 2


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This actually just happened.

Twin lightning strikes! That never happens!


erm , i think it's the twin tower site, being 9/11 and all...


Twin lightning strikes seems more impressive. Extra points if it happened somewhere with any historical significance whatever.

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NASA accidentally launching a frog together with rocket:






A still camera on a sound trigger captured this intriguing photo of an airborne frog as NASA's LADEE spacecraft lifts off from Pad 0B at Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia. The photo team confirms the frog is real and was captured in a single frame by one of the remote cameras used to photograph the launch. The condition of the frog, however, is uncertain.


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the frog must have been holding it in an attempt to take it into space


poor little bastard



it's even funnier if you read it in the voice of derek from derek and clive




When reading posts from all you union jacks, I read them in sweet british accents. The one i use for you Madame is super sultry & I add "spot of tea gov'ner" at the end.

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