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I don't get the love for this game at all. The story is dumb, which wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't being shoved down your throat between every single mission. Combat is way too slow paced, because the enemy takes forever to make a move. Your troops can't hit shit, even if it says there's a 90% chance, but, the enemies hit you nearly every single time.


What a bullcrap game. People have bad taste.


Oh, and lol at alien.

Edited by Friendly Foil
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Eurogamer outright savaged the new Aliens game, and they're by far one of the most trustworthy sources for reviews. Those of you who paid full whack for it - I am truely sorry for your lots.


Anyone who wants a good Alien game should play the 1998 FPS Alien Versus Predator by Rebellion. It's by far the best Alien game ever made, it costs about 20p on Steam, and for a game that's nearly 15 years old it holds up remarkably well today.

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Gearbox games are so hit & miss.


But this is sad. I really wanted a good Aliens game.

There's some question to how much of the game is Gearbox, as the rumour goes they were brought in after the original developer made a right mess of things and GB was brought in to salvage the mess.

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In other news, Ni No Kuni is amazing - beat the game (about 60 hours), and now going for the final trophies. Finding all the familiars is fun, like Pokemon but with graphics that don't make your eyes bleed.

I was about to grab it the other day. Looks awesome. Is the 60 hour time including most or all optional things to do in the game?

I beat the game around the 55 hour mark, and I didn't spend too much time grinding or doing side quests - I just beat the Colosseum last night, and all my main characters are nearing level 99. I'd say 45-55 hours is a good average for the entire story. I could see this easily taking 100+ finding all the familiars, etc.


Nice. It sounds like there's a lot to do. I'm hoping the story reaches the same heights as the films.

The story is great and touching, pure Miyazaki magic.


I know there's people on here who seem to hate the series, but honestly Dead Space 3 is pretty badass, the demo isn't totally reflective of actual gameplay so much as they just combined a bunch of stuff to show some of the new elements of the game...


As for the full game, they've improved upon a lot of things both in terms of gameplay and graphics. For those worried about the new outdoor environments, fear not, the game still delivers in the more open maps, and you don't reach Tau Volantis until about 33% into the game (I've just gotten there not long ago myself), it still has that "Dead Space" feel and creepyness, very much so and it feels better than ever. Also, the new weapon creation system is pretty sweet and I've barely scratched the surface of it myself. I'm going through solo campaign first then plan to tackle some co-op online. (If anyone with a PS3 wants to join up shoot me a PM)

Hmmm... sounds better than what the demo alluded to - I think we'll still wait for this to drop to around 30 or 20, like we did with both prior installments.


Do you know about the infinite resources glitch? Apparently it takes the piss out of EA's micro-transaction scheme to monetize Dead Space by allowing you to get all the resources you need to craft whatever weapons you want. I haven't looked at how to do it myself yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's similar to the infinite node/credit glitches that were in the first two games, since it appears they are using the same game engine for this installment.

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Gearbox games are so hit & miss.


But this is sad. I really wanted a good Aliens game.

There's some question to how much of the game is Gearbox, as the rumour goes they were brought in after the original developer made a right mess of things and GB was brought in to salvage the mess.


I don't remember reading about a messy development. But development started back in 2006, and in 2008 Sega and Gearbox more or less cancelled the game, but then Randy Pitchford said that they were still working on it.

But come on, you could smell a terrible game coming from miles away.

Didn't I mention that I thought this game would be mediocre a couple of pages back?


EDIT: Oh, I did... but in a different thread



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This is the supposed story of the development:

"Primary development" on Aliens: Colonial Marines was outsourced to Section 8 developer TimeGate Studios.


That's the claim made by an alleged former developer in a May 2012 forum post (spotted by Superannuation), who describes the game's six-year development as "a total train wreck".

The 'developer', who goes on to state that he or she has since moved on to new Austin-based studio Armature, claims that core studio Gearbox actually focused it efforts on the game's multiplayer mode.


The post reads: "Hate to say it, but I wouldn't get your hopes up too high for Colonial Marines. I used to work at Gearbox, and the development of that game has been a total train wreck, going on what, six years now?


"Gearbox isn't even making the game, except for the multiplayer. Primary development was outsourced to TimeGate Studios, which has a less than stellar past.


"I hope it proves me wrong, as I still have alot of friends still working at Gearbox, but I am expecting it to be average at best."


CVG has contacted Sega for comment.


TimeGate's involvement in the Colonial Marines project has been known, and Texas studio Nerve and Demiurge Studios also contributed to development - the latter heading up the Wii U version of the game.


However, Gearbox president Randy Pitchford is reported to have claimed last year that his in-house team contributed "roughly 80 percent of the work" on Colonial Marines.


TimeGate's previous work includes RTS game Axis & Allies, plus F.E.A.R. expansion Extraction Point.


Aliens: Colonial Marines reviews went live this morning and although they're largely negative, most reserve praise for the game's online offering.

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Guest Frankie5fingers


no i have not. but i highly doubt that that will be the one exception.


If you want more exceptions try Ys: The Oath in Felghana and Ys: Origin (available on Steam). If you can beat the bosses in those games with mouse and keyboard then you are seriously some kind of keyboard-mouse god.

i like where this is going. people suggesting me games that most play with a controller and i gotta do it with a keyboard & mouse. ill give this a try too.

Edited by Frankie5fingers
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Hello gamers. I just saw an advert for Aliens: Colonial Marines and started dreaming about the idea of sticking an i5 CPU in my Dell Optiplex 745. I am consumed by the urge to buy one if i can get confirmation it will fit in the casing. I think it would be cool to have this dell as a gaming unit, its about the same size as an xBox and has a kinda ''whoa there, easy tiger'' factor about it. Probably a dumb idea. I searched it and it was all dumbasses arguing about whether it would work or not. Do you gamers think this is possible?

reviews sound like its an abortion from beginning to end, shame Gearbox put their name on it, apparently they subbed most of the development to another inferior studio anyway. Bummer, this was one of the reasons I got a Wii U. Edited by Rubin Farr
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Hmmm... sounds better than what the demo alluded to - I think we'll still wait for this to drop to around 30 or 20, like we did with both prior installments.

Do you know about the infinite resources glitch? Apparently it takes the piss out of EA's micro-transaction scheme to monetize Dead Space by allowing you to get all the resources you need to craft whatever weapons you want. I haven't looked at how to do it myself yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if it's similar to the infinite node/credit glitches that were in the first two games, since it appears they are using the same game engine for this installment.

I'm not aware of the glitch, but the game does have scavenger bots that you can send out now to mine resources and deliver them to the bench systems... I just make sure to stay on top of always having them sent out so I feel I do okay with resources.

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That new Aliens game looks mediocre at best, and a steamy fecal pile at worst.

I figured Gearbox would've learned something after dragging development of a product for years that turned out to be a train wreck like Duke Nukem Forever...

Yeah, they should focus only on the Borderlands series.

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That new Aliens game looks mediocre at best, and a steamy fecal pile at worst.


I figured Gearbox would've learned something after dragging development of a product for years that turned out to be a train wreck like Duke Nukem Forever...


Yeah, they should focus only on the Borderlands series.

Seems Gearbox never learns... although I think Duke Nukem was a poorly thought out cash grab on their part... they need to realize the stuff they're putting their name on damages their reputation and no matter how good the Boarderlands franchise is to them (which will lose steam soon if not already), nobody's gonna touch a non-Boarderlands Gearbox game if this keeps up.

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Also, another reason to be a mad Wii U owner (although I can't help but say I told ya so):


Rayman Legends (sequel to the supremely awesome Rayman Origins) was a Wii U exclusive, and set to release this month, but the money-hungry assholes at UBI Soft decided at the last minute to ditch the exclusivity (probably after seeing how poorly the Wii U has faired despite a strong launch) and come out with PS3/360 versions, and DELAY the Wii U version (it's a done game, in the can) until September so they can do a simultaneous launch. The devs are pissed, fans are pissed (well, perhaps not PS3/360 fans :emotawesomepm9: ), and the only thing to make up for it is a Wii U demo.


Why not release it for the Wii U first, let the Wii U fans (and a few who might buy a Wii U for a decent platform game like Rayman) have it for a few months, then release it for the PS3/360, and perhaps even improve on the Wii U version?


It will be interesting to see if the Wii U-specific features get dropped or somehow translate over for the PS3/360 versions...


And, Dark Souls fans who haven't picked up the expansion, Artorias of the Abyss - it's half-price on PSN right now, only 7.50USD.

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I knew Aliens: Colonial Marines was gonna be shit from the beginning... But like was mentioned, for a good Aliens game, seek out Aliens Vs Predator or AVP2, both I think were also remastered for Xbox360 and PS3, those two games are the best Alien/Predator games there is and probably ever will be.

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