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Revisiting Outland. Got it a while ago wit PS+ and only briefly played it. It is enjoyable in a simple-minded way. Wondering it if will get too repetitive after a while? I'll carry on and find out.

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Turns out I just 'lost' the game (XCOM) after six hours of play. Dumbest game I've played in quite a while. How anyone can find this enjoyable is beyond my comprehension.




It's probably the same people that think Dark Souls is "TEH BEST GAME EVAH", that likes it.



Edited by Ceerial
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Turns out I just 'lost' the game (XCOM) after six hours of play. Dumbest game I've played in quite a while. How anyone can find this enjoyable is beyond my comprehension.




It's probably the same people that think Dark Souls is "TEH BEST GAME EVAH", that likes it.




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im giving skyrim another go since i didn't really play more than a couple of hours the first time around. using a gamepad instead of the keyboard/mouse this time though which feels a lot better (there's something i never thought i'd hear myself say).


does anyone know of any cool mods i should get? i never really bother with mods, but i keep hearing about how cool some of the skyrim ones are.

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Thinking of getting a 3DSXL. It comes bundled with a Pokemon game. I'm not sure if I should go for it? Are Pokemon games just for kids? I used to have one for my original Gameboy but I was a fair bit younger then.

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im giving skyrim another go since i didn't really play more than a couple of hours the first time around. using a gamepad instead of the keyboard/mouse this time though which feels a lot better (there's something i never thought i'd hear myself say).


does anyone know of any cool mods i should get? i never really bother with mods, but i keep hearing about how cool some of the skyrim ones are.

This is a bit of an effort but believe me it's worth it -


0. Turn on the (now) 3 official hi-def texture packs from the setup screen if you haven't already


1. Get Nexus Mod Manager ( http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/modmanager ). It's make mod installation/removal so much easier and you can check for updates quickly


2. Get the following mods -

* EDWS - Enhanced Dynamic Weather System (Improves the quality/realism of weather effects)


* Realistic Lighting Overhaul (ace lighting mod without affecting framerate)


* Static Mesh Improvement Mod (improves the meshes of objects so round things are round etc.)[/url]


* W.A.T.E.R. (Really good improvement of all liquid things)


* Possessive Corpses (stops save bloat)


Better Dynamic Snow (self explanatory) -


Immersive Skyrim Thunder (makes storms sound more like storms)[/url]


Rainbows (rainbows occur when they should)


* Wet and Cold (things/people look damp when raining, frost and breath vapour when snowing)

(the ones I've starred I highly recommend - the others are nice extras)


3. Use BOSS to ensure those mods are loaded in the right order - http://code.google.com/p/better-oblivion-sorting-software/


4. Clean the main datafiles using TES5Edit - http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859. Here's the step by step guide to using it -



You should now have the game looking pretty as a picture but which hardly (if at all) affect the game framerate one bit. The last 2 steps will also mean that despite all those mods it'll be as stable as anything (been using all those mods simultaneously and have clocked around 60 hours without any problems)

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Thinking of getting a 3DSXL. It comes bundled with a Pokemon game. I'm not sure if I should go for it? Are Pokemon games just for kids? I used to have one for my original Gameboy but I was a fair bit younger then.

I haven't really played pokemon in years, but they're quite enjoyable methinks. I've got the 3ds xl and I must say it's a great little piece of kit. I'm really digging the zelda remake and resident evil revelations. I'll probably pick up the new fire emblem game when I finish those, I keep hearing all sorts of great things about it. I don't think that Pokemon game is made for the 3ds though, so it probably just runs in DS mode.

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Revisiting Outland. Got it a while ago wit PS+ and only briefly played it. It is enjoyable in a simple-minded way. Wondering it if will get too repetitive after a while? I'll carry on and find out.

Outland is great - hard too, especially the final few bosses. Really tests your reflexes switching from red to blue while in motion.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Thinking of getting a 3DSXL. It comes bundled with a Pokemon game. I'm not sure if I should go for it? Are Pokemon games just for kids? I used to have one for my original Gameboy but I was a fair bit younger then.

i still play pokemon. i dont care if it is for kids cause its sooo much fun. over ten years later and i still find pokemon as enjoyable as i did as a kid.

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Thinking of getting a 3DSXL. It comes bundled with a Pokemon game. I'm not sure if I should go for it? Are Pokemon games just for kids? I used to have one for my original Gameboy but I was a fair bit younger then.

i still play pokemon. i dont care if it is for kids cause its sooo much fun. over ten years later and i still find pokemon as enjoyable as i did as a kid.

You might like this then. http://pokemon3d.net/

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Oh right, I finished The Room in one sitting last weekend. It's an adventure game in the style of Myst/The 7th Guest for iOS. It was awesome! Great puzzles, great atmosphere, and for once a game that actually makes good use of the iPhone's/iPad's features instead of doing everything it possibly can to add iOS features into the game. It makes use of them in a clever way.

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I can't get excited for anything Bungie after Halo Reach. Which is really sad, considering how much I used to play Halo 2 online, back in the day.

Well I don't necessarily blame them for losing a bit of quality control with Halo as it was being milked by Microsoft. Hopefully them being independent will spark their creativity again and deliver something as special as the first Halo especially. Halo 2 single player sucked imo but multiplayer online was really fun yeah.

Jones is like a fixer, he has this ability to look at a genre, pinpoint the things that no one realized were broken, and releases games that fix them. He did it marathon (adding story, improving level design, and health systems), Myth(drop building, resource gathering, etc), Halo (Vehicles, combat triad, animation and physics, holy trinity, combat loop, etc) and in Halo 2 (Matchmaking, Bungie.net etc). Very rarely do his games feature a single hook, they generally feature tons of improvements over similar offerings, which can make them hard to explain.

Edited by compson
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So I was browsing through gamestop yesterday and saw Aliens : Colonial Marines for 19.99 already. A day from release and already returned and resold at clearance rates? I laughed a little. What a flop, doesn't even look worth it at that price.

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I might as well give up on this XCOM thing. Started another game yesterday. Followed all the advice I could find around the interwebz, but everything is still going to shit.


My troops in every single battle: Miss, miss, panic, die. I've upgraded their weapons, given them the most expensive armor available, and they still fail hard in almost every single battle. The aliens are pretty badass though. Hit me 9/10 times with their shots.


Back to Mass Effect.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

I might as well give up on this XCOM thing. Started another game yesterday. Followed all the advice I could find around the interwebz, but everything is still going to shit.


My troops in every single battle: Miss, miss, panic, die. I've upgraded their weapons, given them the most expensive armor available, and they still fail hard in almost every single battle. The aliens are pretty badass though. Hit me 9/10 times with their shots.


Back to Mass Effect.

that aboy! ditch the crap and play an amazing game again!

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