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Playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl once more. It's one of those classic shooters that has a bit of an acquired taste, but you learn to love it once you get into it. It's like Fallout with Counter-Strike style combat. Even over six years after its release it never fails to impress, at least for me.

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Playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl once more. It's one of those classic shooters that has a bit of an acquired taste, but you learn to love it once you get into it. It's like Fallout with Counter-Strike style combat. Even over six years after its release it never fails to impress, at least for me.


with a mod? I love Stalker but the vanilla is just too broken.


Just the vanilla. I've been under a rock, so to speak. I've yet to try any modded version.


I don't suppose the setup procedure is too complex though?

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Beat Catherine


Is it worth finishing? I was intrigued by some of the storytelling and presentation but my stupid brain got tired of those nightmare puzzles. Might give it another go if the rest can hold it up.


I've been playing Starseed Pilgrim. Interesting game. The mechanics are not complex but it's very hard to master. A lot of experimentation and iteration to find patterns that work.

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Guest Eggylips

Dishonoured (5/10)


Wow, the five and a half ways of killing enemies with as much AI as a Casio watch got boring pretty fast.



Far Cry 3 (7/10)


Worth a play, probably better than the first in some ways, much better than the second. But didn't like how it teased you about the mythological stuff on island/WW2 aspects (dogtags.... great), was expecting some kind of experiments gone wrong ala the first game style monsters at the end but the trippy scenes were well done and I liked the story.


Bioshock Infinite (8/10)


Pretty much completed it in a sit down and a half, great looking/atmosphere/partnership with the girl. Thought the ending was clever at first but then realised it tried to be too 'lost' and they didn't really know what was going on, I shouldn't have to trawl the internet for five days to understand the plot holes... I dunno.


Max Payne 3 (playing at the moment.... 7/10 so far)


Pretty comedy plus in parts and entertaining but the shooting seems broken and every time I come out from cover the target reticle has changed position, some enemies take five head shots to down etc.. and there's not much story apart from go rescue girl/she escapes/rinse and repeat.


Guildwars 2 (level 63 so far, 8/10)


Classic MMORPG stuff, pretty world and it's only pay once unless you want a haircut, doesn't really need explaining but the quests seem varied but I need a new computer to play world vs world not looking like a comic book frames per second.

Edited by Eggylips
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Put in a nice session of DayZ this weekend. Super fun. I'm a cold-blooded killer.


I really hope the alpha standalone releases in June. I've been intrigued by Dayz since last year but I can't justify buying Arma 2 when the standalone has already been announced.

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Beat Catherine


Is it worth finishing? I was intrigued by some of the storytelling and presentation but my stupid brain got tired of those nightmare puzzles. Might give it another go if the rest can hold it up.


I've been playing Starseed Pilgrim. Interesting game. The mechanics are not complex but it's very hard to master. A lot of experimentation and iteration to find patterns that work.


My brother would say no. I would say try it, theres a little twist in the story, nothing ground breaking but if you are having trouble with those nightmare puzzles just watch the storyline on youtube. I don't know how far you stopped leading up to the cathedral but there is a shit ton of puzzles. (That is the reason why my brother doesn't like the game).


Think of the level progression of Mega Man. Just when you thought you were done beating all those bad guys by going through their "world/levels" to defeat Dr. Wily, you have even more levels (floors in Catherine) before you can reach the "boss". So be prepared to spout a lot of cussing, undo-ing, restart and Love is Over!

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Guest Pennywise

Does Crysis 2 get better as it goes?. I can't play it for more than half an hour at a time. The AI is piss poor. To the extent where the game is ruined for me. They never fucking take cover ever! They just stand there taking bullets. Such a simple but important thing to put into the game. I just don't care about the plot either, you can't skip the cutscenes and if you die you have to go through it again sometimes.


Shitty game

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Dishonoured (5/10)


Wow, the five and a half ways of killing enemies with as much AI as a Casio watch got boring pretty fast.



Far Cry 3 (7/10)


Worth a play, probably better than the first in some ways, much better than the second. But didn't like how it teased you about the mythological stuff on island/WW2 aspects (dogtags.... great), was expecting some kind of experiments gone wrong ala the first game style monsters at the end but the trippy scenes were well done and I liked the story.


Bioshock Infinite (8/10)


Pretty much completed it in a sit down and a half, great looking/atmosphere/partnership with the girl. Thought the ending was clever at first but then realised it tried to be too 'lost' and they didn't really know what was going on, I shouldn't have to trawl the internet for five days to understand the plot holes... I dunno.


Pretty much agree with these, though I haven't played the last two games you mentioned. I don't know how the hell Dishonored got a 91 on Metascore. That game got boring fast, and I never bothered finishing it.


Far Cry 3 was better than I expected. The main letdowns for me were a couple of story missions where stealth was mandatory - if you get detected by the enemy, you fail and are forced to restart the mission. I hate mandatory stealth missions with a passion.

Also, some of the hunting quests require you to hunt rabid dogs with an RPG or flamethrower, or large game like bears or tigers with a pea-shooter Skorpion. That made no sense to me.


As for Bioshock: Infinite, I had the same experience with the ending. I couldn't understand it by playing the game alone. I understand the idea of infinitely many journeys to one destination, but all the time-travel stuff and the protagonist and antagonist supposedly being the same guy still confuses me.



naw, you just install it on top of the vanilla and off you go. try OGSE, it's the only one I've played so it's the only one I can recommend.

I tried OGSE last night, but I couldn't even make it past the Cordon, so I got so frustrated I ended up uninstalling it.


However, I tried the Stalker Complete 2009 mod on it today, which is basically an HD pack for vanilla. All the textures are redone, bugs are smoothed out, and the lighting and atmospherics are tremendously improved. Also, enemy AI is improved, so they can flank the player and use grenades. You can also pay merchants to repair your gear. It's supposedly one of the best mods out there, if not the best.

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Guest Iain C


Put in a nice session of DayZ this weekend. Super fun. I'm a cold-blooded killer.


I really hope the alpha standalone releases in June. I've been intrigued by Dayz since last year but I can't justify buying Arma 2 when the standalone has already been announced.



This is my position too.


Moving on, I've been playing the beta of this and I think it's going to be one of the games of the year for me:




Utterly unique - deserves a wider audience. Here's a good article on it: http://www.polygon.com/2013/3/12/4072512/7-grand-steps





If you wanted to tell the story of humanity — to take people through the evolution of life from the beginning of civilization to modern times — would you do it in a video game?

Keith Nemitz decided to do that with his upcoming game, 7 Grand Steps. The title serves as a description of the game's arc and the idea itself — "ambitious" is one word you could use to describe Nemitz and his game, but the adjective seems somehow inadequate. The nomination of 7 Grand Steps for the Independent Games Festival's Nuovo Award, which recognizes "abstract and unconventional" games, seems apt for its unique, staggering concept and presentation.

In 7 Grand Steps, you begin at the dawn of Western civilization, with the objective of propagating your family line forth through the ages. You'll ascend from laborer to ruler, making decisions along the way that affect your family's chance of survival. You'll encounter other people in similar positions and different ones, discovering the structure of human society. You'll raise children — more than one at a time, if you don't want the family line to die out. This all plays out on a literal wheel of life, in a penny arcade-style interface that more closely resembles a board game than what we think of as a video game.

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