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About a month ago I discovered this amazing mod for Hearts of Iron, called Black I.C.E. Now the game is even better, more in depth with more events and better immersion. Also I think it's a bit harder than the original. Although it is more focused towards historical style, I have somehow managed to go way around historical events: it's summer 1939 and I already conquered Poland, Denmark and Czechoslovakia. Because the independence of Czechoslovakia was guaranteed by Romania and Yugoslavia, I am now at war with both of them, plus with France and Great Britain... and I kind of don't have enough army to defend so many fronts. The good thing is, I've managed to build up some fortifications on the Rhineland so I can use less forces to defend there. Great Britain is giving me a headache with their strategic bombing of my industrial centres, but I have managed to build quite a strong naval force and had succeeded in sinking Great Britain's three battleships and a couple of cruisers and destroyers. Still wasn't able to sink that aircraft carrier d****. Anyway, due to insufficient ground forces I'm playing strictly defensive until I can make a temporary peace with Romania and Yugoslavia, so I can attack France. But Soviet Union is very tempting to invade at this point as well, because they haven't mobilized their Red Army yet... Still I think I kind screwed it up from a strategic point of view and would like to begin again though. First class!

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Guest Frankie5fingers

just read that one of my favorite games is finally gonna get a sequel after 8 or so years, so ive been playing Evil Genius in my off time from GTA V.

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About a month ago I discovered this amazing mod for Hearts of Iron, called Black I.C.E. Now the game is even better, more in depth with more events and better immersion. Also I think it's a bit harder than the original. Although it is more focused towards historical style, I have somehow managed to go way around historical events: it's summer 1939 and I already conquered Poland, Denmark and Czechoslovakia. Because the independence of Czechoslovakia was guaranteed by Romania and Yugoslavia, I am now at war with both of them, plus with France and Great Britain... and I kind of don't have enough army to defend so many fronts. The good thing is, I've managed to build up some fortifications on the Rhineland so I can use less forces to defend there. Great Britain is giving me a headache with their strategic bombing of my industrial centres, but I have managed to build quite a strong naval force and had succeeded in sinking Great Britain's three battleships and a couple of cruisers and destroyers. Still wasn't able to sink that aircraft carrier d****. Anyway, due to insufficient ground forces I'm playing strictly defensive until I can make a temporary peace with Romania and Yugoslavia, so I can attack France. But Soviet Union is very tempting to invade at this point as well, because they haven't mobilized their Red Army yet... Still I think I kind screwed it up from a strategic point of view and would like to begin again though. First class!



awesome man, glad you love the Paradox games too! Youll be hooked soon enough.


Which Hearts of War is it? I only have II, but id love to get III+all the expansions once it gets cheap enough.


The Soviet Union is such a bitch to beat after 1940, pretty much impossible after 1941...team up on them early when you have the massive infrastructure and tech advantage, and then do nothing but encircle their infantry, rinse and repeat over and over. I think the fastest I had ever gotten the SU to sue for peace was one year. Another time I had to drive all the way into Siberia and it didn't end until late 1945.

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Oh I'm hooked already, so many ways to play this game, it's awesome. Now I'm playing HOI III Their Finest Hour with Black I.C.E. mod, which I think makes TFH quite better. With so many additions and modifications it's actually a completely new game and it takes some time to know.


SU is so vast it's seems like I can never have enough units. The previous game I played (HOI III TFH) was without the mod and I conquered the whole Europe as well as Soviet Union. But one game before that something interesting happened. I've destroyed much of the Red Army with encirclements, taken Moscow and Stalingrad. But the situation around Leningrad was far more unstable though. I've encircled a huge Soviet armada in the city of Leningrad, but my units were already too stretched across a huge front and those around Leningrad were quite in a bad shape (low org and supplies). I could not hold the siege on Leningrad as the huge armada trapped in the city managed to break out. Then I had to transfer a large number of units from other parts of the front to fix the situation there. As I was trying to solve this, out of nowhere came the Red Army with some ally from the east, and managed to put together a large force and regained some of their land back, threatening to encircle my units around Stalingrad. My invasion was just about to collapse as I finally and barely managed to take Leningrad. The fronts around Moscow and Stalingrad were clinging on their nails and the only thing that saved me was the fact that I had enough land between Moscow and Stalingrad and my front to slowly withdraw back towards the cities. The AI surrendered after I took Leningrad, but I believe that was only due to some AI rules. If it was a human player I'd probably have to withdraw even further, eventually probably even loosing my grasp on Stalingrad and Moscow. That was a good game.


Supply is quite a problem in invading SU. Do you actually build infrastructure on your conquered territories? Interesting is that you had to go all over to Siberia to finish it.

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Guest Gravity

This looks fucking great, too bad I don't have a Wii U. Maybe once it gets more games. So much better than the E3 trailer.


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I saw two kids that must have been 13 do a smash and grab this morning with a brick at Toys R Us. they took as many DS systems and Pokemon games as they could grab, and broke thru the door on the way out, lol. the employess just stood there with their arms crossed.

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this looks awesome!



I've been looking forward to this new one ever since I found out about the first one a few months back - http://forum.watmm.com/topic/75676-what-video-games-are-you-currently-playing-part-ii/page-82?p=1986359&do=findComment&comment=1986359


I believe it's out later this week - 17th October possibly ?

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I've been playing Doom 3 thru the Revility Mod, of all things. I forgot how many god damn Imps are in the game though. Why not make a map with an infinitely-stocked Imp dispenser and continually blow them away with the BFG. Or better yet, make them run thru an obstacle course like the Eukanuba dog show until you get tired of them and then BFG-frag them. Fuckin' Imps, I tell ya.

I wonder how Lunar Software is doing on their Routine development. Playing that game is on my bucket list.

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I spent the last 3 hours playing Chef Boyardee's Barkley, Shut Up and Jam: Gaiden, Chapter 1 of the Hoops Barkley SaGa. It's a pretty easy game, but it is giving me so much joy. Thank you Tales of Game's.



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Giving Beyond: Two Souls a try, haven't finished it yet but so far it's dark and really fucking good looking... The story is complex and interesting, if you liked Heavy Rain definitely worth giving a try.



Edited by ghOsty
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Guest disparaissant

finally giving civ v a fair shake (always preferred iv) and actually really enjoying it. absolutely slaughtering as gandhi, - just took over half of spain and a couple of city states - which caused my girlfriend to ask me if i was at least a little ashamed of myself.

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Guest Gravity


Watch Dogs delayed indefinitely to 2014

any sources? cause i was really looking forward to it.





Our ambition from the start with Watch Dogs has been to deliver something that embodies what we wanted to see in the next-generation of gaming. It is with this in mind that we’ve made the tough decision to delay the release until spring 2014.

We know a lot of you are probably wondering: Why now? We struggled with whether we would delay the game. But from the beginning, we have adopted the attitude that we will not compromise on quality. As we got closer to release, as all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place in our last push before completion, it became clear to us that we needed to take the extra time to polish and fine tune each detail so we can deliver a truly memorable and exceptional experience.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you. We thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the way you respond on the web, at events, press conferences and other opportunities we have to interact. Your passion keeps us motivated.

We can’t wait to see you in Chicago next spring. We are confident you’ll love this game as much as we love working on it.

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Guest Frankie5fingers



Watch Dogs delayed indefinitely to 2014

any sources? cause i was really looking forward to it.





Our ambition from the start with Watch Dogs has been to deliver something that embodies what we wanted to see in the next-generation of gaming. It is with this in mind that we’ve made the tough decision to delay the release until spring 2014.

We know a lot of you are probably wondering: Why now? We struggled with whether we would delay the game. But from the beginning, we have adopted the attitude that we will not compromise on quality. As we got closer to release, as all the pieces of the puzzle were falling into place in our last push before completion, it became clear to us that we needed to take the extra time to polish and fine tune each detail so we can deliver a truly memorable and exceptional experience.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you. We thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the way you respond on the web, at events, press conferences and other opportunities we have to interact. Your passion keeps us motivated.

We can’t wait to see you in Chicago next spring. We are confident you’ll love this game as much as we love working on it.


thats a shame, they better step up to the plate after doing this.

Thanks man

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Going thru loads of PK3s and WADs for GZDoom a.t.m.
Found a couple that were quite good, including Zen Dynamics and Temple of the Lizard Men II. I think I'll try the Aliens Colonial Marines one next (not the Gearbox flop)

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had some free time so played Europa Universalis III as Austria on hard mode. The game has become unexpectedly entertaining. Spain somehow got into a personal union with France and is now completely dominating Western Europe, allying with Burgundy, Savoy, and Sweden. I'm focusing on inheriting Hungary as soon as possible for the extra manpower, and consolidating authority over the Holy Roman Empire....right now I can't even touch Spain-France....we fought an 8 year war over Normandy and Im positive it hurt me way more than it did them.

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