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Yes but they did downgrade their sales forecast for 3DS as well so it's not invincible.


downloaded Attack of the Friday Monsters last night, very quirky and very Japanese game, part of the Guild02 3DS game pack. I'm surprised it got localized but just the sort of thing I love from Nintendo, and quirkiness is one of its strengths it needs to focus on IMO if they want to survive.

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Anybody know some cool gamecube games?


Resident Evil 4 and the Metroid Primes


Watched a speed run of Metroid Prime last week and a guy beat it in 1 hour. Good luck with that.

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Guest jasondonervan



Yep, I was the victim of peer pressure a few days ago and ended up buying Nidhogg. No regrets, it's crazy fun.

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As far as I've heard, people in big companies in Japan don't really get fired. Instead they jump in front of trains and then someone else takes over their position. I don't know if it's true or not, though.

But Nintendo will do alright, because the 3DS is busting balls - 42.4 mio 3DSs sold!

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Yep, I was the victim of peer pressure a few days ago and ended up buying Nidhogg. No regrets, it's crazy fun.


Yeah I noticed that one on Steam the other day. I think I added it to my wishlist. The "8-bit" grafix and swordplay remind me of Samurai Gunn - another indie piece from over a month ago.


picked up bioshock infinite for the princely sum of 7 wing-wangs. guess i'll be playing that soon!

The environments are amazingly detailed, but the gameplay didn't feel as flexible as the first Bioshock for me. Definitely need a high-powered rig to run it smoothly.

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Guest disparaissant


picked up bioshock infinite for the princely sum of 7 wing-wangs. guess i'll be playing that soon!
The environments are amazingly detailed, but the gameplay didn't feel as flexible as the first Bioshock for me. Definitely need a high-powered rig to run it smoothly.the Mac port is not so great. had a few crashes and had to edit the config file to get it to display any higher than 1366x768. looks okay but the combat is kinda boring. meh so far.
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Yep, I was the victim of peer pressure a few days ago and ended up buying Nidhogg. No regrets, it's crazy fun.


I saw this too and I almost bought it.


I've been playing the heck out if Borderlands 2 with my gf. Hilarious fun.

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picked up bioshock infinite for the princely sum of 7 wing-wangs. guess i'll be playing that soon!


The environments are amazingly detailed, but the gameplay didn't feel as flexible as the first Bioshock for me. Definitely need a high-powered rig to run it smoothly.

the Mac port is not so great. had a few crashes and had to edit the config file to get it to display any higher than 1366x768. looks okay but the combat is kinda boring. meh so far.


yeah it's weird because Ken Levine clearly stated when speaking about Infinite that a key thing that makes a 'shock game a 'shock game is not the setting but rather the design principle of being able to approach a combat situation with many options and playstyles. and yet, the combat in Infinite feels pretty simple and casual even. though sometimes I wonder if it just seems simple because they've stripped certain details away while keeping the same basic elements (vigors, weapons, environments built for combat flexibility).


related to that, I found that while the environments are quite detailed visually, they actually seem less detailed in terms of content, if that makes sense. like you'll have super high-res textures and beautifully constructed rooms and buildings and vistas, but the world doesn't seem to be as rich as in the preceding games with varied characters and items and all those extra bits and pieces that go into fleshing it out.


it's been a couple of months since I finished Infinite and I kind of don't want to revisit it. I didn't like how it fucked with my feelings. of course any engaging fiction is going to fuck with your feelings, you want that, but I didn't like the way this game did it.


(ps. Bioshock 2 is underrated)

Edited by usagi
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I've been playing the heck out if Borderlands 2 with my gf. Hilarious fun.


That's what I'm playing too ATM. Had to take multiple steps to boost the framerate for my dated laptop tho, even after upgrading its RAM to 8 GB.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Update your CPU or your GPU mate. Oh wait, it's a laptop.... Shucks to be you. xXxDesktopGamer4lyfexXx

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Guest viscosity

that Nidhogg game is great, the mechanics are on spot and the pink worm thing is just lol, just wish it was more optimized.. I shouldn't be having any frame drops with a game like this.


running this blast from the past right now:



for the nostalgia. was the only game I could find on GOG from this Shareware package CD I played way back when

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Update your CPU or your GPU mate. Oh wait, it's a laptop.... Shucks to be you. xXxDesktopGamer4lyfexXx

I did have a desktop until I sold it last year cos money probz. But I'll save up for a new one eventually. The general consensus amongst avid gamers seems to be that laptops aren't made for high-end gaming. Guess it's as simple as that.



that Nidhogg game is great, the mechanics are on spot and the pink worm thing is just lol, just wish it was more optimized.. I shouldn't be having any frame drops with a game like this.


running this blast from the past right now:



for the nostalgia. was the only game I could find on GOG from this Shareware package CD I played way back when

Holy shit, I remember that game! It's been ages. I remember it being pretty fun. My ass is so broke right now that I can't even buy it for six bucks tho, hahaha

Edited by ambermonk
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Guest viscosity

jazz jackrabbit and commander keen are all over abandonware sites. just pop em in dosbox and yr set.


oh yeah definitely, it's just GOG is convenient and setup is instant. I'm sending these out to siblings who shared similar memories lol

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse


Update your CPU or your GPU mate. Oh wait, it's a laptop.... Shucks to be you. xXxDesktopGamer4lyfexXx


I don't love custom desktops just because they are usually way cheaper for way more power, generally last longer and don't have any problems staying cool by comparision to laptops. I also prefer 'em because I know zero people that can fix laptops. Laptops seem to have problems really easy and then people have to send them back to the manufacturer or whatever. Fixing desktops is a super easy as it is comparibly cheap.
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I got a new TV this weekend. I really liked my old one but it was over 8 years old and was kinda starting to show its age. But it still works, so there's no way I'm throwing it out.


Anyways, 8 years make a huge difference with this stuff it seems. Everything is hella sharp and smooth and colorful. Makes me want to replay a bunch of stuff all over again.

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I got a new TV this weekend. I really liked my old one but it was over 8 years old and was kinda starting to show its age. But it still works, so there's no way I'm throwing it out.


Anyways, 8 years make a huge difference with this stuff it seems. Everything is hella sharp and smooth and colorful. Makes me want to replay a bunch of stuff all over again.

Holy christ, was it even an HDTV? If it was, I'm guessing 720p.

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