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XI year old Autechre Album Released: Exai (WARP234)

Guest pixelives

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All it takes is one person to leak this and it will push to Bleep by the next day. I actually see this as a good thing... If given the immediate choice of tracking down a subpar rip or a great quality DL, they'd have my money right then and there. Otherwise, once this officially comes out, they have little control over the rip that becomes the standard ware. The way I see it, many do not pay and people who are curious at best, who would never commit to physical media in the first place, are content with a subpar 128kbps rip and that is what represents their work to the majority of those on the web. Or, Bleep gets ahead of it first sign of a leak, and nails down the dedicated right out of the gate, secures some pay, and their work (if it leaks further) is reflected by better quality controlled audio.

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All it takes is one person to leak this and it will push to Bleep by the next day. I actually see this as a good thing... If given the immediate choice of tracking down a subpar rip or a great quality DL, they'd have my money right then and there. Otherwise, once this officially comes out, they have little control over the rip that becomes the standard ware. The way I see it, many do not pay and people who are curious at best, who would never commit to physical media in the first place, are content with a subpar 128kbps rip and that is what represents their work to the majority of those on the web. Or, Bleep gets ahead of it first sign of a leak, and nails down the dedicated right out of the gate, secures some pay, and their work (if it leaks further) is reflected by better quality controlled audio.

what makes you think it'll leak today? could be tomorrow or the day after or even next week

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Guest disoriental express

we can only hope for even more songs that sound like basketball courts being swept by complete psychopaths.

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Guest Araungzeb

Projected vinyl runtimes:

A: 14:51
1. FLeure
2. irlite (get 0)
B: 15:17
3. prac-f
4. jatevee C
5. T ess xi
C: 14:25
6. veksoS
7. Flep
D: 16:00

8. tuinorizn
9. bladelores
E: 15:58
10. 1 1 is
11. nodezsh
F: 11:41
12. runrepik
13. spl9
G: 15:40
14. cloudline
15. deco Loc
H: 17:44
16. recks on
17. YJY UX


Good, with the exception of F these are pretty decent amounts of time per vinyl side. Nothing's more irritating than having to flip sides every 10 minutes...

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indeed, this vinyl biz just looks idiotic in comparison to digital in every sense...unless some people might feel that their exai experience is not complete without having a piece of cardboard with enlarged qr code in their hands.


also, where the fuck is the leak ?!

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