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Death Grips Drama


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tell me if they're any good Candiru, they appear to be sucking live right now http://www.npr.org/e...c-live-from-cmj

he's singing to his own prerecorded vocals which are way better than his live ones


Gah wtf... that's such a dumb way to go about it.

Ear buds and click track for Zach, programming shit through the PA --sooo simple to make this work well live. Hopefully that was just a last minute panic thing because the other dude couldn't make it or something.


Also, sweet vid.

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A friend of mine said that Death Grips is/are better than Autechre. More daring.

I wanna kill him now, I mean, their cover art is a dick, that means they're not serious and that their music sucks, and if there's one thing I hate, it's artists who aren't serious about their music.

So he said: "The album cover is hard, like its theme. Good thinking, strong atmosphere."

So I said: "No, fck off, you don't see Autechre use a cover like that."

And then he said: "No, I find Death Grips a lot better than Autechre. More daring."

Then my brother said: "Tell him he should kill himself, cuz Death Grips don't do anything original. They use ugly presets, they make an electronic beat and murmur a bit. There's nothing 'daring' about it. I don't hear any original sound design, experimenting with beats, or anything that doesn't sound old in two years."

And I totally agree.

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Yeah, based on the watmmers who like death grips I thought I'd love death grips but I don't. And it's ok! It's ok.


And anyway sources on the internets tell me ae are actually going to put a wang on LP11 so that they can stay relevant. Warp is all over this shit.

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A friend of mine said that Death Grips is/are better than Autechre. More daring.

I wanna kill him now, I mean, their cover art is a dick, that means they're not serious and that their music sucks, and if there's one thing I hate, it's artists who aren't serious about their music.

So he said: "The album cover is hard, like its theme. Good thinking, strong atmosphere."

So I said: "No, fck off, you don't see Autechre use a cover like that."

And then he said: "No, I find Death Grips a lot better than Autechre. More daring."

Then my brother said: "Tell him he should kill himself, cuz Death Grips don't do anything original. They use ugly presets, they make an electronic beat and murmur a bit. There's nothing 'daring' about it. I don't hear any original sound design, experimenting with beats, or anything that doesn't sound old in two years."

And I totally agree.

oh look its teh president of the autechre boysclub
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

great PR for sure as now everyone has heard of death grips and seen their penis too


HATE the music myself

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deth grip r gey. album kover prove it.



no but seriously i feel like puking everytime i've tried to listen to this group. i'm sorry but if I want to hear horrible music i'll just turn on the radio.

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deth grip r gey. album kover prove it.



no but seriously i feel like puking everytime i've tried to listen to this group. i'm sorry but if I want to hear horrible music i'll just turn on the radio.


oh u're gay! u betrayed yourself!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Did you guys see what they just posted on their Facebook page?







What do you think? Legit or marketing?


I can't tell anymore =/


I guess it doesn't matter either way since it's achieving the marketing effect, in that we're talking about it and people are listening to it!

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