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Guest bitroast

That chair could be mistaken for a wheelchair.

You even have a bit of a hawking-esque lean going on. Very IDM.

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Yo doodz and doodettez. So I was hanging out at the Roland prototype factory in Niigata this past weekend (IDM connections), and I got to play with something they're working on. Apparently, they've realized the general lack of interest for the AIRA line, so they're working on 100% analog shit. So stay tuned! Here is me playing with one of their new synths (that whole room is one synth, btw):



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preorders full room synth



so he can build it around his bed. The whirs and whirls of this operating in standby will help this weary nightshift worker to drown out the sounds of the daytime when i needs my kip.

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Yo doodz and doodettez. So I was hanging out at the Roland prototype factory in Niigata this past weekend (IDM connections), and I got to play with something they're working on. Apparently, they've realized the general lack of interest for the AIRA line, so they're working on 100% analog shit. So stay tuned! Here is me playing with one of their new synths (that whole room is one synth, btw):




i've now revised my opinion to:



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Played a show last night. Unfortunately, you can't see my scrunched up ultra serious concentration face.

It was a good day - It was my birthday, I got to pledge for CAT023, I had awesome Indian food with my girlfriend, and played a show with some good friends and noise artists.

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Probably couldn't fit the chair in the car. It does encourage one to just press play on a wav file though and then go to the bar for a pint, probably be nice to hear your set from out where the monitors can be heard properly, could even chat to the engineer about set ups for the next track that's coming on.

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Sitting is nowhere as near as cool looking as hunching over two tables of machines! I've always been a sloucher and huncher, so it didn't bother me.

No time to chat or drink beer either! The knobs and faders don't move themselves! Well, mine don't...

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