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'Global Warming's Terrifying New Math'


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Last year it got to 118f/48c where I live and it was no joke. My house didn’t have air conditioning and it was an oven. Every indoor surface was hot. The bag of potato chips was hot. Pills inside bottles were hot. It was fucking insane and my wife was pregnant so we had to cover ourselves with ice packs.

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1 hour ago, ambermonke said:

Meanwhile it's been cloudy and rainy up in Alaska with low 50s F/ 10s C in the mornings. Much cooler summer so far than two years ago.

At this point I'd say it's luck more than anything. Never mind the rapidly receding glaciers.

I wouldn't call it "luck", though. climate change isn't just about the general warming, it'll create a raft of unpredictable changes that will manifest differently depending on the locale.

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Burny Sandesert sounds like a man who would know a few things about global warming

but seriously folks we're full-on "that guy that got turned into water in the first x-men movie" out here, couch is fucked, these may be the end times

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yay! the smoke is here to cool us off by 3 degrees. 

Earth Overshoot Day marks the day on which demand for the planet’s renewable resources outpaced the rate in which they could regenerate. In Canada, meanwhile, consumption of these resources is moving at a “disproportionate” rate, one environment expert told the Star.

Together, this represents a taxing of the earth’s resources that cannot be regenerated within a one-year time frame. At present, we would need 1.7 earths to sustain current human activity levels globally.


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On 8/12/2021 at 3:43 PM, J3FF3R00 said:

Last year it got to 118f/48c where I live and it was no joke. My house didn’t have air conditioning and it was an oven. Every indoor surface was hot. The bag of potato chips was hot. Pills inside bottles were hot. It was fucking insane and my wife was pregnant so we had to cover ourselves with ice packs.

Indeed. Houses in the uk are designed to trap heat so they turn into ovens when the heatwave hits. Though this year has been (thankfully) cool, one day I’ll probably invest in some kind of posh hammock so I can sleep in the garden. It’s almost anxiety inducing when it’s time to go to bed because the house is like a burning hot airless tomb of doom. 

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globally, oil and gas industries get about $500 million annually to subsidize their extraction efforts. At COP26 meeting there's more oil/gas lobbyists than ever present at anything ever. 

it's all bullshit. 

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All of this makes it pretty clear that society is sadly run by very ill psychopaths.

The funny thing is of course they convinced lots of people they were the most rational people around.

Yeah, like destroying the only living habitat we will ever have for money (which is nothing but a human convention that is not based in reality in regard to what is needed for basic survival : air, water, food, ecosystems) is TOTALLY rational.

Make sense 100%

We are run by an extreme form of totally irrational and emotionally disconnected, power and money addicted psychopaths.

They are addicted and they wont stop until all is destroyed. The thirst of greed is infinite.

The psychopathic human brain anomaly has climb the ladder to power and is bringing everyone else in its self destruction. Really sucks for all the animals, plants and decent human beings.


''The brains of psychopaths appear to be wired to keep seeking a reward at any cost, new research from Vanderbilt University finds. The research uncovers the role of the brain's reward system in psychopathy and opens a new area of study for understanding what drives these individuals.''


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13 minutes ago, thefxbip said:

To watch ill psychopaths destroying the whole planet and not being able to do anything about it a special kind of desperation.

i think establishing mutual aid networks and preparing best we can is about all we can do really. some people will be more radical of course. that 'prelude to a disaster' video is pretty even handed about what to expect, where we are etc. when average tax payers in the west start to feel uncomfortable it's gonna get weird.

miami beach is expected to, annually, have 180+ days of 'sunny day floods' by 2030.  90% of the pumps in the everglades that prevent salt water inundation into the biscayne aquifer - the drinking water for all of south florida - will cease to function once sea level rises 2ft. but they're still building skyscraper condos and selling the top floor to billionaires. some guy bought the top floor of the "porsche designed" condo for $40 million a few years ago. it has elevators for your cars. so you pull in and it takes you up to your apartment in your car. 

everything is fucking dumb. 

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On 11/14/2021 at 1:03 AM, thefxbip said:

To watch ill psychopaths destroying the whole planet and not being able to do anything about it a special kind of desperation.




though you set me up to make the point: raising awareness is possible, and consequential. your posts here are an example.


if an individual spends one year making a point to try to reach individuals on a given topic, either going out of their way or just doing so when the opportunity presents itself, the impact is more than just the sum of those direct recipients of that person's messages. it is important to remember the carry-on effect. you may stop someone from going on to be a loud and misleading shithead. you may inspire someone to do more activism. 


you also contribute to awakening people to their responsibility in the modern world to keep watch on the information sanitation in their various social circles. we are still awakening to a different information regime. we're no longer consumers, we are active (or passive) contributors.

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6 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:




though you set me up to make the point: raising awareness is possible, and consequential. your posts here are an example.


if an individual spends one year making a point to try to reach individuals on a given topic, either going out of their way or just doing so when the opportunity presents itself, the impact is more than just the sum of those direct recipients of that person's messages. it is important to remember the carry-on effect. you may stop someone from going on to be a loud and misleading shithead. you may inspire someone to do more activism. 


you also contribute to awakening people to their responsibility in the modern world to keep watch on the information sanitation in their various social circles. we are still awakening to a different information regime. we're no longer consumers, we are active (or passive) contributors.

i agree

The one thing that is definitively possible as an individual and a community is a change of heart regarding values and one's way of life and way of thinking.

A change of heart and of mindset is what a lot of indigenous leaders have been advocating for and i agree.

No one in governments cant fully control your own mind to a complete extent, the spirit will always be the last bastion of freedom. For example in the past few years i have tried to develop a deeper connection to nature and it did develop into a love and appreciation of trees and butterflies especially.

Because one of the cause of the destruction of the earth is definitively alienation from nature and indifference to it. And if one develop love and appreciation for nature, one stops being indifferent to its destruction and start respecting it.

I think we destroy the earth because we don't feel close or related to it anymore.

I have started being interested in bonsai to deepen this and luckily eventually help people develop a connection with trees the same way that i did. For what it is worth, it's my little drop in the ocean lol

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The low this year was 14 Celsius one winter night ?  I’ve noticed that after a few years of this wet/dry tropical sort of climate with a glancing ‘winter’ that I can’t tolerate the temperate cold as well as I once did.

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