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Disney buys Lucasfilm

Rubin Farr

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I definitely think it's good to question icons like Darth Vader though. I mean, yeah. I don't know if it's nostalgia or what. I just know that I personally think they're god movies, I could watch all of them right now, and I like them a lot. I'm not a fanatic, but I know deep down that they are good, well made films that mean something to me. They are important.


Lord of the Rings 1-3? Utter trash. Complete shit compared to Star Wars.

Harry Potter films? Same thing. Shit, no art, no imagination.


The original Star Wars films are works of the imagination, with a sort of Shakespearean element to them. The science of the fiction was really cool and cutting edge, ALA 2001/Alien1. It stands up over time. The SOUNDS were awesome. The tie fighters, the X-Wings. I mean, I remember ALL of this shit without having seen the movies in a while. Like, every scene is iconic. "Use the force" and then blow up the fuckin' death star. The AT-AT walkers in the snow getting pulled down by the spaceships. HAN SOLO saving LUKE by stuffing him in one of those creatures to keep him warm. Fighting the beast in the ice cave. Yoda teaching Luke to pull his ship out of the water. The monster in the trash machine that almost kills them.


Return of the Jedi is just as good as the others, from what I've seen recently. The whole thing with Jabba and fighting him and all that. The showdown between Luke and Vader, and seeing Vader's face at the end. There are plenty more things that are awesome. "Help me Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."



I completely agree. :)

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...and then there's Bladerunner...... :emotawesomepm9:



edit: BR, much like Alien, is completely style over substance, imho. but oh what style BR has.

Alien, meh. take it or leave it. would rather leave it. whereas SW's/BR/Terminator I could watch anytime.

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This thread took a weird turn. I'm born in '88 and Star Wars has had a gigantic impact on my life. One of my earliest memories is watching a VHS-recorded showing of A New Hope. I was 4 at the time and thought the death star wasn't in space but hidden underneath the sand dunes.


I couldn't say I grew up with the films but eventually I watched the whole trilogy. The Empire Strikes Back blew me away. Right before Phantom Menace came out, I would watch all the movies all the time with my nephew. I think I was around 11 when Phantom Menace came out and I loved it. There is no need for a water proof-plot and character development at that age. It had awesome CGI robots, great lightsaber fights. I even thought Jar Jar was funny.


I enjoyed Attack and Revenge on the first few viewings, but they quickly got old. Plinkett had great points in his reviews but for me it was about something different. In the original trilogy, there are so many scenes where the depth of the universe is only hinted at; those dark, damp corners with brown-yellowish lights and shady characters, like cock-teases for the imagination, wherein I would just wish the movie would leave the whole opera thing behind and focus on nothing but those places, those characters. That's why I fell in love with the expanded universe. It was definitely not the same thing with the CGI-equivalent attempts.


I never really played with star wars toys; I drew Star Wars. I drew comic after comic after comic. I even drew comics based on Jedi Knight. But what I loved most was that exploration of the universe behind the films, because it's such a super-fertile ground for the aspiring artist's imagination. And that's what I think Star Wars is for me. It's this big, weird, freaky universe that has engrained itself into the collective unconscious and assimilated the people who fell for it.


With that said, it's not surprising that I'm kind of blasé about it now and have been for a while. It reminds me of something that we once talked about in chatmm, about how difficult it is to describe your relationship with an album like SAW II, when it has literally lived through you during a period of your life. My nephew is into the animated clone wars and has tried to get me to watch it a few times. In the first season, we would get into arguments in which I tried to explain that this was the embodiment of what ruined Star Wars for both of us. As I eventually forgot about Star Wars entirely, I also gave up on that attitude and during the last two seasons I have actually managed to enjoy it.


Anyway, I think this thread is proof that we're going through a strange, postmodern cultural meltdown in which disney is buying Lucasfilm and timeless portrayals of classic archetypes have lost all substance. So I don't think it says much about Star Wars to express that it sucks now. It says more about what is happening to our culture. But I'll still put on one of the old trilogy films, or the terminator, or aliens, and you can bet your sweet ass I'm going to enjoy it.

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Guest bitroast

I can understand how if you were born in the 90s or late 80s that maybe it doesn't connect.

As someone who was born in the late 70s, I can say that the original trilogy was a big part of my childhood.


It was just part of your childhood.


On the contrary, being born in 1990 and growing up in the 90s meant Star Wars was my childhood, too. From as far back as I can remember, my family just always had a copy of the original trilogy on VHS. Can't even remember the first time or saw, and it would be impossible to even try and count the number of afternoons I spent watching the films. Growing up in the 90s was very much a Star Wars childhood for me, being a Star Wars fan:)

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Should we change the name of this thread to Generation X vs The Millenials? shit


Also, Mark Hamill on what he knows and possibly returning:




Did anyone mention yet Lucas is giving most of the $4b to his charities? I can't hate on being a good person.


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Stop the presses...


George Lucas Is Giving All $4 Billion of His Disney Money to Charity










Well shit looks like Lucas is being genuine.. previously thought he donated half his charity, guess it was 3.2 billion or 99% of it. Now this?



It is well known Lucas signed the Buffet pledge to donate 99% of his wealth to charity but previously he was "only" worth 3.3 billion. The fact he will also donate nearly all the 4 billion to educational charity efforts is great. Lucas for all the prequels and the like is a damn good human being:



Wow good on him.


oops. missed that.

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"George Lucas has expressed his intention, in the event the deal closes, to donate the majority of the proceeds to his philanthropic endeavors."


why does this automatically make people think he's a good guy? What philanthropic endeavors/charities/organizations? The concept of a 'charity' is not necessarily automatically good, there are plenty of shit charities out there that take in a lot of money and don't do much to create positive change.

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"George Lucas has expressed his intention, in the event the deal closes, to donate the majority of the proceeds to his philanthropic endeavors."


why does this automatically make people think he's a good guy? What philanthropic endeavors/charities/organizations? The concept of a 'charity' is not necessarily automatically good, there are plenty of shit charities out there that take in a lot of money and don't do much to create positive change.


If becoming a philanthropist distracts George enough to ensure that George doesn't direct any future movies, then George's philanthropy will be objectively good

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Forget it, guys, Frankie5fingers has all everything related to Star Wars.

its funny you say that cause i actually was a bout to go off on Root5 but didn't cause i felt that its been too soon since the last time i did one of my "moments" lol


I'd actually be interested in hearing an impassioned defense of Star Wars. It might give me some perspective on why people love the original trilogy so much, beyond simply "I liked rocket ships and fighting teddy bears when I was a kid".

well ive had time to cool down now. so im not going to brashly insult you and challenge you like i usually do when i get all hyped up. lol


but what i was gonna do was pick on a specific thing you said. most of it was your opinion and i cant change that. but one thing you said was spoken out of ignorance.


Everything about the star wars universe is annoying and stupid. First of all, the universe is LITERALLY black and white. I'm amazed that doesn't bother anyone else. Not only are the villains totally unrelatetable. Not only are the enemy soldiers nameless and faceless. They are from the "dark" side. Oooohhhh.

you most likely say this cause all you know of SW is in fact just the movies. (this is an assumption though) but actually the whole SW universe actually is a big grey area when it come to light and dark side. there are several characters that you question are they dark or light when in reality they have no alignment. or characters that do horrible things (usually things like fight first ask questions later) but all in the name of the light side. and there are Dark Side characters that dont fight, but in fact only use peace and negotiation to further the empire's goals.


but i do agree that the movies do play it out a little and it ended up being very simple. Dark-Bad Light-Good. but past the movies that simply is not true. you should give the books a try, they might be more your style. just don't bash the entire entity that is SW when all you know is the movies. (and personally, while i do like the original 3 movies they are nothing compared to the rest of the SW universe)

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I was born in '82, and although Star Wars had some cool moments, it's definitely nowhere near my fave sci-fi. I fell asleep the first time I tried to watch it when I was like 6.


How is this a millenials vs. gen x thing? FWIW I'm right between 'em and I have far more X friends than millenial.


I guess I should read the thread but I can hardly be arsed. Star Wars is such a boring topic.

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I was born in '82, and although Star Wars had some cool moments, it's definitely nowhere near my fave sci-fi. I fell asleep the first time I tried to watch it when I was like 6.


How is this a millenials vs. gen x thing? FWIW I'm right between 'em and I have far more X friends than millenial.


I guess I should read the thread but I can hardly be arsed. Star Wars is such a boring topic.


It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia sucks.

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I'm pretty sure Lucas is a really cool person. I saw a documentary that said he majored in sociology and was really interested in helping reduce racism... could be wrong though. I think he's a real dude.


This thread took a weird turn. I'm born in '88 and Star Wars has had a gigantic impact on my life. One of my earliest memories is watching a VHS-recorded showing of A New Hope. I was 4 at the time and thought the death star wasn't in space but hidden underneath the sand dunes.


I couldn't say I grew up with the films but eventually I watched the whole trilogy. The Empire Strikes Back blew me away. Right before Phantom Menace came out, I would watch all the movies all the time with my nephew. I think I was around 11 when Phantom Menace came out and I loved it. There is no need for a water proof-plot and character development at that age. It had awesome CGI robots, great lightsaber fights. I even thought Jar Jar was funny.


I enjoyed Attack and Revenge on the first few viewings, but they quickly got old. Plinkett had great points in his reviews but for me it was about something different. In the original trilogy, there are so many scenes where the depth of the universe is only hinted at; those dark, damp corners with brown-yellowish lights and shady characters, like cock-teases for the imagination, wherein I would just wish the movie would leave the whole opera thing behind and focus on nothing but those places, those characters. That's why I fell in love with the expanded universe. It was definitely not the same thing with the CGI-equivalent attempts.


I never really played with star wars toys; I drew Star Wars. I drew comic after comic after comic. I even drew comics based on Jedi Knight. But what I loved most was that exploration of the universe behind the films, because it's such a super-fertile ground for the aspiring artist's imagination. And that's what I think Star Wars is for me. It's this big, weird, freaky universe that has engrained itself into the collective unconscious and assimilated the people who fell for it.


With that said, it's not surprising that I'm kind of blasé about it now and have been for a while. It reminds me of something that we once talked about in chatmm, about how difficult it is to describe your relationship with an album like SAW II, when it has literally lived through you during a period of your life. My nephew is into the animated clone wars and has tried to get me to watch it a few times. In the first season, we would get into arguments in which I tried to explain that this was the embodiment of what ruined Star Wars for both of us. As I eventually forgot about Star Wars entirely, I also gave up on that attitude and during the last two seasons I have actually managed to enjoy it.


Anyway, I think this thread is proof that we're going through a strange, postmodern cultural meltdown in which disney is buying Lucasfilm and timeless portrayals of classic archetypes have lost all substance. So I don't think it says much about Star Wars to express that it sucks now. It says more about what is happening to our culture. But I'll still put on one of the old trilogy films, or the terminator, or aliens, and you can bet your sweet ass I'm going to enjoy it.


Really cool post. I was thinking about this earlier and I read... this




compares Star Wars to the myth of Oedipus and some other stuff

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"George Lucas has expressed his intention, in the event the deal closes, to donate the majority of the proceeds to his philanthropic endeavors."


why does this automatically make people think he's a good guy? What philanthropic endeavors/charities/organizations? The concept of a 'charity' is not necessarily automatically good, there are plenty of shit charities out there that take in a lot of money and don't do much to create positive change.


says education... and I mean come on, he donated all his money essentially... unless he is hiding a lot of it or something seems like he a good guy. he made stars and donated 7 BILLION dollars to education. How is he a bad man?


While it is unclear which charities will receive donations from Lucas, he is still the chairman of Edutopia, a section of the George Lucas Education Foundation. In 2006, his organization donated $175 million to Lucas' alma mater, University of Southern California.

“For 41 years, the majority of my time andhas been put into the company,” Lucas said on Wednesday. “As I start a new chapter in my life, it is gratifying that I have the to devote more time and resources to philanthropy.”

This is part of the filmmaker's ongoing pledge he took in 2010- "The Giving Pledge."

I am dedicating the majority of my to improving education. It is the key to the survival of the human race. We have to plan for our collective future—and the first step begins with social, emotional, and intellectual tools we provide to our children. As humans, our greatest tool for survival is our ability to think and to adapt—as educators, storytellers, and communicators ouris to continue to do so," Lucas said upon taking the pledge in 2010.

Prior to the Disney deal, Lucas was ranked 61 out of the 400 richest Americans according to Forbes. His estimated worth, $3.5 billion.

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lol, I know he is a sell out, but he made fucking Star Wars and donated 7 BILLION dollars to help people. Until I hang out with him or something I am not going to assume he is a bad guy. That kind of shit is for people who like hurt people physically or psychologically and rape women. Lucas is a ego maniac who milked an idea after inspiring millions of people and then donated the money he got from milking to advance education.

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well ive had time to cool down now. so im not going to brashly insult you and challenge you like i usually do when i get all hyped up. lol


but what i was gonna do was pick on a specific thing you said. most of it was your opinion and i cant change that. but one thing you said was spoken out of ignorance.


Everything about the star wars universe is annoying and stupid. First of all, the universe is LITERALLY black and white. I'm amazed that doesn't bother anyone else. Not only are the villains totally unrelatetable. Not only are the enemy soldiers nameless and faceless. They are from the "dark" side. Oooohhhh.

you most likely say this cause all you know of SW is in fact just the movies. (this is an assumption though) but actually the whole SW universe actually is a big grey area when it come to light and dark side. there are several characters that you question are they dark or light when in reality they have no alignment. or characters that do horrible things (usually things like fight first ask questions later) but all in the name of the light side. and there are Dark Side characters that dont fight, but in fact only use peace and negotiation to further the empire's goals.


but i do agree that the movies do play it out a little and it ended up being very simple. Dark-Bad Light-Good. but past the movies that simply is not true. you should give the books a try, they might be more your style. just don't bash the entire entity that is SW when all you know is the movies. (and personally, while i do like the original 3 movies they are nothing compared to the rest of the SW universe)


Nice of you to be so polite, considering the brashness of my original post. Can't say I deserved it.


I was, indeed, only talking about the movies, so that point I suppose only applied to the movies.


I think I'll take my negativity out of this thread, for everyone's sake, but it's been interesting to hear the pro-SW arguments.

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When I was a kid I loved star wars movies, they were my favorite movies of all time for a long while. Then I grew up. Now they're fun and still have something very special (probably because only Lucas was crazy enough to make a movie with such silly characters and robots and spaceships), but also too naive to be able to really enjoy them ever again. But in those years nothing could rival Star Wars.

I wonder if for people born in 1995, Lotr trilogy could be the same.

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"George Lucas has expressed his intention, in the event the deal closes, to donate the majority of the proceeds to his philanthropic endeavors."


why does this automatically make people think he's a good guy? What philanthropic endeavors/charities/organizations? The concept of a 'charity' is not necessarily automatically good, there are plenty of shit charities out there that take in a lot of money and don't do much to create positive change.

what an unpleasant and cynical point of view, the gives 4 fuckin billion dollars away and still thats not enough to impress you? jesus.
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