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bro you're no less informed than me at this point I'm sure. Torn Hawk is pretty sweet though.


Side note, in an odd sequence of events, Jono Mi Lo aka Daytime Television aka Team Jordann ended up posting a jpeg of this thread on his Facebook wall in response to No Pomo (formerly glass plates I think?) insulting him which was in it of itself a response to something I said.


this post actually:



you GOTTA come through with that screen cap gman

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why this strange fixation with pitched down vocals? i mean it sounds like gregorian chant or some vatican shit, is it because we all grew up listening to ENIGMA?



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i remember hearing enigma as a kid, i certainly never was opposed to it... i like clams casino and BoC, sooo...


it has a strange effect on me hence the strange fixation on it? it's fucking otherworldly, listen to this shit...



is this the only stuff of it's kind, anyone know of another artist or more?


edit: one more


Edited by impotentwhitecapitalist
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imma be honest, as much as i like vaporwave i haven't gotten into much of the slowed down 80s stuff or the slowed down pop vocal stuff


which is kinda like saying i like country music but not the stuff with guitars in it

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So you're into vaporware-core, basically... *scoffs*

i only listen to vaporwave tracks made from other vaporwave tracks


nah but seriously i like two things about this genre usually


1. original compositions that sound like weird 90s anime soundtracks, video game music, or the korg wavestation

2. the general concept of art being sampled and radically recontextualized to make new art

Edited by Cryptowen
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