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originally composed mallsoft from your beloved donovan hikaru


im planning to create an original mallsoft album that captures a very specific mood  






this is really good!


i love the pitch bending synth (?) in the background.

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So now that we've all been here since the glory days of 2012, what's everyone's fav vapor subgenre?


revisiting sunset corp vids TBH


actually mallsoft and well done eccojams - the most cathartic vaporwave for me is still the stuff of a hauntology bent - as if the future imagined in the late 80s/early 90s came to be and sustained itself

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Vaporgrave, obviously.


Interesting aside: I went to the Dream Catalogue show at Rye Wax a couple of weeks ago and ended the night on HKE's sofa with Shima33 trying to sleep on top of me.


Thats so cool man, must have been a blast . David is a cool dude for sure.




So now that we've all been here since the glory days of 2012, what's everyone's fav vapor subgenre?



revisiting sunset corp vids TBH


actually mallsoft and well done eccojams - the most cathartic vaporwave for me is still the stuff of a hauntology bent - as if the future imagined in the late 80s/early 90s came to be and sustained itself

Yesss, Sunset Corp vids are so magical. I love that they exist only on youtube, without a formal release. It's so fitting for the character of the genre. In many ways, I feel that a lot of vaporwave is meant to exist via yt or bandcamp only, no physicals, soundcloud, spotify etc. i like that yt and bandcamp are worlds on their own, which early vaporwave has seed to kind of use as its stomping ground/home base, as if the movement was born right there in the 0's and 1's.


+1 for mallsoft and top notch eccojams. I have to say im pretty much with you on that. My personal favs are mallsoft, classic jazzy stuff ( luxury elite/waterfront dining type stuff), and late night lo fi, which f500 excelled at in its day. Highly conceptual releases with themes of airplanes/flights, resorts, spas, and the like are usually what speak to me the most. I can't forget the utopian themes and sounds that also grasp me. Midi / stock / ultra clean / contemporary is another vibe that I always appreciate. The hauntology element of eccojams and dystopian, hypnogogic drift type stuff is a thing in itself that just takes the genre away to another world. I always think of Vek's Initiation Tape as one of the finest peices of vapor hauntology out there. There's too much awesomeness man, I could go on and on lol

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Vaporgrave, obviously.


Interesting aside: I went to the Dream Catalogue show at Rye Wax a couple of weeks ago and ended the night on HKE's sofa with Shima33 trying to sleep on top of me.

Thats so cool man, must have been a blast . David is a cool dude for sure.



Yeah, he's really sound. There were quite a few of us there - also met Pyravid, Remember, AUT2M, and Poe who co-owns BLCR. Everyone was awesome, really great crowd.




My favourite stuff is always going to be the very first wave - Midnight Television, Computer Dreams, Diskette Romances, Vek's New Dreams Ltd. stuff (particularly Initiation Tape, Fuji Grid TV and Floral Shoppe), Infinity Frequencies, Internet Club, 18 Carat Affair. I have a playlist of all that stuff and 95% of the time when I want to listen to some vaporwave I just stick that on shuffle. A bunch of Catcorp and Lux stuff in there too - it runs to about 35 hours so there's always something different.

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Yesss, Sunset Corp vids are so magical. I love that they exist only on youtube, without a formal release. It's so fitting for the character of the genre. In many ways, I feel that a lot of vaporwave is meant to exist via yt or bandcamp only, no physicals, soundcloud, spotify etc. i like that yt and bandcamp are worlds on their own, which early vaporwave has seed to kind of use as its stomping ground/home base, as if the movement was born right there in the 0's and 1's.



Totally. The revision of vaporwave as a standard music genre is one of the things that's put me off it in recent years. I love the fact that some of the earliest artists like Internet Club just put zip files on Mediafire, not even a Bandcamp release. And YouTube is perfect for it. It stops things being 'albums' and just allowing them to exist as entities on their own. 

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originally composed mallsoft from your beloved donovan hikaru


im planning to create an original mallsoft album that captures a very specific mood  








this is really good!


i love the pitch bending synth (?) in the background.

Thanks my friend, i appreciate it!

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Vaporgrave, obviously.


Interesting aside: I went to the Dream Catalogue show at Rye Wax a couple of weeks ago and ended the night on HKE's sofa with Shima33 trying to sleep on top of me.

Thats so cool man, must have been a blast . David is a cool dude for sure.



Yeah, he's really sound. There were quite a few of us there - also met Pyravid, Remember, AUT2M, and Poe who co-owns BLCR. Everyone was awesome, really great crowd.


That's awesome. For all the drama online everyone seems (from what I've heard) really nice IRL. Such a weird dynamic.

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Track 1 from my upcoming CRS 3.0 split with CatCorp yall:



Hell yeah I'm really enjoying it, I loved what you did with CatCorp already, those stock-sounds and that corporate feeling really hit the spot !

It's like "Powerpoint-Wave", but in a good way !


Also, been recently exploring the Blank Banshee 0 album a bit further (thanks to the Simpsonwave videos) and it's an amazing piece of work.

I've also been falling in love with the latest Death Dynamic Shroud.wmv release "Classroom Sexxtape" which is marvelous :music:

Edited by StocKo
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Track 1 from my upcoming CRS 3.0 split with CatCorp yall:



Hell yeah I'm really enjoying it, I loved what you did with CatCorp already, those stock-sounds and that corporate feeling really hit the spot !

It's like "Powerpoint-Wave", but in a good way !


Also, been recently exploring the Blank Banshee 0 album a bit further (thanks to the Simpsonwave videos) and it's an amazing piece of work.

I've also been falling in love with the latest Death Dynamic Shroud.wmv release "Classroom Sexxtape" which is marvelous :music:


Yay! Thanks Stocko, really appreciate that... It's going to be a very fun collab album indeed!


Oh man, 0 is phenomenol! I actually prefer it over 01, something very charming about it.. Haven't heard that latest wmv release, but will have to take a listen, thanks for the heads up!

Edited by Lane Visitor
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Okay friends, here it is... an all-originally composed mallsoft EP from yours truly. 


This contains the track I recently shared with you guys, and 4 more hot consumer mood pieces. There's definitely a narrative in my head with this one, I might even do a story text thing with the limited hand numbered CD-R release of it that I'm working on. Hope you guys dig it and would love to hear your thoughts (:





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^ smooth az silk lane (:



Thanks Prd! *bows quickly* ... * then slightly tilts head and timidly makes the praying hand motion with a smile and expression of appreciation somewhere in the vein of a Michael Stipe/Moby - Cory Feldman fusion*


I like that photo, you always have the best photos for this thread. You should start a tumblr if u havent already.

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I'm a fan of the mallsoft sound and your release is very good Mr Hikaru :music: Favorite tracks are Macys Run and Mint Chocolate Chip but the overall atmosphere is great, congrats on that one :) !

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I'm a fan of the mallsoft sound and your release is very good Mr Hikaru :music: Favorite tracks are Macys Run and Mint Chocolate Chip but the overall atmosphere is great, congrats on that one :) !

Gracias senor! Appreciate the words... Mint Chocolate Chip is my fav as well... Little secret- i have a vocal melody for it that i plan to try and have a japanese vocalist feature on (to give like a tripped out j pop vibe), and will do that version of it under my David Ben Jack alias, which will be more nu disco ish. The dream is to pull off a fusion of vapor/mallsoft elements and contemporary deep house / nu-disco / dance pop. I dont usually like to be so intentional and over-think the Donovan stuff, but sometimes its inspiring to try different versions for different things (:

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