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The few times I've done it, I felt very happy and content. I've never had a cocaine fueled weekend, but it sounds like fun for the whole family. Cocaine camping, cocaine skiing, cocaine hiking. I weant to snort coke and go to church just because.

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anybody here ever get cocaine visuals? sigmund freud used to describe his closed eye cocaine trips, and i only experienced this once. IT sort of in a way reminded me of the same type of hypnogogic imagery you would get from a heavy dose of opiates while nodding out but weirder. If i could somehow figure out a way to repeat the experience i would but every time i've tried coke after that it just felt like a way too short lasting version of adderal or something mixed with Novocain dentist office feeling in my mouth and jaw. maybe it had something to do with smoking it, but that seems absurdly wasteful. anybody know what im talking about?

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If the words "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" don't include the right to experiment with your own consciousness, then the Declaration of Independence isn't worth the hemp it was written on."
- Terence McKenna

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I've done it like 5 or 6 times back in the day when a few of my friends were more into it and offered a line or two, but it never really did much for me... Yeah there was the short euphoric buzz, but it wore off too quick and I always refused to do more than 2 lines in a night. It struck me as a pretty pointless drug, I'd rather smoke a bowl and go out and have a good time and create my own euphoria.

There was a period of time where a local dealer was pushing it to the people who bought weed off him to make profits., A few of my best friends got addicted to it for a while. It changed them during that time, and it almost cost all of our friendships, especially with a certain 2 of them who had trouble kicking it for a while after getting hooked it made them really ugly people. I began to really resent it at that time, and I'll never do it again. I'm happy to say all my friends have kicked the habit since and I've managed to avoid being around it as well. Because of those past experiences I'll probably always carry a negative view of it.

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Cocaine seems to raise the asshole factor in people by about 300%, at least from what I've witnessed. I almost have no interest in trying it because of this. I'd certainly never take it if I were hoping to leave a good impression on anyone around me. Also comedowns usually hit me really hard, so if it starts to suck after only 20 minutes fuck that noise.

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Guest No Pomo

I feel like Bret Easton Ellis does a good job summerizing cocaine user culture, or at least the glamorous one that probably makes people want to do it more. I don't get why people would do it regularly, it seems more like a party drug. I'd rather take Adderall on a regular basis for sure. Only time I did it though I also snorted some cat's xanax and was pretty high and drunk so I don't really feel like I felt the cocaine in particular (was probably 90% other shit any ways), and I passed out pretty early on, good times. I wouldn't seek it out.

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somone told me cocain is like waiting for a bus that never arrives


for me its too expensive for what it does but it's cleaner than most other drugs, it can get you through long social occasions whilst not ruining you too much for work the next day which I think why its favoured with expendalble income types although when dickheads take too much they usually turn into wankers and eventually arseholes. Other than some very bad Travolta dancing it tends to mellow me out a bit in an intense kinda way but thats just me.


its also a good catalist to give me the get up and go to cane other drugs on a big shesh but the paranoia and the unrealising charachter changing qualities aren't to be forgotten about and the biggest fiends I know have all got into trouble with coke especially with the type of serious cliantel who sell it in bulk


I think the glamours high price is half the attraction imho, if it was £10 a gram it wouldn't be as cool for rich/dickhead people to show off doing and for the price its too moreish

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Everyone I know who does cocaine is either complete fucking assholes and turn into even bigger assholes when taking it or manic beyond belief.


So yeah, you guys have fun with that.


This. Cocaine can turn anyone into an asshole real quick.

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Right back to the conversation,


I think its a bit of an urban myth that 'everyone' turns into arrogant arseholes, simply not true, though it makes dickheads into bigger dickheads for sure, I can tell them a mile off. I think it comes into its own as a beer drinking drug, you know when you've had 6 beers and feeling a bit lethargic then have a line and hey presto! its time to rock n' roll all over again with added vigour. Problem is I seem to be developing a trigger that almost everytime I hit the 5th or 6th beer I'm on the phone. I'll be honest......mmm... that I have to start being careful.

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Right back to the conversation,


I think its a bit of an urban myth that 'everyone' turns into arrogant arseholes, simply not true, though it makes dickheads into bigger dickheads for sure, I can tell them a mile off. I think it comes into its own as a beer drinking drug, you know when you've had 6 beers and feeling a bit lethargic then have a line and hey presto! its time to rock n' roll all over again with added vigour. Problem is I seem to be developing a trigger that almost everytime I hit the 5th or 6th beer I'm on the phone. I'll be honest......mmm... that I have to start being careful.



i dont think i would say it turned me into an asshole persay....but i definitely became more introverted and focused on getting more cocaine to snort alone at my house than to go out and socialize with friends. definitely a low point in my life.

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Guest fiznuthian

So an old friend of mine's been doing a lot of cocaine within the past year.. I brought him a fair bit of cannabis that someone wanted to purchase (im not a dealer just know someone).. not surprisingly he did not bring me back the 340 dollars in return.. When I asked about it he said he ended up in a pickle and wanted to borrow money from me, which he obviously already did without a peep. There was a day when this wouldn't have happened i'm sure, but these days I can't help but wonder if the cocaine's getting to him..

Reading through the posts here really makes me face palm about it.. shoulda known better. The shit's no good right?

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Guest fiznuthian

Similar story..

Had a kid steal 20 from me once.. but I was trying to find some pot. From what I gathered about him in the little time I knew him, he was pretty coked out of his mind on the reg. Well stealing my money upset me a bit and I said some mean things.. about a month later he hung himself in his closet. :cry: Still don't know if he thought I was going to kick his ass or if it was just the coke..

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Guest fiznuthian

most overrated drug on earth. unfortunately was addicted to it for a brief period of time, finally broke down and flushed it all down the toilet, went to the hospital to clean up.


reading about this while drinking/snorting made me finally stop.




Holy shit, had no idea about this. From experience do you feel drinking and coke intensifies the urges to do more?

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I'm a lawyer and I live and work in Los Angeles, and as a result I have seen more douchebags on coke than you could imagine. I would estimate that on a typical day 76% of the people I see are actively using cocaine.1 Each one of them is an asshole.


This world has already far exceeded its douchebag carrying capacity. Don't do cocaine.


1Source: Wm. Baph, Right Out My Ass, 107 Los Angeles Cocaine L. Rev. 609 (2013)

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Guest fiznuthian

I'm a lawyer and I live and work in Los Angeles, and as a result I have seen more douchebags on coke than you could imagine. I would estimate that on a typical day 76% of the people I see are actively using cocaine.1 Each one of them is an asshole.


This world has already far exceeded its douchebag carrying capacity. Don't do cocaine.


1Source: Wm. Baph, Right Out My Ass, 107 Los Angeles Cocaine L. Rev. 609 (2013)



That's what I like to see.. sources!

Good info here.

So basically cocaine is akin to an event horizon.. I want to know if these people under the spell can revert to their original non-asshole state.

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