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Being talked to and eventually yelled out like I'm a child having political discussions with a couple of my right-wing relatives. Some of the hypocritical, contradictory and flat-out nonsensical arguments they construct in order to not admit they are not factually wrong or severely misinformed are so absurd they're kind of funny in retrospect. Things like being told attacks on Sarah Palin's intelligence were "ironically anti-feminist" (lolwut), told that the public workforce are parasites and not true workers, that religious zealots who don't believe in vaccines or modern medicine have a Constitutional right to let their children go sick and die, etc. I've avoided such "discussions" for over a year now, and it's been a fucking godsend.


Once I was told I that Obama was a disappointment, among other reasons, because he didn't go through with his liberal promises in his first turn, to which I replied, "yeah...you mean goals you fundamentally disagree with?"

Relative: "Yes"

Me: "So you're mad he hasn't done things you don't want"

Relative: "Yeah, he's a bad leader, he broke his promises"

Me: "That doesn't make any sense"

Relative: "Why not"

Me: :facepalm:

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Sorry to hear you had to have those conversations, joshua. lol.


that religious zealots who don't believe in vaccines or modern medicine have a Constitutional right to let their children go sick and die, etc.


Man, I particularly dislike this argument. My biological father & his father (a self-proclaimed "baptacostal" pastor) refused to pay for heart surgery I needed as an infant and opted to just pray* me to safety; if God didn't save me, I was supposed to die. This is such an ignorant, lazy, irresponsible, amoral attitude that I don't even know where it's coming from when people spout it off. Luckily, my mom saw things differently, paid for my surgery by herself, and divorced my dad.


*their idea of "prayer" was to actually command god to do things, as in, "Lord, you will save this boy." What a fucking ego trip.




but I need to JBC; like I said on page one, I don't like being angry.

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Commercials really stress me out.

Driving continually makes me fear death.

The American Education system.

The American Meat Industry.

Wal-mart, and the fact that cities just let them destroy their business district

Parking Lots with no median for trees

The fact that every "Nature Park" in my town is built along a highway


People who aren't feminists

Radical feminists who are sexist towards men (Lesbian-Feminism)

The Vagina Monologues (See Lesbian-Feminism)

The words "feminism" and "feminist"

The American Justice System


People who believe America are always "The Good Guys"

And of course, slow walkers.


I could go on and on, but I'd rather dwell on the things I like.

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also I'm sure everyone will agree that fuck anxiety. the most useless thing ever, never does anyone any good in any situation. I struggle to think of a good reason, even a biological one, as to why this occurs.

Anxiety is there biologically so you don't do something stupid and die. You're always on guard

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Video editing software, and how it changes everything after your footage goes through it (audio ceases to sync up, image quality changes completely, etc.). I like how with audio software whatever you put into it ends up sounding the exact same coming out of it. After rendering, the effects you added to it sound exactly as they did when you added them in the first place. Not so with video editing software. It magically transforms everything into shit. Doesn't matter what it looked like going in or during the editing process, you're going to get something totally fucked up on the other end. And then if you ask someone who knows something about these programs what went wrong, there's a dozen different things it might have been (but it probably wasn't any of those things and your project is doomed to fail no matter what you do). I just want it to look the same going out as it did going in god damn it. I want "best quality" to not mean shitty and out of sync. That's extremely misleading.

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also I'm sure everyone will agree that fuck anxiety. the most useless thing ever, never does anyone any good in any situation. I struggle to think of a good reason, even a biological one, as to why this occurs.

Anxiety is there biologically so you don't do something stupid and die. You're always on guard


Sure but we've evolved to register way too many false positives.

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also I'm sure everyone will agree that fuck anxiety. the most useless thing ever, never does anyone any good in any situation. I struggle to think of a good reason, even a biological one, as to why this occurs.

Anxiety is there biologically so you don't do something stupid and die. You're always on guard


Sure but we've evolved to register way too many false positives.

Evolution is constantly happening and we are never "perfect." pefect is completely arbitrary. Better safe than sorry, because safe will survive more than the person who thinks there's no danger removing them from the gene pool

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Sorry to hear you had to have those conversations, joshua. lol.


that religious zealots who don't believe in vaccines or modern medicine have a Constitutional right to let their children go sick and die, etc.


Man, I particularly dislike this argument. My biological father & his father (a self-proclaimed "baptacostal" pastor) refused to pay for heart surgery I needed as an infant and opted to just pray* me to safety; if God didn't save me, I was supposed to die. This is such an ignorant, lazy, irresponsible, amoral attitude that I don't even know where it's coming from when people spout it off. Luckily, my mom saw things differently, paid for my surgery by herself, and divorced my dad.


*their idea of "prayer" was to actually command god to do things, as in, "Lord, you will save this boy." What a fucking ego trip.




but I need to JBC; like I said on page one, I don't like being angry.


Yeah I've worked on ridding my cynicism, anger, aggression etc a lot in the last couple years and I physically and mentally feel so much better than I used to be. Worked out some issues with family members too (there's been a mutual "cease-fire" in talking about politics too for the most part which has helped).


That surgery story is absolutely insane, sounds like hell going through that - your mom is quite a remarkable person for dealing with such bullshit. I can't imagine that. My "list" just became pretty trivial compared to that story. Personally I think if you're 18 and under you are not a legally independent individual and such refusal of medical services should be outright child abuse. I have no idea why it's still a legal issue.

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also I'm sure everyone will agree that fuck anxiety. the most useless thing ever, never does anyone any good in any situation. I struggle to think of a good reason, even a biological one, as to why this occurs.

Anxiety is there biologically so you don't do something stupid and die. You're always on guard


Sure but we've evolved to register way too many false positives.

Evolution is constantly happening and we are never "perfect." pefect is completely arbitrary. Better safe than sorry, because safe will survive more than the person who thinks there's no danger removing them from the gene pool

Yes thank you I know how evolution works. :tongue:

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Guest Aserinsky



also I'm sure everyone will agree that fuck anxiety. the most useless thing ever, never does anyone any good in any situation. I struggle to think of a good reason, even a biological one, as to why this occurs.

Anxiety is there biologically so you don't do something stupid and die. You're always on guard


I don't think that's how it works, or we must have different ideas about "anxiety" at least. in my experience, an overload of anxiety shuts you down, making you inert and unable to respond to a situation quickly and decisively. that runs counter to the biological notion of anxiety acting as a survival guard. people who making decisions without anxiety are usually able to think clearly and intuitively, and therefore are in a better position to make the best possible choice in a given situation.

Don't forget though that many, if not almost all aspects of modern day life, contradict human biological behaviours. I think despite our advances as a species, due to our rapid advancement it's pretty much of a given that we have to battle with the most mundane and meaningless of biological urges; anxiety being one of them. In a way that makes anxiety worse, knowing that it's something deeply programmed in you that is so stupid it's beyond the point of being rational. Certainly for me though (having suffered major anxiety and depression due to PTSD) recognising that anxiety and just accepting it's out of my control has been a major benefit. It's shitty and unpleasant when it happens for sure but hey, at least you're a compassionate and sensitive human that has feelings.


Plus I know many people that don't suffer anxiety to make extremely stupid and irrational decisions. That lack of emotional depth can take some truly ugly forms.

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Guest Aserinsky





also I'm sure everyone will agree that fuck anxiety. the most useless thing ever, never does anyone any good in any situation. I struggle to think of a good reason, even a biological one, as to why this occurs.

Anxiety is there biologically so you don't do something stupid and die. You're always on guard


I don't think that's how it works, or we must have different ideas about "anxiety" at least. in my experience, an overload of anxiety shuts you down, making you inert and unable to respond to a situation quickly and decisively. that runs counter to the biological notion of anxiety acting as a survival guard. people who making decisions without anxiety are usually able to think clearly and intuitively, and therefore are in a better position to make the best possible choice in a given situation.


Don't forget though that many, if not almost all aspects of modern day life, contradict human biological behaviours. I think despite our advances as a species, due to our rapid advancement it's pretty much of a given that we have to battle with the most mundane and meaningless of biological urges; anxiety being one of them. In a way that makes anxiety worse, knowing that it's something deeply programmed in you that is so stupid it's beyond the point of being rational. Certainly for me though (having suffered major anxiety and depression due to PTSD) recognising that anxiety and just accepting it's out of my control has been a major benefit. It's shitty and unpleasant when it happens for sure but hey, at least you're a compassionate and sensitive human that has feelings.


Plus I know many people that don't suffer anxiety to make extremely stupid and irrational decisions. That lack of emotional depth can take some truly ugly forms.

I see your first point, it pretty much ties in with what I believe. are you comfortable accepting that anxiety is fully out of your control though? I'm not, I want to control it instead of letting it control me.


I do agree that completely anxiety-free people can indeed make stupid choices because they have no restraints, but the "emotional depth" that you're referring to does not require a person to be anxious.


anxiety != caution. I define "anxiety" as unnecessary worry.

Yeah it's insanely difficult to accept anxiety as something that controls you, I think a better way of seeing it is that it's a part of you that cannot essentially be erased. Once you recognise it's there and you accept it's not something that's wrong with you exactly, it becomes a lot easier to accept. Especially in the context of a panic attack, recognising when the adrenaline is rushing through your body and that you're suffering anxiety can actually prevent it; there's usually a 3 minute window before you go into full anxiety mode so letting your body just react naturally sometimes neutralises the anxiety, if that makes any sense.


I agree though you don't need to experience anxiety in order to be compassionate, I apologise if I came across as being holier than thou with that statement. I just wanted to get across the idea that anxiety is a natural human thing which you shouldn't feel guilty about. I certainly don't think that people that don't suffer anxiety are in any way worse off or emotionally disadvantaged; I would never want to wish anxiety on anyone.

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People who continuously let their dog shit all over the sidewalk, making it a minefield of shit. Like life isn't already a minefield of shit you inconsiderate pigfucks!

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People who continuously let their dog shit all over the sidewalk, making it a minefield of shit. Like life isn't already a minefield of shit you inconsiderate pigfucks!

Yes! Big problem in London too. Fucking hate it, makes me wanna rub the owners face in their dogs shit.

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'Murcan Government


...until we put somebody in charge with some goddamn sense for once...


Errr no, that won't help.


Even if you put Noam Chomsky in the white house, there is only so much you can achieve from there. The problems are mostly systemic and legal corruption is hard to deal with when 99% of Washington is on the take.

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Cyclists who cycle next to each other when there's no need for it.


Putting a watch backing back onto a watch. Just broke the little LCD screen. Now how the fuck do I know what the date is?

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