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Man I used to smoke like everyday about 3 times a day for about 2 years straight till I began having some health issues involving passing out. Took a break for a few months and have come to the conclusion that those "health issues" strongly hinted toward lactose intolerance. Now I watch what I eat and seem to be ok. However, since the ordeal I'm also a bit skeptical as to the weed I'm actually getting. If its pure or laced, who da fuk knows.


I really look forward to participating again but have been leaning towards being patient and waiting for it to legalize till I buy my own. Of course if its offered I'll take a small hit. Not sure if this is ironic but weed was motivating for me in my life. I had better grades in school and I looked forward to a bowl after studying or doing some labor.

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I get it mesh, from experience, so when I say this, this comes from a place of recognition:


I think daily usage implies you should try to live without for a while.




Neu! - Neu! playing





This was a great album btw. I really liked how, even though it was a wee bit sad at times, it was ultimately a very beautiful and joyous experience!


Niiice - yes indeed, it's got a tragic beauty at times...I'd recommend Neu! 75 if you're interested in more, maybe side 1 of Neu! 2...but nothing beats the first album :music:





Foxy! Haven't seen you around for a while good ta seeya good ta seeya.


Smoking is incompatible with my current marathon training schedule. emerging from the brain smog of daily habitual smoking feels great.

Good going on you! When is your marathon? Encapsulating Brain Smog Trajectory Course Depletion is a good state to be in. Hope it will garnish you insights!


Anyway, I finally calmed down a wee bit, but wow, what a blast!


Finally going to listen to Bitches Brew now.


The marathon is this Sunday! I'm down five toenails but I'm confident I'll be able to finish, thank you for your kind words. My brain capsule butter erosion crash course caper has allowed me to read again, I can't make sense of words on a page when I'm fried.



I my friend are no doctor, but, i'm willing to go out on a limb here and say running a marathon is worse for you than X sessions of weed smokeage...now, that's not to say getting into the training buzz and spirit and mentality is not extremely positive, and obviously to carry this on through the rest of your life would be highly beneficial - but it's that final day when race comes, when you're pushing of your body far beyond where it should be pushed in such a small time period - i've heard running a marathon literally can take years off ones life :cerious:


Sure those who reach the 42ks the weekend before the race and peak their mileage solely for the race are likely to fuck themselves up. I don't think you know how training for long distance running is done correctly. You may be talking about competitive long distance racing which I wouldn't know anything about, certainly that puts an enormous amount of strain on the body but I have never heard of running taking years off your life, that sounds absurd.

There are right and wrong ways to train for long distance running. If you've been running the necessary mileage consistently and letting your body slowly adapt to longer runs over many months you'll be way more prepared than the person who runs 10kms a day and thinks they have a shot at a marathon.

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so what if you burn off a few years? would you've rather spent those days sitting behind some curtains, staring out of the window waiting for death to pick you up?


how long did you train for your marathon? i am thinking off implementing it as a long term goal (2/3 years). How many months of training? How was your base stamina? Any (lower) back problems before starting? How are you feeling right now, mentally? spiritually?

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Dabbing it up, this stuff has the consistency of soft-ball caramel. I really am not educated on the quality of these bho concentrates from a visual perspective. Very potent medicine, nearly instant pain & stress relief, followed by an instant flush of euphoria. Also lasts hours so I am barely smoking and conserving what little I have.

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how long did you train for your marathon? i am thinking off implementing it as a long term goal (2/3 years). How many months of training? How was your base stamina? Any (lower) back problems before starting? How are you feeling right now, mentally? spiritually?

Been running since I was 16, 19 now. 16 week training program for marathon, base stamina was alright, ran a 10km race in mid - Jan and half marathon late last year. I have messed with my spine lifting things stupidly at work also being 6'5" it's a gibbon

I was incredibly stressed the night before the run. i'd forgotten to pick up my race bib and thought I wouldn't be allowed to run but they had it waiting for me in the starting battle quadrant, all was fine.

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  • 3 weeks later...


The 'Superglue' strain.


This stuff stinks so bad i have to keep it in a baggie, in a jar, in a cupboard....and you can still smell it in the other room.

It would make a great pot pouri because the scent is fragrant. Really nice shit.

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Made some QWISO hash out of the Khmer weed where I live.


It's very nice, I am rubbish at consuming it though, don't have a 'dabber' and no means to get one. Need a decent way to consume that doesn't involve burning!


tl;dr hash oil is very easy to make and makes you goddamn high

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Made some QWISO hash out of the Khmer weed where I live.


It's very nice, I am rubbish at consuming it though, don't have a 'dabber' and no means to get one. Need a decent way to consume that doesn't involve burning!


tl;dr hash oil is very easy to make and makes you goddamn high

lol it looks like your scraper is aleksi peralas colundi sequence level 4... seriously lol

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Haha stephen!




Need a decent way to consume that doesn't involve burning!


You mean like eating? I have never heard anything of like intravenous hash injection (nor would I recommend, haha!). Why not just get a decent hash pipe and smoke that gabba?

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I.e. vaporisation, not combustion.


In Cambodia I don't see any head shops so I need something that can be made at home using things from the supermarket / hardware store.

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Like that! Well, there are lot of headshops who work online, so you can order a vape off them and let the good times roll :cool:

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No postal service here, and if you try anyway, it is liable to be inspected, opened and stolen or broken somehow.



I built a lightbulb vape but didn't turn out very effective for oil o hash.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This sucks


so yesterday i tried a few hits of a pretty powerful strain, it hit me like a train, the experience was good at times (seeing elves and feeling like i was in a different country) but it left me in a horrible state of mind, now 24 hours later im in fear and have horrible anxiety (my fear is that i triggered schizophrenia, or course its all a fear but im psyching myself out, every time i convince myself that i didnt trigger anything, the fears come back)


Im not gonna blame weed here because i know my anxieties were there before smoking it, but fuck i wish someone would've stop me.


weed is not for everyone, now i get it!

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the best way i can describe it : i was staring at a tree and it was like i could see either spirits of elves or elves that were there and i was seeing into another dimension

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Well, spirits and elf type beings DO exist, in forests. That's not a problem of da ganj-- that's the smoke opening up your 3rd eye, mang. But the anxiety can happen from super strong shit when NOT smoking, because your body tends to go in reverse of the effects of the smoke. So if you're smoking anxiety cutting ganj for ages then quit cold turkey, anixety boosts like a mofo.


Ganj is safe and fabulous, but definitely has withdrawal symptoms if smoked often.

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Well, spirits and elf type beings DO exist, in forests. That's not a problem of da ganj-- that's the smoke opening up your 3rd eye, mang. But the anxiety can happen from super strong shit when NOT smoking, because your body tends to go in reverse of the effects of the smoke. So if you're smoking anxiety cutting ganj for ages then quit cold turkey, anixety boosts like a mofo.


Ganj is safe and fabulous, but definitely has withdrawal symptoms if smoked often.

I remember watching Black Dynamite two years ago while puffing dat shit. Right after the scene where Chicago Wind drove his car off the cliff and exploded because he wasn't looking where he was driving, I ended up on my bed laughing for a straight fifteen minutes. Shit.

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Sounds like you triggered the veil of Maya and now have a conscious gift that should be cherished. Don't fear it.

I have no idea who Maya is, but I come from a sheltered, puritanical upbringing. The older I get tho, the more chaotic I realize the world actually is.


Even so, it's been nearly two years since I last touched di ganj. I fear the path of addiction.

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Why do people smoke so much weed they go weird off it? It's not a competition for pity's sake, lads.


The way I see it, the older you get, the more worries and concerns you accumulate - so the more likely you are to whitey off weed, because you're in your head too much.

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