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Bill Cosby is a big old rapist (on the loose)

Rubin Farr

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I do like the unexpected places these threads end up in lol.


We've gone from Mr Pudding Pop roofie-ing women to mj sperge speculation in 20 pages. Deece.


Anyone up for some genital mutilation debate?

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Statistically, both the Michael Jackson 'pedophile' hypothesis and the 9/11 'inside job' hypothesis have insanely high 'p-values.'

(That is, if neither were true, we'd still expect to see the data we do see a good amount of the time.)


I wish conspiracy theorists would learn about statistics (and specifically 'p-hacking').

If you don't understand these things, you're susceptible to believing some strange things.

(for instance, thinking that there's some supernatural link between Lincoln and Kennedy)


The answer to "well how do you explain that?!?" Is very often 'p-hacking'.

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Now, on the Michael Jackson allegations...I don't know.


I was never a fan, so I never had a dog in the race, but I used to follow the case(s) because it was such a weird spectacle.

One thing is clear, though: nobody seems to have the pure intention of 'justice' at heart.


Reading about all those ex-employees of the Neverland ranch selling their dubious stories to Hard Copy is pretty lol.

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how many kids would've had to have said MJ touched their weiners for it to have become just a factual thing that obviously happened, as this cosby thing is accepted to be now? what exact number is that line on? what number of women was it where cosby went from an accused rapist to an actual one?

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I'm not saying MJ wasn't pedo but showing kids STD pics kinda seems like evidence to the contrary,like he was asexual n trying to put 'em off ever having sex.


Loads of his lyrics are dark as fuck though.

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how many people do any of us know who frequently have kids who arent theirs or even related to them, sleeping in bed with them, and what would we think if we heard of someone doing that, and they hadn't made thriller?

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let's bring this full circle and imagine if MJ had been the one to publicly make comments such as that young black males should stop dropping out of school and start pulling up their pants and acting more respectable... would we all be pretty sure he had touched the weiners he was accused of touching then? or at least what % of people who are in the 'he probably didnt do anything with those kids' would be in the 'ok he did it hes scum' camp? would i be wrong to assume a possibility that it would at least be some % that would change their vote on the issue?

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Lol mrE

I like how your mind works


If any of the BC accusers had filed a civil suit in the 70's/80's for tens of millions of dollars

Then I'd be a bit skeptical of their claims

But alas, that didn't happen...

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let's bring this full circle and imagine if MJ had been the one to publicly make comments such as that young black males should stop dropping out of school and start pulling up their pants and acting more respectable... would we all be pretty sure he had touched the weiners he was accused of touching then? or at least what % of people who are in the 'he probably didnt do anything with those kids' would be in the 'ok he did it hes scum' camp? would i be wrong to assume a possibility that it would at least be some % that would change their vote on the issue?

But you do remember that Cosby admitted it ten years ago and didn't exactly do a good job denying it recently. Kind of hard to compare him with MJ, who probably never experienced reality.

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@limp when you say like the way i think you mean that you really dont like it right


i feel like cosby prob def did rape or assault some of those women. but i also feel like his statements that got him on the bad side of the naacp and the PC leaning side of the spectrum probably also had some affect on how that particular side of the spectrum reacted to the allegations coming out recently. some people seemed a bit glad to see it going down, that's all im saying


and yeah the families/parents of the kids in the alleged MJ incidents were always shady as fuck but that doesnt take away from the fact that MJ himself was creepy as all fuck and doing things that would get anyone else who wasn't him labelled as a likely pedo, and rightfully so. people have a kind of built in detector for this particular type of creep factor, probably something to do with the innate natural instinct people have when it comes to their kids, a sort of evolutionary thing where people tend to not want their kids diddled by fuckin weirdos. so people tend to look at that type of behavior such as sleeping with children and be weary of that. imo that's totally natural and if people didn't have that sort of judgement we prob never would've survived as a species or evolved into one in the first place. and if someone doesn't have that kind of judgement i hope they don't have kids. how many people supposedly in denial that MJ did anything sexual with those kids, or at least wanted to, would actually let their own kids sleep in bed with him?


another thing, isn't it entirely likely that a lets say hypothetical child predator, would likely have to look for kids with unusual parents? we say 'oh the parents were shady and coming up with crazy contradictory stories' and they also obviously saw the lawsuits against MJ as a ticket to easy street, yeah ok. but so what? normal parents wouldn't let their kids sleep at MJ's place in the first place! so they obviously ALREADY saw money in their eyes when they first let him around their kids. and this is pretty evident by reading into the backgrounds of the stories. these people were giving him access to their kids in return for money/gifts/etc. that's already shady. and someone who wanted to have access to kids and was famous and rich would pretty much need to depend on finding kids with those exact types of parents to get access to kids, now wouldn't they? so i don't personally feel that the parents turning out to be shady themselves really makes it any less likely that MJ did what he was accused of. in fact it totally fits the type of families a predator would have to find and groom, to get close to kids. ones with shitty parents.

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But you do remember that Cosby admitted it ten years ago and didn't exactly do a good job denying it recently. Kind of hard to compare him with MJ, who probably never experienced reality.


again, at this point i feel like cosby almost def did some of the things hes accused of, but didn't he just admit to getting pills to like, give to women but denied that it was to rape them but just like, to party with them or whatever? i'm a little ignorant on the exact thing he admitted to, you're talking about the deposition thing right? i totally agree that what i heard of what he said there def does make it more likely he did the things hes accused of imo, but technically i dont think he actually admitted to rape. someone could parse those words and say that all he admitted to was procuring drugs for women he hung out with, and when most people in hollywood are doing drugs you can hardly call that a capital offense can you? again, yeah it definitely makes him look more guilty considering the nature of the accusations but my understanding is that when he admitted to getting those pills and giving them to women, he explicitly denied it was to rape them. lots of people were popping ludes back then, watch a cheech and chong.


but yeah his recent denial was pretty shit, obviously

Edited by MisterE
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Brooke Shields was the one who sexually traumatized Michael, I mean as an adult. Joe Jackson fucked that whole family as children. But Brooke said in interviews Michael was so freaked after she tried to have sex with him, he never dated another woman. His marriages were complete shams.

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also limpy go to architects and engineers for 9/11 truth. It's not about extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence anymore mate, there's been extraordinary evidence for an age now, if only people would care to unwrap the mind control padding from their brains and seek it out.

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in case you're not schlizing, my dogging comment was not about cosby it was about JE and limpy. I am bothering to write this because you've dogged on and over me before.


schliztzing is my just made term meaning having some fun, bullshitting for the purpose of everyone's lolz, not being a pain in the arse. Dogging was similarly self created for single use within the post.


also i'm aware of another meaning in the UK for dogging that involves shadey late night hookups in truck parks off the freeway ...

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