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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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3 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

POV: the cops at ur school stand at the end of every aisle in the library making notes of which books you're looking at

and they check to make sure you’re not a lazy wiper

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tucker forgot to mention to kyle the amount of people that have attempted to "sue the media hold them accountable" that had large sums of money to do so and still lost- most recently donald j trump and candance o, but since he and kyle know this will be just another grift to "get donations" to help "fight against MSM" in the same way this was just a waste of money


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also, in case you missed it. a right wing nut opened fire on a BLM march in portland last weekend. someone in the march returned fire and shot him.  wingnut shot like 6 people including a couple kids. one person died.  he lived in an apartment near the park where the march was set to start. walked out and started yelling at some women directing traffic then opened fire.  turns out he's a trumper nut (big surprise) who's frequently agitated and is some kind of nazi furry. wtf. 


Edited by ignatius
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3 hours ago, ignatius said:

also, in case you missed it. a right wing nut opened fire on a BLM march in portland last weekend. someone in the march returned fire and shot him.  wingnut shot like 6 people including a couple kids. one person died.  he lived in an apartment near the park where the march was set to start. walked out and started yelling at some women directing traffic then opened fire.  turns out he's a trumper nut (big surprise) who's frequently agitated and is some kind of nazi furry. wtf. 

 yeah and ALL of the fucking bullshit media immediately ran with the headline that gunfire was exchanged between armed protesters and this fucktard, meanwhile the people shot/killed were unarmed. there was a good guy with a gun, but i bet they’re not going to get an interview on fox

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8 minutes ago, nikisoko said:

but i bet they’re not going to get an interview on fox

the shooter who returned fire is staying silent and so far no one has released his/her name. i think that's on purpose. staying anonymous in all this is the way to go i think. don't need to be doxxed and have a bunch of militant qtards or whoever show up on your lawn 

but yeah initial media reports and police statements were far from accurate. they called the agitated mass shooter a "homeowner" and referred to it as an armed confrontation. even though witnesses immediately said he showed up, yelled at people and started shooting into the crowd. 

there should've been a press conference that night or early next morning or something w/the mayor and police chief. 

Edited by ignatius
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“We’ve got a representative up here (asking) if you could Jew them down a little bit on the price. [pause] That ain’t the right word to use. ‘Drop them down,’ I guess.” Sen. Rick Girdler

Edited by Nebraska
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I keep wondering when are all these arrogant, white, male, old, chauvinistic, racist, discriminatory, misogynistic, completely out of touch politicians going to die off, so the rest of us can have a world we can stand? or do "we" all turn into these disgusting pigs at some point, if given the power? isn't that what Orwell warned against famously in Animal Farm?

how can we stop letting assholes run the show, is I guess my point...

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30 minutes ago, zero said:

I keep wondering when are all these arrogant, white, male, old, chauvinistic, racist, discriminatory, misogynistic, completely out of touch politicians going to die off, so the rest of us can have a world we can stand? or do "we" all turn into these disgusting pigs at some point, if given the power? isn't that what Orwell warned against famously in Animal Farm?

how can we stop letting assholes run the show, is I guess my point...

theyre not dying off, theyre being born every day, but not born, created by the social conditions.  the only way is to achieve socialism to be able to give people proper education rather than the nonsense "education" present in capitalism.  if any remain... reeducation

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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22 minutes ago, zero said:

I keep wondering when are all these arrogant, white, male, old, chauvinistic, racist, discriminatory, misogynistic, completely out of touch politicians going to die off, so the rest of us can have a world we can stand? or do "we" all turn into these disgusting pigs at some point, if given the power? isn't that what Orwell warned against famously in Animal Farm?

how can we stop letting assholes run the show, is I guess my point...

It's a thing I've been pondering myself for ages. So far the only conclusion I've been able to reach is that good people have to take the responsibility into their own hands and basically purge the system of this scum, fix the institutions and law so that it prevents exploitation, then keep vigilant to maintain it in this state. The main problem is that the system is so utterly infested today, it's next to impossible, as the roots go beyond the system itself. And you can be sure the scum will fight tooth and nail to prevent that. Another problem is that good people are scattered and divided, and bringing all those people together is also next to impossible. As soon as even the slightest initiative is gathered in this direction, the scum will quell the effort as soon as possible. Just look what happened to persons who were able to mobilize and inspire the people: they get removed first by smear campaigns and then straight out assassination if that doesn't help.

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6 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

theyre not dying off, theyre being born every day, but not born, created by the social conditions.  the only way is to achieve socialism to be able to give people proper education rather than the nonsense "education" present in capitalism.  if any remain... reeducation

agreed, but easier said than done man. there are too many safeguards in place to prevent any real societal change from ever happening on the scale we're talking about. and of course the elephant is the room is the number of people that would end up as casualties if any massive shift in societal/political conditions were ever to occur quickly, in an attempt to get away from the capitalist model currently in place. historically humans have not been very good at changing any status quo without a whole bunch of people getting killed. baby steps are what they take toward change efforts, because those don't result in people dying en masse.

I know you've got a game plan worked up as to how this all would play out, but I can't see a shift away from capitalism happening any time soon, unless its a rebuild after a mass extinction event.

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36 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

It's a thing I've been pondering myself for ages. So far the only conclusion I've been able to reach is that good people have to take the responsibility into their own hands and basically purge the system of this scum, fix the institutions and law so that it prevents exploitation, then keep vigilant to maintain it in this state. The main problem is that the system is so utterly infested today, it's next to impossible, as the roots go beyond the system itself. And you can be sure the scum will fight tooth and nail to prevent that. Another problem is that good people are scattered and divided, and bringing all those people together is also next to impossible. As soon as even the slightest initiative is gathered in this direction, the scum will quell the effort as soon as possible. Just look what happened to persons who were able to mobilize and inspire the people: they get removed first by smear campaigns and then straight out assassination if that doesn't help.

this type of rhetoric reads scarily because it could just as easily be written by a fascist.  i think it's important to put in place very specific definitions of who exactly statements like this are directed towards along with clear theoretical backing that makes others able to reproduce from that logic a comprehension of the intended effect

28 minutes ago, zero said:

agreed, but easier said than done man. there are too many safeguards in place to prevent any real societal change from ever happening on the scale we're talking about. and of course the elephant is the room is the number of people that would end up as casualties if any massive shift in societal/political conditions were ever to occur quickly, in an attempt to get away from the capitalist model currently in place. historically humans have not been very good at changing any status quo without a whole bunch of people getting killed. baby steps are what they take toward change efforts, because those don't result in people dying en masse.

I know you've got a game plan worked up as to how this all would play out, but I can't see a shift away from capitalism happening any time soon, unless its a rebuild after a mass extinction event.

i think it can happen more likely than we predict

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen” – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

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21 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

i think it can happen more likely than we predict

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen” – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

how can this be done peacefully tho? I know you've been over this like a thousand times before on here, but what the hell. forum's been kinda quiet lately, so let's reboot the communism discussion that has been lurking in the forum's shadow for years lol.

and wouldn't the Lenin playbook be exactly what I was saying - that yes things can happen fast, but um, didn't like a whole bunch of people die in the process there?

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2 minutes ago, zero said:

didn't like a whole bunch of people die in the process there?

yeah and before that.. the czars were all real dicks who killed a lot of people. but towards the end of the czars shit was going bananas. pogroms. terrorism. people shooting civil servants for whatever reason.. like shooting the mailman and stuff like that.. but planting bombs and blowing up people in big ways.  and that was really before the shit hit the fan. was basically a civil war before a civil war. then very quickly it all happened and ta dah! new russia

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