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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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24 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

this type of rhetoric reads scarily because it could just as easily be written by a fascist.  i think it's important to put in place very specific definitions of who exactly statements like this are directed towards along with clear theoretical backing that makes others able to reproduce from that logic a comprehension of the intended effect

i think it can happen more likely than we predict

“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen” – Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

does the word 'scum' bother you? You've read zero's post (I know this because you quoted it yourself) so you could logically deduce that I used zero's definition (since I quoted the same post myself) and simply used scum as a shorthand version of "these arrogant, white, male, old, chauvinistic, racist, discriminatory, misogynistic, completely out of touch politicians". I'm sorry if the word is too harsh for your delicate sensibilities, but it happens to be appropriate. And I believe you should know by now that I'm a hatchet man against fascists, and there's only one definition of fascist out there.

Did I really need to explain that?

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You know what's scummy and fascist today?

Panama papers - nothing happens, except the person who exposed it is now dead

Epstein shit - key players being killed off, benefactors are still going about their business

Wiki leaks - look what happened to Manning and Assange

Canada truckers protests - bank accounts seized

Congress insider trading - no bank accounts seized

Global inflation because of printing more money - corporations get write-offs and profits, citizens have to live on same wages with less buying power

CIA creating enemies and fucking up entire countries just so the military industrial complex can make money

Abortion shenanigans - in the name of religion

Honorable mentions: John F. Kenedy, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, all assassinated

this is just from the top of my head

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or just study Peter Thiel and his circle of friends for the latest trends on fasciscm (Palantir, Clearview...)

or growing extreme right-wing politics based on racism in Europe and elsewhere, sprung by migrations of populations from countries that were bombed into stone age (Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria), or their countires ravaged (north and central africa)

or Hong Kong vs China

or China vs. Uyghurs


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39 minutes ago, cichlisuite said:

does the word 'scum' bother you? You've read zero's post (I know this because you quoted it yourself) so you could logically deduce that I used zero's definition (since I quoted the same post myself) and simply used scum as a shorthand version of "these arrogant, white, male, old, chauvinistic, racist, discriminatory, misogynistic, completely out of touch politicians". I'm sorry if the word is too harsh for your delicate sensibilities, but it happens to be appropriate. And I believe you should know by now that I'm a hatchet man against fascists, and there's only one definition of fascist out there.

Did I really need to explain that?

my delicate sensibilities lol.  I'm merely critiquing your post's word choices that are so vague they can border on being a support of fascism, not saying the actual intent was that.  "scum" is not well defined within the post itself and can indeed mean anything.  furthermore, simply removing arrogant, white, male, old, chauvinistic, racist, discriminatory, misogynistic, and completely out of touch politicians, won't do anything substantial, and is liberalism moreso than a real critique, which would be to suggest entirely removing the system of capitalism itself that puts them there

as for hong kong protestors and their relationship to fascism..


hopefully president Xi can liberate them soon

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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Epstein being killed isn't really fascism it's just standard capitalism, which contains fascism within its underbelly.  it's a bourgeois dispute that resulted in the death of one bourgeois to protect others, whereas fascism is absolute violent dominance of the bourgeoisie of the owning class to reassert capitalism

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41 minutes ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

Epstein being killed isn't really fascism it's just standard capitalism, which contains fascism within its underbelly.  it's a bourgeois dispute that resulted in the death of one bourgeois to protect others, whereas fascism is absolute violent dominance of the bourgeoisie of the owning class to reassert capitalism

when the same laws that would otherwise prosecute ordinary citizens are bypassed in favor of selected individuals, it is a direct indicator of fascism.

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2 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

when the same laws that would otherwise prosecute ordinary citizens are bypassed in favor of selected individuals, it is a direct indicator of fascism.

not really, that's too vague of a definition, it would mean fascism has existed forever and probably always will.  when in reality it's a relatively new political ideology and behavior inextricably tied to capitalism itself, which is also recent

it's the natural state under capitalism for laws to either not be used against the owning class or to be structured such that the owning class never breaks them, since they hold control of the state, since the state exists only as a tool of the oppression of one class over another, in our current case the owning class against the working class and the US empire and international bourgeoisie against the states and national bourgeoisie of other countries

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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4 hours ago, cichlisuite said:

You know what's scummy and fascist today?

Panama papers - nothing happens, except the person who exposed it is now dead

Epstein shit - key players being killed off, benefactors are still going about their business

Wiki leaks - look what happened to Manning and Assange

Canada truckers protests - bank accounts seized

Congress insider trading - no bank accounts seized

Global inflation because of printing more money - corporations get write-offs and profits, citizens have to live on same wages with less buying power

CIA creating enemies and fucking up entire countries just so the military industrial complex can make money

Abortion shenanigans - in the name of religion

Honorable mentions: John F. Kenedy, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, all assassinated

this is just from the top of my head

fuck those cunts.

yes to all the rest.

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Starting to yearn for the Trump days now that Biden is spewing his retarded war rhetoric. Fucking moron is going to drag us all into WW3. Goddamn son of a bitch.

As Russia's invading Ukraine:


"The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces.

President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering.

Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.”




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Zeff I luv u man and all and mean no disrespect, but any time you get asked to answer simple questions on the commie agenda crap you got cookin up, you always deflect to bicker on BS that lends no support to your underlying belief that communism is somehow an answer to all that is wrong with the world. unless you can spell the shit out, as to how magically all the stuff you believe will take place after the Lenin tanks roll thru the fuckin neighbors place, then this is all just a bunch of online rambling that is never going to happen. your argument will always fall apart once we get to the point of asking how many people will have to die to get to the socialist dream land of textbooks and manifestos. I am not happy with a lot of shit out there, but live in the understanding that to make large scale massive changes, group A is always gonna have to do heinous shit to group B to accomplish that. having lots of people dying is somewhat no bueno in my book. but I don't fucking know, maybe that's just innate in us, or some shit...

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22 minutes ago, user said:

Starting to yearn for the Trump days now that Biden is spewing his retarded war rhetoric. Fucking moron is going to drag us all into WW3. Goddamn son of a bitch.

As Russia's invading Ukraine:


"The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces.

President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering.

Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.”




So, Russia invaded Ukraine, but somehow it’s the fault of the west that war is starting?

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22 minutes ago, user said:

Starting to yearn for the Trump days now that Biden is spewing his retarded war rhetoric. Fucking moron is going to drag us all into WW3. Goddamn son of a bitch.

As Russia's invading Ukraine:

"The prayers of the entire world are with the people of Ukraine tonight as they suffer an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces.

President Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering.

Russia alone is responsible for the death and destruction this attack will bring, and the United States and its Allies and partners will respond in a united and decisive way. The world will hold Russia accountable.”

lols.. that's pretty standard stuff really.. what do you think trump would be saying? "putin is genius let him have ukraine.. they all speak russian anyways" 

trump would be hanging out looking annoyed that something interrupted his planned golf weekend at one of his properties. he'd phone in whatever he was told to say.. say somethign about NATO being stupid and then he'd let the whitehouse spokesperson go on foxnews to deliver his message. 

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putin's statement is fucked up. this is going to be an excuse to kill a lot of people and go places using it as a justification. "denazification" as a free pass to anywhere and anyone. can't predict and it's all speculation but i don't think he's making empty statements. fuck. 


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Damn, Ukraine rep to the UN Security Council letting the Russian rep (currently the president) have it in his closing statement (starts at 1:33:25 if the link is messed up):


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7 hours ago, chenGOD said:

So, Russia invaded Ukraine, but somehow it’s the fault of the west that war is starting?

That's not what I said, but thank you for misinterpreting my eloquently worded post.


7 hours ago, ignatius said:

lols.. that's pretty standard stuff really.. what do you think trump would be saying? "putin is genius let him have ukraine.. they all speak russian anyways" 

trump would be hanging out looking annoyed that something interrupted his planned golf weekend at one of his properties. he'd phone in whatever he was told to say.. say somethign about NATO being stupid and then he'd let the whitehouse spokesperson go on foxnews to deliver his message. 

I know... it's the last sentence that triggered me. I'm afraid of what is happening, and frustrated from wading through a swamp of dreck and misinformation on twitter. It's like being held hostage by a maniac with a loaded gun and Biden has decided to take the role of tough guy upon himself and you're kind of stuck in between just wanting to go home.

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11 hours ago, user said:

Biden is spewing his retarded war rhetoric. Fucking moron is going to drag us all into WW3


3 hours ago, user said:
10 hours ago, chenGOD said:

So, Russia invaded Ukraine, but somehow it’s the fault of the west that war is starting?

That's not what I said, but thank you for misinterpreting my eloquently worded post.

So who's dragging who where?


3 hours ago, user said:

a swamp of dreck and misinformation on twitter

Why go to twitter when you get the information straight from Putin's mouth? It's not like there isn't plenty of video of Putin saying exactly what he means.

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8 hours ago, chenGOD said:


So who's dragging who where?


Why go to twitter when you get the information straight from Putin's mouth? It's not like there isn't plenty of video of Putin saying exactly what he means.

I don't really care about who's dragging who where. Russia invaded Ukraine, that's a given, no going back from that. Presenting situations like this as if it's a match and you're asking people who they're rooting for is totally absurd to me. I can only feel empathy towards citizens, not states. I can't fathom speaking about a war in this binary, for or against, way that you are asking me to do. Citizens die, people lose their homes and lives are destroyed. Who cares who started it? I was voicing frustration about Biden's boilerplate (as I understand a bit more clearly now) response. I kind of expected the excessive expletives and ridiculous yearning for Trump would make it obvious that my post was intended as a way to blow off some steam. Is it cool to do that here? Probably not, but I feel safe here, on WATMM.

I don't go to Twitter for information. The only reason I have a Twitter account is so that I can troll the Dutch cryptofascists (the Dutch FVD party that is trying to destabilize society and politics in the Netherlands in a similar way that Trump and associates did in the US) that have been gaining traction. It's a pointless and shameful waste of time but I allow myself to indulge in it from time to time. I just happened to be on Twitter when the invasion started and my twitter/trolling session spiraled out of control.

Anyone able to extract the true meaning from Putin's speeches and is able to extrapolate from this what his intentions are, I am in awe of. Truly.

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