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Why is life no longer exciting?


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I think you guys are being willfully ignorant of the fact that suicide is one of the most effective cures that exists for the first world problem known as depression. It's a scientific fact that 100% of dead people are not suffering from depression, boredom, or existential ennui. There are no known pills or psychiatric methods that can boast those kinds of numbers.



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I think you guys are being willfully ignorant of the fact that suicide is one of the most effective cures that exists for the first world problem known as depression. It's a scientific fact that 100% of dead people are not suffering from depression, boredom, or existential ennui. There are no known pills or psychiatric methods that can boast those kinds of numbers.

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this internet age is when all the ideologies of the world crash in on each other. combine this with the high wattage of certain information, propaganda about politics and other social issues, and it's difficult for people to get their grounding.


there's a lot hype. you need to pay attention to what things mean to you. what life really is, and what movies inspired by movies inspired by movies present it as can be vastly different. it can be kind of boring and stupid and tedious but when you cleanly apprehend what is boring and stupid and tedious about it for you, you can find the things that aren't.

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OP, I can totally empathise with how you feel. I'm a little older than you (36) and there is little that excites me and this has been the case for many years. I also have some weird social issues, but can fake my way through most situations :P. I think you do need to put yourself out there more. Totally amazing and unexpected things can happen which turn your life around.


Do you suffer from anxiety at all?

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sooo, i didn't read all the way through this but I'd throw something else out there - lots of media is very tricky and aimed at making you feel the way you said, because it can keep you predictable and ready to buy things, etc. or else it aims to shame and embarrass everyone from everybody else's POV, to keep people nervous so they need to look to media to know how they're 'allowed' to act (like, especially sit coms, etc. they may very well be funny, but there's a 'knife behind the curtain') it also does things to shift the balance of power to the most obnoxious people to keep everyone alienated and unable to .... (i mean, I'd go on for hours)


also all the 10,000 pop songs telling you either 'you used to be happy' or 'this is what happy is' . also you might start blurring moments from movies, etc you saw years ago and subconsciously count those toward your own 'positive' experience, even though they never happened to you.


anyway so that's a thing, you (may) have been tricked in all kinds of ways into feeling inadequate, bored, poor-me, long-gone, etc. the other thing is, everybody else you know may be tricked too, so they become boring and thus no fun for anyboday! also lots of people use this martyr thing to justify being boring and selfish, or self-centered and needy. or use it to justify bad things for them like too much food (ex they just want to eat tons of ice cream but when they tell everyone they are sad they are allowed to eat ice cream...) or too much pr0n. (they also might just be pr0n addicted...)




soooo now you need time just not to expect anything. just plan next sunday to not even do anything fun or anything, just go outside and look at moss & lichen and parallel lines and literally expect nothing will happen. then go to bed. if you run around like " WTF? NO FUN !" its like stomping around in a boat being like "WTF?? NO FISH !!!" (you scare all the fish away with the stomping)


idk I'm being insensitive maybe, but long story short, reclaim your time! you don't have to feel any sort of way! and definitely don't feel bad about not feeling good. hang in there, get in touch with yo selllffffff give your self more time to be "in between" and soon you'll find its not really "in between" its actually just what you've been missing :)




also i just turned 27 2 months ago!




also feel free to pm me also! also I'll give you my new album fo free !




also smok wed :P

*standing ovation*


I've also been thinking a lot about how most films and tv shows are designed to trap people into certain thought patterns for the reasons you mentioned. It's a very freeing thing to realize though.

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Guest murphythecat8

I feel the same way OP, welcome to mid twentys I guess.

I meditate 2 hours per day and try to be mindful as much as possible in my life, which brings a lot and lot and lot of calm and joy in every moment.

thats the only way.

I used to think psychadelic would solve my problems, it wont. or music, or making sports, sex, friends.

nah, its all unsatisfying. mediation and mindfulness is what is really helping me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the epitome of the western disease. Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere or do something, but nobody actually enjoys the fact of being alive moment-to-moment.


And the western solution? Find some way to distract yourself from how you feel.



(this is one of those rare occasions where I think watmm's well-intentioned advice is actually harmful...)

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I feel the same way OP, welcome to mid twentys I guess.

I meditate 2 hours per day and try to be mindful as much as possible in my life, which brings a lot and lot and lot of calm and joy in every moment.

thats the only way.

I used to think psychadelic would solve my problems, it wont. or music, or making sports, sex, friends.

nah, its all unsatisfying. mediation and mindfulness is what is really helping me.

How do you have time to do that? (I guess i could stop going on WATMM to meditate....)

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tuppence worth - western society is grotesquely underpinned by relentless media & advertizing, showing you any number of "happy" super-contented souls (often under 40) who are almost humming with their respective successes/looks/fulfilled dreams.....and its the biggest lie of all as any media scholar will testify. Added to that, there is the new-wave of uber-narcissism generated by shows like the fuckin Kardashians or whoeverthefuck it is prancing round talking shit completely self-absorbed. That cultural blight is seriously warped, with young kids looking up to the likes of Miley Cyrus as some kind of role-model etc etc. Materiality, value systems based on capacity to purchase and the rising price of property can all contribute to a mind-set of "what a joke world, why should i even participate".


William Burroughs talked about control, was obsessed with it and it was a prescient vision indeed given our media coverage of IS or Ukraine or *insert contemporary nightmare here, always always spinning the bleed-lead with a funny twat moment at the end. Try accessing media forms less and i'm not saying that that is a direct cause of your concerns, but it adds a layer of separation from what is actually real to you personally. Theres nothing unnatural or wrong with feeling overwhelmed (this is not a blame game) by life, but unfortunately it can fester if allowed to continue. More significantly, if you feel as if depression is an issue it can be treated with CBT w/out the need for substances like Seroxat/Peroxetine. Not an overnight fix or something immediate, but if you commit to it it can help you push through the subsequent tougher times (and lord knows there are enough of those) and be stronger for it. Also, a wise man once said that writing about what makes you angry can be a help and it might be that that form/process allows you to articulate your thoughts out-loud (on a page anyway), which could develop into significant personal insights that arise from such analysis. Counselling (sp?) is an option and has saved the lives of 1 of my oldest & closest friends who has battled severe depression & alcoholism for over 30 years (not swim, see below).


Finally and excuse the dribblin, i was in a near-fatal car wreck last summer, hit a stationary truck @ 80mph and, by some kind of miracle, i survived. Not that 2&half hours stuck in a fire-lit crumpled metal heap with both femurs forced up & wedged into my ribs was fun, but the healing process, aided by a treatment called EMDR, or eye-movement desensitization & re-processing, has been almost as miraculous. It's used for all kinds of healing, from serious depression to war vets to folks like me with half a face left, but it absolutely works. If someone has said in Sept/Oct that tracking the movement of someone's fingers would relieve the mental torture i was experiencing i would've sparked them the fuck out (or maybe swung at them and fallen out my wheelchair). W/out it i think i might've started drinking heavily at the very least and any1 with a brain knows how insidious alcohol is. I was very lucky to receive this treatment on the NHS, so i have no idea how your health structures operate, but if it can lift the horrors that i lived with/through,,,,,,,,




give thanks to the universe that you're alive, that your loved ones are tucked up safe from harm and as absurd as it sounds maybe try volunteering with the elderly - its pertinent that a lot of elderly people (compos mentis) are chirpy, chatty and find delights in the smallest of things and that kind of interaction can be contagious in the most constructive of ways (because you're genuinely making a difference to someone with, lets face it, not a lot of time left). If you can empathize w/that final point then you'll know i'm not intentionally being patronizing.


good luck, you have your whole life in front of you and while i wouldnt say i hark after being 26 again (41 here) it can be a very difficult time when careers, relative youth, experience & expectations collide unkindly.

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I no longer find joy in living, I feel like i have exhausted all avenues; study, relationships / friendships, travel, therapy / medication.

I feel like this every other week. the trick for me is to keep busy, just do anything that keeps the mind busy and not focusing on the fact that you have nothing to do.

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I no longer find joy in living, I feel like i have exhausted all avenues; study, relationships / friendships, travel, therapy / medication.

I feel like this every other week. the trick for me is to keep busy, just do anything that keeps the mind busy and not focusing on the fact that you have nothing to do.



c'mon you guys gotta stop giving this same terrible advice

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OP, watch this...it's the single most important thing I've ever learned:



thanks for this limpy.







I no longer find joy in living, I feel like i have exhausted all avenues; study, relationships / friendships, travel, therapy / medication.

I feel like this every other week. the trick for me is to keep busy, just do anything that keeps the mind busy and not focusing on the fact that you have nothing to do.



c'mon you guys gotta stop giving this same terrible advice


it has kinda worked for some, why is it so terrible then?

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I no longer find joy in living, I feel like i have exhausted all avenues; study, relationships / friendships, travel, therapy / medication.

I feel like this every other week. the trick for me is to keep busy, just do anything that keeps the mind busy and not focusing on the fact that you have nothing to do.



c'mon you guys gotta stop giving this same terrible advice


it has kinda worked for some, why is it so terrible then?



it's not that it's terrible advice in general...i think it's just misleading and doesn't actually offer a solution to the problem "in general i don't enjoy life on a moment-to-moment basis"


you guys are giving him things to do to distract him from not enjoying being alive...feel me?

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I no longer find joy in living, I feel like i have exhausted all avenues; study, relationships / friendships, travel, therapy / medication.

I feel like this every other week. the trick for me is to keep busy, just do anything that keeps the mind busy and not focusing on the fact that you have nothing to do.



c'mon you guys gotta stop giving this same terrible advice


it has kinda worked for some, why is it so terrible then?



it's not that it's terrible advice in general...i think it's just misleading and doesn't actually offer a solution to the problem "in general i don't enjoy life on a moment-to-moment basis"


you guys are giving him things to do to distract him from not enjoying being alive...feel me?


right, yeah I think I understand, its more or less what that vid was saying - but what's the solution? how does one escape from put an end to that recurrent feeling of boredness? (I havent read the whole thread so sorry if this has already been answered)

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Break the pattern and do something that scares you. Sky dive. Ride a wild tiger into the sunset.

shave your ball, fight a nun in the pale moonlight

Spit in a llama's face and flip off the pope while parasailing naked. Still bored? Drink.

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I feel like some grotesque new-age salesman constantly pushing mindfulness, but...




Almost all of us spend our lives as a hostage to our neurotic inner monologue. Scared of pain, suffering, death. And so we cling to the things of this world (e.g. relationships, hobbies, our belongings, etc) for comfort. And on top of that, none of us seem to be truly alive in the moment. Rather, we're too busy wrestling our thoughts to be living spontaneously (Zen, in particular, seems to address the matter of tearing down our conceptions of ourselves in order to live spontaneously)


While I don't claim to be a Buddhist, Buddhism (and it alone) seems to have some unique answers in this area.


What really is the difference between a Tibetan monk and some kid from a WoW freakout vid? How would you tweak one to get the other? The difference is mindfulness and dukkha.

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