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Where is Vladimir Putin?

Rubin Farr

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i always tell my dad the repub independent in the fam, show me a good country with limited government that is a nice place where people want to live. i actually would like to know.

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It seems that people in Russia have more rights than people in the Usa nowdays

I'll have whatever you're smoking.


I would be more afraid of driving/walking in america then in russia, sorry but i dont want to get shoot or tasered 10 times in the ass for doing nothing


Are you black? Do you live in the south? If the answer to both of these questions is no, then you don't have anything to worry about.


Just google russian police brutality, or russian journalist jailed. Or look at russian aggressian in the chechens, georgia, crimea, ukraine.


Putin has already admitted to Russian soldiers in Crimea before the referendum (hence making the referendum technically illegitimate) and there is plenty of photographic evidence of russian soliders in the ukraine.

Plus as you said - the gays. and the blacks, the muslims, the jews, basically anyone who isnt a white orthodox (male) is going to have a shitty time.

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It seems that people in Russia have more rights than people in the Usa nowdays

I'll have whatever you're smoking.


I would be more afraid of driving/walking in america then in russia, sorry but i dont want to get shoot or tasered 10 times in the ass for doing nothing



I'm guessing you have never had to deal with the Russian police? One thing that my Russian language teacher taught about traveling in Russia is to avoid the police at all costs even if you've done nothing.


For example here's some tips how to deal with the police in Moscow.. http://www.moscow-russia-insiders-guide.com/moscow-police.html

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It seems that people in Russia have more rights than people in the Usa nowdays

thats true. America may seem super democratic, but in practice, you cant do jackshit. In Russia, noone gives a fuck about what you are doing, basically. You can do anything, just some cases get public, but it's exceptions. Its much more free land than europe/usa combined. Seriously. It's just the illusion that states are free. You've been watched and controlled 24/7. Its just a vail of freedom for common people. I've traveled in europe and was shocked how strict their laws is (im not living in russia btw, but Im being there from time to time). Like holy fucking hell. Russian is so much "humanic", i dunno. They prefer common sence and frienship. Media shows it not at right angle at all, like it's second north korea. It's as far from truth as it can be.


Except gays. Russia doesnt like gays. No one does. Except gays.


wtf is wrong with you people. it's corrupted to the core, crime infested, zero understanding of human rights and other basic freedoms on both institutional and social levels, besides moscow and saint petersburg it's a massive and hopeless shithole barely sustained by export of natural resources.



What eugene said. Sorry Mag, you just lost all credibility with these posts. Completely dismissing Western media but blindly believing everything Russian state media (are there still real independent Russian news channels left?) is reporting without doubting anything? Whilst being a bigoted asshole that makes everything you said before it invalid? Incredible.


Fact: the US is listed 46th on the worlds Press Freedom Index. Russia is listed 148th (out of 179 countries), with North Korea and Eritrea ranking last. The first ten in that list consists almost entirely of Western media. Make of that what you will, and of course, don't question the fact that the photo they issued of Putin in a meeting a few days ago has no evidence at all of being taken on that day (there is no way of telling what the actual date is except blindly trusting whatever the Kremlin says, which, from a historical POV, seems like a very wise idea of course...) and doesn't explain at all why he cancelled every meeting except just that one.

Not even touching Nemtsov (or any other killed opposing opinion) / MH17 / Ukraine / Putin's (KGB) history / Russian elections / Human Rights Watch / etc. But where there is smoke...

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It seems that people in Russia have more rights than people in the Usa nowdays

I'll have whatever you're smoking.


I would be more afraid of driving/walking in america then in russia, sorry but i dont want to get shoot or tasered 10 times in the ass for doing nothing


Are you black? Do you live in the south? If the answer to both of these questions is no, then you don't have anything to worry about.


Just google russian police brutality, or russian journalist jailed. Or look at russian aggressian in the chechens, georgia, crimea, ukraine.


Putin has already admitted to Russian soldiers in Crimea before the referendum (hence making the referendum technically illegitimate) and there is plenty of photographic evidence of russian soliders in the ukraine.

Plus as you said - the gays. and the blacks, the muslims, the jews, basically anyone who isnt a white orthodox (male) is going to have a shitty time.


I talk about white people all us citizens, pregnant women, kids at the age of 12, old people at the age of 90, lawyers, journalists.

they all got tasered, prisoned, teargased or beaten up very rough in the last years, especially during the whole Occupy wall street thing.


In the Usa you have so called "checkpoints" where you are getting controlled and you have no right to ask whats going on, if you dont cooperate, the changes are very high to land in prison for the next 24 hours or get tasered or get a so called cavity search and you have to pay the bills after that. awesome isnt it ?


these things dont happen in Russia, except for journalist problem were you are right !


its about human rights my friend not war politics.



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Guest fiznuthian



Watched this today if anyone's interested. If this guy is right, then the USA has not been playing nicely with Russia either and our media is marketing Putin as total scum. This will make our relationship with Russia very difficult in the near future.


Reading into him, Cohen has been called an apologist and stuff, but he doesn't come across terribly radical in the lecture to me. More matter of fact and cautionary than anything.



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It seems that people in Russia have more rights than people in the Usa nowdays

I'll have whatever you're smoking.

I would be more afraid of driving/walking in america then in russia, sorry but i dont want to get shoot or tasered 10 times in the ass for doing nothing

Are you black? Do you live in the south? If the answer to both of these questions is no, then you don't have anything to worry about.


Just google russian police brutality, or russian journalist jailed. Or look at russian aggressian in the chechens, georgia, crimea, ukraine.


Putin has already admitted to Russian soldiers in Crimea before the referendum (hence making the referendum technically illegitimate) and there is plenty of photographic evidence of russian soliders in the ukraine.

Plus as you said - the gays. and the blacks, the muslims, the jews, basically anyone who isnt a white orthodox (male) is going to have a shitty time.

I talk about white people all us citizens, pregnant women, kids at the age of 12, old people at the age of 90, lawyers, journalists.

they all got tasered, prisoned, teargased or beaten up very rough in the last years, especially during the whole Occupy wall street thing.


In the Usa you have so called "checkpoints" where you are getting controlled and you have no right to ask whats going on, if you dont cooperate, the changes are very high to land in prison for the next 24 hours or get tasered or get a so called cavity search and you have to pay the bills after that. awesome isnt it ?


these things dont happen in Russia, except for journalist problem were you are right !


its about human rights my friend not war politics.


Lol the checkpoints are usually established to determine if people have been drinking and driving.

Yes it's about human rights, which don't really exist in Russia unless you're a white orthodox male.

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pbs recently did a documentary on putin if anyone's interested. pbs makes podcast versions of their documentaries, so if you want the podcast version, that's


the Frontline special was extremely fascinating especially from me coming from a truther background. The amount of 'false flag' attacks they accuse Putin of conducting was almost like watching a 9/11 conspiracy documentary about america but about Russia instead. It's remarkable how easy it is for US officials to accuse Putin repeatedly of staging virtually every terrorist attack in his own country since the 99 chechen apartment building bombings, but suggesting that the US has ever staged a false flag attack is considered over here (mostly by childish empire baby assholes) total tin foil hat land out of the question insanity. funny how that works, Russia is full of false flag terror happening all the time, but the US is just too moral or 'too many people would have to know' for the US to even be capable of such an evil act. Which is odd considering the US + its military technology is the most powerful imperial power the world has ever known.


also Russia kills journalists, but there is no way in hell the US has ever or would ever kill a journalist, why would the most powerful empire ever find a reason to do that? All those times Al Jazeera camera crews were shot with tank shells in IRaq was a 100% accident. Only lesser empires do that shit, suggesting the US has ever done it is totally insane

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vice news did a piece on russia in the ukraine


Vice did a lot of pieces about Russia in the Ukraine, I found them pretty blatantly slanted against Russia. Odd too that Vice uses so much material from US State funded propaganda outlet Radio Free Europe. They used material from this US State funded (formally by the CIA) apparatus over 34 times in the last 12 months without disclosing that Radio Free Europe is US state funded.

I kinda fucking hate Vice for a lot of other reasons though, but yay they just gave a super softball interview to Obama, guys check it out



spoiler: The Broadcasting Board of Governors, the apparatus in the US that oversees US state funded media globally likes Vice so much they even have a featured section of Vice on their BBG auditing page, showing how often VIce uses their material. pretty weird if you ask me for an outlet that was known once as being 'edgy' but i guess when you get Rupert Murdoch having a 5% stake and BIll Maher and Fareed Zakaria consulting, its bound to turn into shit real fast.


edit: here is a story ran by Vice using Radio Free Liberty content about a russian real estate bust, shouldn't an outlet like Vice disclose that the 'source' is a US state funded propaganda 'foreign policy soft power' instrument and not a normal media outlet? Does anybody else find that a little odd? (waits for Chengod to explain why its not, lol)

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Watched this today if anyone's interested. If this guy is right, then the USA has not been playing nicely with Russia either and our media is marketing Putin as total scum. This will make our relationship with Russia very difficult in the near future.


Reading into him, Cohen has been called an apologist and stuff, but he doesn't come across terribly radical in the lecture to me. More matter of fact and cautionary than anything.



Stephen Cohen is called an 'apologist' mostly by neocons trying to push us into a new Cold war. I think he offers a much needed pov, as does former Colin Powell chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkerson. Both of them understand and are able to articulate the history of the over the top encroachment of NATO especially in the 90s after the end of the cold war. Most people who ignore or don't know about what happened in between the fall of the soviet union and the rise of Putin, should probably not be listened to about their opinion of the Russia / US situation now tbh


highly recommended viewing:



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oh shit, what ive done :cerious:



Sorry guys. Like, really. I wasn't that much serious and I was little drunk. Had no idea it will offend you so much. And it was a total joke about gays of course. Im super tolerant in that things.


Russia is a shithole for most of the part. Yes, it's corrupted. My point is that Putin is not that devil the press pictures it to be. Police was corrupted long before he came etc. But he is no good man by any means. It's just...it's Russia. Totally different mentality. Everyone else there (in politics) is even worse. There's just noone to choose from. I live very closely to Russia and part of my family lives there. I read their news almost everyday, from europe and from russian side, to get the whole picture. I'm russian myself and I know the drill. With any other politic it will probably get as shittier as it can be. It's all not that simple black and white situation, really...


I don't want to speak about it, and i have no idea why i started. I guess because of justice and being tired that Putin is so hated in other world. And sorry one more time xDDD.

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Russian govt repression is one thing (and thoroughly cataloged), but they were never going to allow a bordering state such as Ukraine to be become a NATO member & the west has misjudged this situation appallingly

if anyone thinks western intelligence services arent stirring the pot in Ukraine then god help us,,,,,,,,

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fiznuthian, John Ehrlichman, cwmbrancity


Yes, thank you. That's what i was kinda trying to tell, but got too far off the point. Western media tells only the parts they are interested in. You need to check the facts and media from both sides to see the picture, and think with your own head. USA started all the last wars, did general surveillance of their people, entered iraq, did "revolution" in ukraine and provoked Russia. They are agressors and not angels of any sort. Crimea joined Russia because people who lived there wanted it. It was their desire, not Russia's. Hating on muslim/black/other nations was before Putin for Christ sake. It started in 90s. Before that all the nations in USSR lived very peacefully. Much more peacefully that in America or England. There was no discrimination at all.


And Putin has nothing to do with killing of Nemtsov. You need to be totally brainwashed to think so. It's absolutly illogical, and I'm sure you don't even know who he was in russian point of view, that's just another provocation and it only makes sence for people living outside Russia :dry:


i hope that's my last polytical post

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if anyone thinks western intelligence services arent stirring the pot in Ukraine then god help us,,,,,,,,

I think most aware people if pressed would acknowledge that, however its a fact that has been heavily brushed under the rug in the same way that Russia is brushing under the rug the fact they've been funding 'separatists' in ukraine.


have you seen this ?



the 'revolution' itself in ukraine predates this video (the euromaiden protests happened after) but its just another example of how the US government was attempting to destabilize the regime through what are normally 'non governmental organizations' but in the past 7 years or so time and time again it's been revealed that the CIA uses NGO as a front to conduct operations in foreign countries, they did in Syria and they did it in Ukraine


also another fact barely mentioned, the Secretary of State for Eurasian Affairs. Victoria Nuland who in a lot of ways is running the US show in Ukraine is the wife of the fucking co-founder of PNAC, Project for a New American Century, Robert Kagan. Robert Kagan is basically one of the most influential neoconservative war mongers in the united states. Strange that this never comes into play when discussing what the motives are



I think one of the big differences is that Russia has been pretty sloppy about all this shit, they reacted disproportionately to the Ukraine instability and were caught off guard by the US's attempts and subsequent success in destabilizing the regime, it happened in the middle of Russia's sochi olympics, they were embarrassed and mortified how they allowed such a situation to happen. Putin seized crimea essentially as revenge for what he saw as a NATO/US engineered coup, which in a lot of ways it was. Its too bad though that Putin had to come up with a bunch of fake bullshit reasons why he did that too

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