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Cheetah EP

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You know, innovation can be personal too. Someone can be innovative in ways that only you recognize, whereas others might not. Like I don't like metal, so don't ask me about any 'innovative' metal bands, but Syro was very innovative imho, there has been similar music in the past, but the music is still unique and nothing quite like it has been done before. Even with this new cheetah track.

Actually if you know about tracks like it please post them I wanna listen.

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hm, i'm not entirely convinced, some of the sounds and effects don't sound very much like richard to me :p

from ~3:10 around however it's almost too good to not be aphex :D

if it were him at least the track would be really different, i guess. but yeah, i'm gonna go with not real.

Edited by Scarb0
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folks need to just chill out and enjoy the music as it comes. And if you dont like it, post about something you do like instead of wasting your breath... metaphorically speaking.


he reads this


I just can't understand this attitude at all. So are we only supposed to post positive things here? Constant praise? Doesn't that make for a really boring forum? I said multiple times i'm not trying to change any of your opinions simply writing mine (on a message board designed for that exact purpose) and discussing it with other people. To be honest i was actually really enjoying the discussion, but the idea that i'm wasting my breath because i'm not in agreement with you is a terrible attitude and suggests maybe i shouldn't bother.


I just wanna talk about music yo

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So many great laid back melodies that keep changing on this one, also some amazing SAW 1 vibes that kick in around 2 minutes in - as usual it's completely different by the time you get to the end


It really feels like he's perfecting his style while endlessly reinventing it


yeah, spot on about the SAW vibes, track doesn't really sound much like analord or tuss to me despite what loads of people seem to think. those two were far more dancefloor oriented, this is way more chilled out. it's closer in style to his early stuff than to Syro, though obviously using a far more similar sonic palette to that than his older stuff.

Edited by caze
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hey misc, if this was a reaction to my post: i didn't intend to be rude at all, i'm also against this forum being just for praising rdj. but what bothered me a bit was how everyone was posting that the track wasn't inventive and could be anyone else's work and some even started questioning if he could still make good music these days.. i think that went a bit too far :) and since, in general, we know that aphex' music only gets better and better with multiple listens (i almost "hated" analord the first couple of times, and that wasn't the only release i felt this way about) i just think some people were judging too quickly. plus all the music-theoretical-philosophical posts just are in the wrong place i feel, only a couple of days after the new track has been released. it feels like this is a very common procedure here on watmm if something new gets released:

first, a new EP gets announced and everyone goes wild. everyone posts that he's hoping for insane ziggomatic- cockver- drill n base insanity - which im pretty sure took the most people loads of listens to really enjoy. then the first single is released, wich almost ALL the time turned out to be amazing in the long run, yet people always judge it right after zapping through it the fist time. and all of this while everyone emphasizes how much he loooooooooooves the soundcloud dump seems a bit phony.

all in all im just happy that cheetah instantly hit me and i loved it from the 1st listen, and im completely for constructive, good discussions here on watmm.

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misc if you were at an art show talking with people and the artist was standing right there and you saw fit to express that the artist is responsible to only put out art that you see as groundbreaking, that's up to you. you have the right to be that guy.


the fact that we're using screens doesn't make this different from that.

Edited by very honest
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and besides, circlon3 does have a nice new sound, and its gorgeous


whiners just want another acrid avid, or another fucking st michaels. they are dissappointed richard isnt continuing along some other path

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Just check the short samples from Amazon and compare. Simple

Where on Amazon are you finding these samples?


Maybe it wasn't Amazon, can't remember but somebody posted a link to where you could listen to a 30 secs worth of each track. Was posted about a week ago. I listened to them I just can't remember how It sounded

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+1 to very honest.

I'm not against music discussion and criticism, but I don't think any artist wants to have the style they're working in to be totally dismissed. I've never found that kind of criticism useful, because when I'm making art, I'm feeling what I'm feeling, and my style will change when I'm ready for it to.


I don't post about Autechre's current output because I don't feel it or get it, but there are lots of people who love it. that would just be stirring the pot, don't need to kill anyone's good vibes

Edited by ganus
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Enjoying Cirklon3 more with every listen. It might not be the best track he's ever released but it's a fun and funky tune with some pretty 'lush' parts. Am I right in guessing that all of the tracks on the Cheetah ep are Cheetah instruments only? If that's the case then he's obviously just having fun experimenting with a 'niche' brand of instruments.


Just read > "The Cheetah MS800 is considered to be one of the most annoyingly complicated instruments on the planet." Sounds right up RDJ's street...


Personally I think he'll continue to do Soundcloud related releases and then drop the odd forward thinking/'groundbreaking' release like Tuss.

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