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Two Thousand and Sixteen: The Thread


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Glad to see my anti-milk brethren are making themselves heard on this forum.

I drink almond milk all the time. I don't think I've drunk dairy in years, which is weird because I have lactase

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Hope to do some live 9/11 truthing this month, I've recorded the footage of me just sitting there with crazy eyes staring into the skype cam, gonna do the voiceover later and try and use CGI to make the lips move. I want it to be all about me rather than the cause.

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Make more money

Find work at a high end studio (my shoestring operation just isn't cutting it anymore)

Expose my music to an audience greater than 50

Stop being so fucking lazy

Stop fighting with GF

Learn how to wake up feeling content again

Record an album with my band... or at least one that uses the songs intended for that project. It's a bit up in the air right now.

Start playing regular shows as Zephyr Nova

Play more noise shows


Cook more?

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Hope to do some live 9/11 truthing this month, I've recorded the footage of me just sitting there with crazy eyes staring into the skype cam, gonna do the voiceover later and try and use CGI to make the lips move. I want it to be all about me rather than the cause.

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Eat healthier, move more, blah blah

Drink less booze. I mean, not no booze, that'd be nuts, but less booze.

Get back into learning to produce tunes

Maybe write more

Lock myself into a mortgage because it sure beats paying some asshole a few hundred every month with zero return


A lot of you want a new job, you guys just want a change of scene, or want to do something more in line with your interests?


Hope to do some live 9/11 truthing this month, I've recorded the footage of me just sitting there with crazy eyes staring into the skype cam, gonna do the voiceover later and try and use CGI to make the lips move. I want it to be all about me rather than the cause.


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cancer hospice visits for family


"complex trauma" rehabilitation while waiting for my Dad to die, yeah right


waiting for the Cinderella of the NHS that is mental health support to actually do something after 25+yrs of income tax harvesting (and they wonder why we try n blag that bs)


not killing anyone, generally


listening to more Andrew Liles lp's and cross referencing the music thats proven the ultimate virtual escape pod


take more Valium


lol @ the premier league


lol @ Cardiff City FC most weeks - TAN OUT!


wait for spring


wait for everything really.........

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Hope to do some live 9/11 truthing this month, I've recorded the footage of me just sitting there with crazy eyes staring into the skype cam, gonna do the voiceover later and try and use CGI to make the lips move. I want it to be all about me rather than the cause.



somehow i picture u doing more of sweet fuck all

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i just want to state right now that milk is awesome




just got up and got myself a glass after reading this



I used to drink a lot of milk some years ago. But nowadays it makes me sick (like diarrhea and stuff). I think I fucked up my stomach :(

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Yeah y'all just became lactose intolerant. It happened to me too...I can have small amounts of milk products with no real effect but more than a cup or so (in coffee or whatever) and I get issues.


sent using magic space waves

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Yeah y'all just became lactose intolerant. It happened to me too...I can have small amounts of milk products with no real effect but more than a cup or so (in coffee or whatever) and I get issues.

sent using magic space waves


Do you have A2 milk over there, apparently this helps some people, because the cows express milk without a protein that causes digestive tract issues. There are many factors though, so I gather you'll have to transition to alternatives, I quite like well made organic soy, but then we find that soy has an oestrogen mimicking compound in it, which is not good for men to be consuming, shame cause it makes a nice ice coffee (not the american version). I used to like cutting it fifty fifty with oat milk, was a good combo the bitterness of the oats with the creamy sweetness of the soy milk.


Nwae, bumr man.

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