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A peek into the future: OTHERKIN


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so i was listening to the joe rogan show he had the amazing atheists on and hey started talking about something i wasnt aware of but i am now.

Apparently this is what the youth is doing now OTHERKIN


whatever happen to just being a goth lol





live and let live of course but how insane will trends and fads will look in the future, and more importantly is it worth it to keep up with all this shit? the last thing i want is turn into my grandpa (rip) who stopped trying to understand society in the 1980's but at the same time this is so far removed from what i know and love lol OTHERKIN


(i have a theory that celebrity culture has ruined society and now everyone is in a race to be "special" and this otherkin shit is a symptom of that, but of course it could also be a symptom of just being free from our animal past and people are just getting bored)


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I dislike these YouTube channels with some smug white dude ranting about how dumb something is for 15 minutes. It saddens me that some of these channels have so many followers. How many people out there want nothing more after work/school than to curl up with YouTube and listen to some condescending asshole talk shit at them? It's like the Republican talk radio starter pack.

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I dislike these YouTube channels with some smug white dude ranting about how dumb something is for 15 minutes.

25 minutes in this case - the guy certainly could do with an editor to trim that thing down!
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Otherkin isn't anything new, really.


That being said, I was reading on reddit about someone doing a PhD on people who identify as "otherkin":


I have a friend who is actually in the middle of writing a PhD dissertation on otherkin. She goes to their conventions, has interviewed hundreds of otherkin, and her conclusions are actually pretty interesting.

Warning - this may offend some otherkin and tumblr users: Through her research, my friend has come to believe that a significant portion (perhaps a majority) of otherkin are actually transgender. The whole spiel of "I'm a wolf inside", "I'm a mermaid", etc... is a way for them to protect themselves from the mental fallout from being born the wrong gender.

Think of it like this - If I come to the conclusion that I'm mentally a female and was born the wrong gender, there's a certain path laid out ahead of me that I would have to follow to achieve the body I was meant to have. This would involve having to come out as trans to my close circle of family and friends (because you can't just disappear from their lives for a year and reappear a different person), having to go to lots of doctors appointments, having to raise large amounts of money to cover those doctors visits while paying for all the surgeries and hormones... It's a long, mentally traumatizing, physically painful road that you have to prepare to go down if you want to change your gender.

But what if you decide you're a wolf inside, not a woman? Well then there's nothing that medical science can really do for you. The options presented to you as an otherkin are actually much less psychologically painful than those presented to a trans person. As an otherkin, you can keep your true self private from only a few chosen people, you can stay in your own private world of otherkin blogs and online communities and be loved for the wolf inside. Nobody is going to suggest you go and get a tail surgically grafted to your body.

Basically, an otherkin who believes they're a unicorn has no hard choices to make. Even the community that supports you will, to some extent, encourage you to keep that side of you private. At the very least they will acknowledge that you can't live a normal life while walking around with a horse tail and horn strapped to you 24/7. But if that otherkin were to acknowledge their unicorn feelings were just a manifestation of their desire to actually live in a woman's body, even the trans community (while being supportive) will still encourage them to take those risky, scary steps that I listed above.

Never underestimate the lengths a human mind will go to protect itself from trauma.



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Don't see how understanding fantasy fiction-inspired hypochondriac teenager niche subcultures aligns with understanding society but if it is, reading one short paragraph is all one needs. Unless I am actually completely out of touch and all teenagers are pretending to be wolves and will keep it up through adulthood.

Or badgers.

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Don't see how understanding fantasy fiction-inspired hypochondriac teenager niche subcultures aligns with understanding society but if it is, reading one short paragraph is all one needs. Unless I am actually completely out of touch and all teenagers are pretending to be wolves and will keep it up through adulthood.

Or badgers.



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dunno how much these people actually identify as otherkins, or as just acting out weirdly because it garnishes attention


i think the transgender explanation is a wonderful one, mostly, i have to admit, because it agrees with my own, unempirical, observations.


other than that, i don't see a lot of these people, and even when they do i usually would ignore them because their behaviour is horribly histrionic

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Can't wait for the transhumanist utopia when biotechnology and other technologies will allow people to express themselves however they want. The post-human future will be a myriad of shapes and forms.

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Don't see how understanding fantasy fiction-inspired hypochondriac teenager niche subcultures aligns with understanding society but if it is, reading one short paragraph is all one needs. Unless I am actually completely out of touch and all teenagers are pretending to be wolves and will keep it up through adulthood.


Or badgers.

I was attacked by a pack of teenagers which were all WOLFKIN, OTHERKIN its an epidemic

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Amazing Atheist is the Anthony Fantano of atheist vloggers

Did you watched his joe rogan appereance? Its pretty lolworthy watching a man pretending to be normal and trying to relate to alpha man joe for 3 hours, i believe the whole thing was a PR move

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this kinda proves the whole point of giving attention to two adult white males having a go at eachother on the internet


why is this so fascinating to you>?

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on a semi-related note i was 100% right about joe rogan supporting the alt-right, he not only supports trump but also mentioned that Sargon of Akkad is one of his favorites youtube channels out there.





why is this so fascinating to you>?

My biggest fear is that on his 16th birthday my son will turn to me and say "dad, im elephantkin"
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I dislike these YouTube channels with some smug white dude ranting about how dumb something is for 15 minutes. It saddens me that some of these channels have so many followers. How many people out there want nothing more after work/school than to curl up with YouTube and listen to some condescending asshole talk shit at them? It's like the Republican talk radio starter pack.



Essentially what Maddox did - only in text form, and about everything.

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that goes without saying i dont know why you need to prove it, its just insane that when i take my dog for a walk there is going to be a mother taking his 17 year old dogkin son for a shit in the park

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