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Name one thing about modern day life that really irritates you


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People being disconnected from the reality of the food they eat. Most people I know couldn't tell you what a tomato plant looks like let alone how long it takes to grow. Not to mention 50+% of what is sold in USA grocery stores is pretty much garbage that isn't meant to be consumed on a daily basis... or ever lol 

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along with every other post in this thread I have to agree with this as my number one

small thing? people being idiots about the futuristic technology we already have access to. So much wasted potential.

But tbh this doesn't irk me at all.


There is pretty much just this one thing which makes me disproportionately angry:









fucking C A R S


They must go away. It is insane. Everywhere you look, there they are: CARS! How the fuck can it be legal to shove 1.5 tons of lethal steel around just to transport your lazy fat ass around? Making fucking noise all the time, making life in the city dangerous to everyone, fucking up the air? You drive a car? FUCK YOU.


flol, agree with this :beer:


once upon a time you had a 'rush hour' at 8 -9am and 5-6pm, now its going full fucking steam from 6am to 10pm, absolute bonkers

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callousness of strangers to those obviously in need (in big cities, I guess).


 You can only tell someone to fuck off politely in so many way. haah.


When I lived in Austin TX, I was asked by homeless people for money.. constantly. I actually started getting irritated from being asked multiple times a day.


So many of them tried to guilt trip me into giving them money, one guy told me he was a veteran, and that he had a japanese wife, and asked me to donate to the 'homeless veterans fund' by giving him cash. By then I knew better. I could see syringe marks on his arm, and scabs around the marks.


So many of these schizophrenic homeless people on the street. Half I met and talked to were obviously mentally ill. It's pretty sad. It puts things into perspective. How by chaance you're fucked If you genetically have schizophrenia, and a family that either doesn't care, or gave up on you long ago. You don't have the right mental health to get your life back on track

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Having to know when everybody's fucking birthday is


and feeling guilty when you choose to ignore it

my rule for bdays on facebook is to never post on anyone's wall and just send personal messages to my closest friends. i feel really lame writing on someone's wall idk



same here, I'll call or text someone usually. I avoid facebook but I keep my account for chatting with a few hard-to-reach friends.


I don't even like getting birthday messages on fb. I never do the whole post-birthday "Thanx for all the kind words so blessed to have you all in my life!" post, I can't stand that shit. 

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People being disconnected from the reality of the food they eat. Most people I know couldn't tell you what a tomato plant looks like let alone how long it takes to grow. Not to mention 50+% of what is sold in USA grocery stores is pretty much garbage that isn't meant to be consumed on a daily basis... or ever lol 


The most irritating is people's disconnection from the animal products they consume especially the moral considerations

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Also, I have been afraid of homeless people since that cannibalism incident in FL.

Yeah, it's a very human thing to project one incident to all of them. It's ridiculous how afraid I am of being killed by a serial killer or something when I have a way higher chance of dying in a car wreck, which is not something I'm afraid of.

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Also, I have been afraid of homeless people since that cannibalism incident in FL.

Yeah, it's a very human thing to project one incident to all of them. It's ridiculous how afraid I am of being killed by a serial killer or something when I have a way higher chance of dying in a car wreck, which is not something I'm afraid of.



 Dude, they're all cannibals now, get with the pogrom.


 The a couple of cleaners went across the road from work for a smoke a couple of nights ago and they were near an homeless lady lying down sleeping. Anyway, an african guy walked past them sizing them up then moved on, and moments later they hear the homeless lady screaming that the african had stolen her bag. The cleaner relating this story to me stated that he could see what was happening but was scared to run after the guy in case he had an knife or something. Fair enough i spose. I don't know if i would have done the same, it's the type of thing where your body decides for you, makes the risk assessment before you can think about it, heh. Anyway, it's quite sad to be so low that you'd rob an homeless lady, she's probably skitzo, so very anti-social and her bag would have contained probably very little money but something far more valuable, her lifeline to the government departments that can give her support. She would have had her pension card and identification and whatever in the bag. Stuff that someone in this condition wouldn't be capable of easily re-obtaining.


 Hey i managed to fit a thing in about modern life in australia that really irritates me. Well done.

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the NFL


college football is getting irritating too but the NFL is the absolute worst. i get the appeal of playing fantasy football for fun but it's a douche-y enterprise as well


the alt right vs SWJ cultural war, its fucking boring and it takes way too much time, attention and energy from our collective mind. Its ruining mainstream internet too


this - it's always devolves into fucking echo chamber circlejerk versus echo chamber circlejerk. you can't say anything on public media without potentially being targeted and shamed from any side. it's killing intellectual debate. also I don't care about gamegate.


give me a robust talk IRL with someone over some beers over that shit anyday


People still ain't figured out contraception.


it's literally taboo for lawmakers in some areas to encourage it as well, instead it's just this ethos of...



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Social media / perpetual online interaction.


I feel like people used to be content with their own personal sphere of friends, family, hobbies, media, and self-reflection when it was the only option.

I certainly did, now I feel like if I quit Facebook/Twitter I'll end up bored and alone - when in fact I'll probably be happier than ever.

I almost pulled the trigger but didn't. I stopped checking twitter, FB feeds, instagram, etc. though. Felt good. I only pop on there if someone IRL mentions a link of if I want to send a direct message. It's also the easiest way to talk to my family that lives out of state so I won't deactivate it.


There was a goal of mine to treat the internet like it was 1995, a one way interaction besides email and forums as an expection but I haven't committed 100% yet.


I've been working crazy hours so evening post-work/dinner/kid's bath & bedtime/chore/dog walk I still end up winding down playing words with friends, browsing niche subreddits and watching silly youtube videos with my wife.


Also I still read magazines in waiting rooms, hah. I rarely get on my phone in public alone.

That takes some serious discipline - which I probably don't have. I've tried deleting apps etc but still find a way back there, it's a deeply entrenched behaviour I can't seem to shake off. It's a good approach though, may give it a go...
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The white middle classes who spend time in racially diverse, low income areas for the sole purpose of appearing cultured. Then talk about it in a super patronizing way while simultaneously engaging in lifestyle choices that contribute to the divide.

That is oddly specific

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