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the watmm GAS thread


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There's a Behringer Tweakalizer complete in the box for $9.99 on eBay right now with no bids... we'l see what it's looking like in the last hour but I might finally have to scratch that stupid itch.

Never seen that, it's a pretty weird little fella ain't it? Could be pretty interesting though. The big dial reminds me of an idea I had earlier this year for a MIDI controller. Ideas don't count for shit if you have no mechanical aptitude like me though. lol



I found out about them about a year ago, they're pretty interesting.  Most people seem to agree that they actually sound really good and have some interesting performance features, with an awkwardly large form factor and especially cheap, unreliable build quality (even for old-school Behringer gear). I'm always intrigued by anything that's cheap, weird and unpopular but I wouldn't want to spend more than the price of a pizza or two. It looks like one of those things like the Kaoss Pad 2 I traded away years ago that are great for feeding back into themselves.  Mono signal into left input, left output into right input, right output to a mixer channel. The thing that made the KP2 so good for that (or even for inputless self-oscllation noodling) was the mode that muted it whenever you weren't actually touching the XY pad, so you could get some completely unstable feedback stuff going on but cut it in and out easily.  I'd regret trading mine except that I got two 1970s Unicord analog BBD units for it that just needed to have some loose pots resoldered, so I ended up keeping one and flipping the other for three times what I paid for the KP2 to begin with and the other guy ended up with a free KP2 (because he had just found the Unicords in the trash) and everyone was happy.



Anyway, this thing seems like Behringer essentially stuck a Redsound/Peavy Grabber phrase sampler and a few Alesis ModFX units into one box with a big rotary controller on it.

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Not something I actually want but something that I'd never heard of before.  It's quite obviously an Alesis Nanoverb with a different face plate, and I have no idea what the deal is with the company, whether it's a legitimate OEM product or on of those weird pieces of bootleg gear that comes out of China sometimes.






Although actually, it has a reverse reverb and "random" reverb, and IIRC the Nanoverb didn't have either of those (I have a Nanoverb that someone I know who used to be in Alesis tech support got out of the trash, but it was rehoused in a Nanobass enclosure so I don't know what any of the algorithms were actually called), so maybe it's worth some attention after all.  There's one on eBay right now hovering around $3.


This is the sort of thing I would almost always grab if it was under $15 because, like samplers and delays, there's really no such thing as a useless reverb and sometimes the crappiest ones are the most interesting.

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Oooh, digital oscillators into an analog filter is a great sound in general.  That thing looks way cooler than the Streichfett did, to me.

Agreed. Digital+analog combos are sort of my fetish, I've learned.


I've heard some interesting bits from Streichfett, but it seems to almost always need post processing and even then doesn't get very unique. The Rocket doesn't often get 'unique' but i've heard bits (not in those demos really, but in others) where it did some very interesting stuff...but for the most it's always got a solid, malleable sound. I considered one before I bought my Pulse 2, and still have an interest in picking one up at some point. Maybe if I can snag a cheap-ish used one, though honestly they're not a bad price brand new either.



This is the sort of thing I would almost always grab if it was under $15 because, like samplers and delays, there's really no such thing as a useless reverb and sometimes the crappiest ones are the most interesting.

This sort of sentiment is something I've always gone by, I've got a box full of tiny, cheap sound toys because of it too. I need to get more into stuff like you posted though, weird/shitty/knock-off/unknown gear. I'm sure some is just pure shit, but almost anything is going to have some interesting use. I like to think that, at least :)

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Well, I took the plunge and bought a lot with that reverb plus the compressor from the same line, both NOS display models, for $25 total (plus shipping).  There's almost no info on them online but someone on Gearslutz claims the compressor is a bit of hidden gem and claims to own 6 of them.  For that price there's no excuse to not give them a shot, if nothing else a really crap compressor can sound great on a digital drum machine.

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Ugh .. so Holiday sales + too much eggnog .... picked up some shit, then woke up the next morning hung over like wtf did I do


Intellijel Rubicon, Make Noise Wogglebug, Xaoc Kamieniec, Copper Traces Seek, Intellijel uFold2, Tip top SD909, Tip Top Hats808......

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I built a probabilistic crossfader in Pure Data to route step triggers between two 8-step sequencers (which I also built). GASing now to test the thing out. M4L is only 119 euros though.


I don't know enough about coding to know how feasible it is, but that seems like something that would be really cool to port over to Teensy or something with libpd (except I don't know if it does MIDI processing of if it only implements the audio features in PD) and make it in to standalone hardware.

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i couldn't contain my GAS over Christmas and i now have a Dreadbox Erebus en route

got one this year too, loving it :)




There's a Behringer Tweakalizer complete in the box for $9.99 on eBay right now with no bids... we'l see what it's looking like in the last hour but I might finally have to scratch that stupid itch.

Never seen that, it's a pretty weird little fella ain't it? Could be pretty interesting though. The big dial reminds me of an idea I had earlier this year for a MIDI controller. Ideas don't count for shit if you have no mechanical aptitude like me though. lol


Saw this new version of the Kastl on CDM, looks so much fun. Maybe a fun little purchase next year?



dammit I barely use the old version which i have..

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yeah the Dreadbox sounds fantastic. i haven't had much time to use it yet so i'm looking forward to getting really stuck in. the echo is so over the top lo-fi, been using it + the patch bay to create some fucked up soundscapes.

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I built a probabilistic crossfader in Pure Data to route step triggers between two 8-step sequencers (which I also built). GASing now to test the thing out. M4L is only 119 euros though.


I don't know enough about coding to know how feasible it is, but that seems like something that would be really cool to port over to Teensy or something with libpd (except I don't know if it does MIDI processing of if it only implements the audio features in PD) and make it in to standalone hardware.



I think it would be really nice to have a small knobby and input/output-ly box where you could load random Pure Data patches into. Right now the closest thing is the OWL modular, but a standalone thing would be much better as you wouldn't have to start by sticking the eurocrack needle into you.

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The Organelle has comprehensive PD functionality.



500 dollars for few knobs?!


behringer bcr2000 + laptop work like a charm

It also has good converters, a keyboard, a patch selection system, an attractive chassis, and a nice OLED. But yeah it's probably not for you.
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I built a probabilistic crossfader in Pure Data to route step triggers between two 8-step sequencers (which I also built). GASing now to test the thing out. M4L is only 119 euros though.


I don't know enough about coding to know how feasible it is, but that seems like something that would be really cool to port over to Teensy or something with libpd (except I don't know if it does MIDI processing of if it only implements the audio features in PD) and make it in to standalone hardware.



I think it would be really nice to have a small knobby and input/output-ly box where you could load random Pure Data patches into. Right now the closest thing is the OWL modular, but a standalone thing would be much better as you wouldn't have to start by sticking the eurocrack needle into you.




I looked at a bunch of this stuff and I think the Axoloti with a DIY control surface is still probably the best bet for what I'd want to do.  The one big complaint is that it only has two channels of audio i/o, but for the price you could get a few and run them in parallel or series.

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Moments away from pulling trigger on Volca FM despite having zero experience with fm synthesis. Just loving the sounds in some of these YouTube demos.

I would think it better to buy it BECAUSE you have zero experience with FM synthesis. Best way to learn is jump in the deep end sometimes.
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Yeah it's so cheap, just get one. Worst case you'll have a little toy to kill time with. There's so much to play with packed into the little thing and it's about as instant gratification as FM gets without being mindless preset surfing.

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Yamaha Reface DX would be cool at $300... I just don't like the feel of the Korg membrane / keypad--feels chintzy. It looks like there were some pre- Dec. 31st deals at Juno - Yamaha Reface keyboards for approx. $275 USD. The CP (sold out) sounds pretty sweet, but it's more of a want than a need. They look well-built, very playable

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