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the watmm GAS thread


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9 minutes ago, thawkins said:

It's probably something like 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000€


I strongly suggest setting up the Time Machine backups, you never know when your hard drive craps itself and you lose all your cool unfinished projects that are definitely going to be released any time soon on vinyls.

I back everything up onto Dropbox and my external drives so I feel pretty secure already. And it's mostly work-related stuff I'm worried about losing because a lot of clients will return after a couple of years and ask for small changes ?

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Just now, Squee said:

I back everything up onto Dropbox and my external drives so I feel pretty secure already. And it's mostly work-related stuff I'm worried about losing because a lot of clients will return after a couple of years and ask for small changes ?

That's good if you have a backup regimen. I started a year or so ago - after a hard drive just crapped itself out of the blue. At the moment I'm not even sure what I am doing is enough, but all my stuff is duplicated on my main HD and the Time Machine backup one. I think getting a storage RAID that handles all the duplication is actually the way to go - so even if one hard drive fails, you are still OK because the data is duplicated and you just have to switch out the broken one.

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3 minutes ago, thawkins said:

That's good if you have a backup regimen. I started a year or so ago - after a hard drive just crapped itself out of the blue. At the moment I'm not even sure what I am doing is enough, but all my stuff is duplicated on my main HD and the Time Machine backup one. I think getting a storage RAID that handles all the duplication is actually the way to go - so even if one hard drive fails, you are still OK because the data is duplicated and you just have to switch out the broken one.

Harddrives are fucking scary.
I've got the BlackMagic MultiDock that allows for 4 SSDs to either be striped and/or set up as a normal RAID system. So far it works flawlessly.

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Got some serious gas right now for a Moog Grandmother. I currently have no analog synth and miss having one, especially the unspeakable beauty of audio-rate modulations with an all analog signal path


The spring reverb module in the demos I've watched sounds yum yum. My last big purchase with my sweetwater gear card is almost paid down, thinking I might grab a Grandmother for an early Christmas gift to ma selfie.

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4 hours ago, Squee said:

I back everything up onto Dropbox and my external drives so I feel pretty secure already. And it's mostly work-related stuff I'm worried about losing because a lot of clients will return after a couple of years and ask for small changes ?

I've been looking at some sort of cloudy backup plan, as it seems it'll be slightly less costly than working out something with physical drives and a lot less hassle. Right now I'm using icloud's cheapest option to try out for some essential stuff but considering upgrading to the 2tb scheme. Would you recommend dropbox over icloud?

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21 minutes ago, user said:

I've been looking at some sort of cloudy backup plan, as it seems it'll be slightly less costly than working out something with physical drives and a lot less hassle. Right now I'm using icloud's cheapest option to try out for some essential stuff but considering upgrading to the 2tb scheme. Would you recommend dropbox over icloud?

I'm no expert here, so I can only talk from experience. iCloud never really made sense to me. The way everything is structured is nonsense to me - which is probably just because I never actually sat down and tried to figure it out.
Dropbox on the other hand has a bunch of handy features. I can put passwords on files I send to clients. So in case I'm working on something top secret no one can access the files unless they have the password.
The fact that I can do anything from my desktop and never have to access a browser is brilliant. I just drag my files into my Dropbox folder, right click on it, click "Copy Shared Link" and then send that to my client. I can also transfer the files directly from my Dropbox folder which works exactly like WeTransfer. I enter an email address, the receiver receives an email, and as soon as he/she downloads it I get a notification.
Also, I can restore deleted files from up to 180 days ago which is such a nice feature. 

If you have any other questions just let me know.

I don't remember how expensive Google Drive is if you want to upgrade, but it might be worth checking out. 

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Ahh, a nice analog vocoder is the last thing that really gives me the GAS bad, and there are so many redundant circuits and connectors in it that it would be a tedious thing to build and wouldn't really save much money.  Maybe in a year or two.


OTOH, building an NGF Modular Vocoder would be a pretty amazing thing.

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Yeah, that one looks great too.


I don't think the PCB files for the NGF are available, though, I can find everything else but no PCB files, and building something with that many panel mounted parts on perfboard would be awful.


The MFOS one is a lot more approachable but if I was going to build a vocoder I wouldn't want to cut any corners at all.  Which is why I probably won't build one.

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Yeah.  I'm building a Kijimi in a couple months (have the PCBs, case, ICs, OLED, knobs and a couple of the switches, and should have the rest by the end of December) and I'll be lucky if I can finish that by February.  The last thing I need is another big project and when I do I have enough PCBs lying around from a few years back when I was just buying PCBs cheap when I could, so I should get in to those if anything.

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On 11/5/2019 at 9:29 AM, Drum Up said:

Got some serious gas right now for a Moog Grandmother. I currently have no analog synth and miss having one, especially the unspeakable beauty of audio-rate modulations with an all analog signal path


The spring reverb module in the demos I've watched sounds yum yum. My last big purchase with my sweetwater gear card is almost paid down, thinking I might grab a Grandmother for an early Christmas gift to ma selfie.

I was eyeing the Grandma for a while, it's easily the sexiest synth in a long time purely from a design standpoint. Soundwise it didn't really feel workhorsey enough from the demo's and I don't want keybeds hogging up space. The synth that makes a lot of sense to me is the OB6 module, though it's pricey and I'm not entirely sold on some issues like the small voice set and gritty 12db filter. I'd probably be cool with a mix of that and some behringer monos... the pro-1 sounds amazing in the demos. The KT audio units look really cool for the price, but the mix.analog cloud service is taking off and pretty much covers it if you want to be smart and save space & dough. 

I don't really have a setup ready to take on and do justice to any single synth and I'm more into just playing instruments at the moment. My christmas present this year will actually be a Yamaha Viola 7SG. All the underdog jokes about violas are true, it's nearly impossible to find comprehensive reviews on midtier ones & all the necessary accessories. You have to make an educated guess based on the reputation of the manufacturer and materials used. Will be fun to see how that turns out, I can't wait to annoy my neighbours and wrestle with gut strings. 

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3 hours ago, chim said:

the pro-1 sounds amazing in the demos.

on the rumor mill, it sounds like Sequential will be releasing a new synth soon, most folks are saying it's going to be an update of their pro-2. Could be interesting. 

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On 11/5/2019 at 1:45 PM, Squee said:

I'm no expert here, so I can only talk from experience. iCloud never really made sense to me. The way everything is structured is nonsense to me - which is probably just because I never actually sat down and tried to figure it out.
Dropbox on the other hand has a bunch of handy features. I can put passwords on files I send to clients. So in case I'm working on something top secret no one can access the files unless they have the password.
The fact that I can do anything from my desktop and never have to access a browser is brilliant. I just drag my files into my Dropbox folder, right click on it, click "Copy Shared Link" and then send that to my client. I can also transfer the files directly from my Dropbox folder which works exactly like WeTransfer. I enter an email address, the receiver receives an email, and as soon as he/she downloads it I get a notification.
Also, I can restore deleted files from up to 180 days ago which is such a nice feature. 

If you have any other questions just let me know.

I don't remember how expensive Google Drive is if you want to upgrade, but it might be worth checking out. 

Much appreciated, cheers. I guess icloud is not really intended for backups and focused more on synchronisation just like with itunes (grr) there's some very counterintuitive behaviour, I definitely had to spend some time before I had the idea things were going right.Gotta look into dropbox a bit more, hadn't even considered google drive yet, although I generally find google's UI for anything but their search engine confusing (too many features crammed in for the occasional user with weird prioritization, I'm scanning for the little directions arrow in google maps every single fucking time, desktop as well as app....I might be too stupid for google though)          

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My GAS has given way, and I am purchasing an RMA Mudlark

It is essentially a 2 stage gain unit fuzz with EQ control plus feedback / gating effects.  I think.  Plus you can choose whether you get the gain or EQ before it reaches the fuzz, and if it feedsback or not. 

Basically its a hot noisy box of destruction and I can't wait to fire my Volca Kick or BlackFly through it ?

I am hoping it can replace the distortion and fuzz units I have, minimising my kit


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1 hour ago, user said:

Much appreciated, cheers. I guess icloud is not really intended for backups and focused more on synchronisation just like with itunes (grr) there's some very counterintuitive behaviour, I definitely had to spend some time before I had the idea things were going right.Gotta look into dropbox a bit more, hadn't even considered google drive yet, although I generally find google's UI for anything but their search engine confusing (too many features crammed in for the occasional user with weird prioritization, I'm scanning for the little directions arrow in google maps every single fucking time, desktop as well as app....I might be too stupid for google though)          

There's also Backblaze. A friend of mine uses that and loves it. But I think the downside is that you can't get immediate access to your files or something like that.

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Had a chance to play on one of these last night, definitely going to buy at some point. The filters sound incredible. Found this demo online:


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