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the watmm GAS thread


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Not really any GAS possible since I don't have an infusion of disposable income every 6 months from the reliable freelance editing work I was doing before the pandemic hit.  I've got the $125 in Paypal to get that Lyra 8 barebones DIY kit when the next batch is finally ready, but other than that I'm strictly in the "if I need it I have to build it" zone, other than the occasional cheap utility stuff like cables.


Last hurrah was a second video matrix switch and a mid 80s consumer grade video enhancer for circuit bending purposes.

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5 hours ago, sweepstakes said:

You know what's really activating my gas? This last batch of kimchi I made. Good lord, where did I go wrong? I spend more time on the can than on Zoom calls.

Time to live dangerously and spend more time on the can while doing Zoom calls.

I ordered a USB-C extension cable to get rid of at least some of the cable mess on my desk and guess fucking what:



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5 hours ago, thawkins said:

Time to live dangerously and spend more time on the can while doing Zoom calls.

I ordered a USB-C extension cable to get rid of at least some of the cable mess on my desk and guess fucking what:




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Basically my understanding is that even though the USB-C standard finally makes it possible to plug the thing in both ways, IT DOES NOT WORK if it is plugged the wrong way. At least not for any USB2.0 things that are chained further on.

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the delays on superberry, specifically delay B, is my new favorite effect. it's a very uncanny sound that i've heard in lots of early 2000s electronica and i'm wondering if any of the heads can shed some light on that type of smudged delay and some possible options in the dsp realm. it's kind of like a shimmery sound also, but you can't achieve it using a reverb with the lows cut out of the diffusion network. i'm stumped. usually i'm good at replicating effects with stock ableton plugin combinations.

i attached a file that has the sound in it.what is this reverb delay sound.mp3

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6 minutes ago, sheatheman said:

the delays on superberry, specifically delay B, is my new favorite effect. it's a very uncanny sound that i've heard in lots of early 2000s electronica and i'm wondering if any of the heads can shed some light on that type of smudged delay and some possible options in the dsp realm. it's kind of like a shimmery sound also, but you can't achieve it using a reverb with the lows cut out of the diffusion network. i'm stumped. usually i'm good at replicating effects with stock ableton plugin combinations.

i attached a file that has the sound in it.

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what is this reverb delay sound.mp3 899.49 kB · 4 downloads


Reverbs tend to be assembled from networks of all-pass and comb filters, with feedforward and feedback respectively. The former can create that smudging effect. You can experiment with rolling your own using M4L (or PD or SC, etc.) It's not super difficult to create hybrids of reverb and delay, though I haven't played with it in a while.

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24 minutes ago, e-mertz said:

I wanna get a new simple yet multi-timbral polysynth. Something lush & digital sounding. Has to be knobby/slidery. And not be above 500 Eur. Anyone has ideas?

Modal Argon8 

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ah, must’ve glossed over that ask. not sure there’s any multi-timbral options in your price range, at least not new ones (other than software)? maybe some older used workstations or something. curious to hear what others come up with that fit that bill

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1 hour ago, e-mertz said:

I wanna get a new simple yet multi-timbral polysynth. Something lush & digital sounding. Has to be knobby/slidery. And not be above 500 Eur. Anyone has ideas?

Waldorf Blofeld 

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Well it'll be hard to find a knob-per-function synth that satisfies the requirements, even for crusty 90's digitals. JP-8000? Korg Z1? Maybe you can score a deal on an early Nord Lead?

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1 minute ago, rhmilo said:

Not all that knobby. Nice to use (if the knobs work, which is not a given).

What I thought


Just now, chim said:

Well it'll be hard to find a knob-per-function synth that satisfies the requirements, even for crusty 90's digitals. JP-8000? Korg Z1? Maybe you can score a deal on an early Nord Lead?

Yeah, Nord lead is on the candidate list. Already decided that I'm gonna look at a second hand Virus. Had a nord lead 2 back in the days and hated it. But it was my 2nd synth ever and I think I had very little idea what you could really get out of it.

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10 minutes ago, thawkins said:

Korg MS2000?

I want !multi-timbral!

though I appreciate the tip and think it's a sweet synth

edit: ok realized the ms-2000 is bi-timbral. Would rather have 4 parts tho :))

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Haven't used one but I've had a Redsound elevata since 2012 and the rumors of it being bad are highly exaggerated (as long as you get the last firmware version, which isn't so easy - I had to pay the old Redsound chief engineer $70 for a copy of the BIN file and burn my own EPROM, and he was pretty cagey about it)  The DarkStar is supposed to be a lot less buggy, it just never caught on and then the botched Elevata release just about ended the company and put them out of synths completely.  I think they still technically exist and sell/license beat counters.


Anyway, a DarkStar is something to consider if you want knobby, digital sounding (VA in this case) and under $500.  You can get the original version for about half what an XP2 costs but I think the build quality wasn't as good or something. All the RedSound stuff is getting harder to find but i don't know if the price or demand has gone up at all.

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