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Game Over: EmailGate Just Crippled the Clinton Express





Even TheWashington Post, hardly a member of the VRWC, has conceded that EmailGate is a certifiably big deal, and “badly complicates Clinton’s past explanations about the server.” Its editors went further, issuing a blistering statement castigating Ms. Clinton’s “inexcusable, willful disregard of the rules.” They minced no words: “Ms. Clinton had plenty of warnings to use official government communications methods, so as to make sure that her records were properly preserved and to minimize cybersecurity risks. She ignored them.”
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Game Over: EmailGate Just Crippled the Clinton Express





Even TheWashington Post, hardly a member of the VRWC, has conceded that EmailGate is a certifiably big deal, and “badly complicates Clinton’s past explanations about the server.” Its editors went further, issuing a blistering statement castigating Ms. Clinton’s “inexcusable, willful disregard of the rules.” They minced no words: “Ms. Clinton had plenty of warnings to use official government communications methods, so as to make sure that her records were properly preserved and to minimize cybersecurity risks. She ignored them.”




it sure is a small world....


"Disclosure: Donald Trump is the father-in-law of Jared Kushner, the publisher of Observer Media."

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Mike Judge creating new Idiocracy anti Trump campaign ads:



I'd have to see these ads but I'm struggling to imagine them swaying anyone. I doubt most Trump supporters have seen Idiocracy and I'm guessing those who have either think it's condescending liberal bullshit, or think Camacho would make a badass president.


I definitely find myself talking about Idiocracy more and more often, though, especially in the context of Trump.

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I'm more worried about Clington winning the Dem primary than I am about Trump winning the general election at this point. Gonna throw in one last contribution to the Bern campaign for Tuesday. Hope he can win Cali...

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I'm more worried about Clington winning the Dem primary than I am about Trump winning the general election at this point. Gonna throw in one last contribution to the Bern campaign for Tuesday. Hope he can win Cali...

I'm more worried about people calling Clinton and Sanders 'Clington & Bern.' ;) He won't win Cali though, at least given everything I'm seeing. It'll be much closer than was expected a month ago, but he won't win (not that if he does it'll matter).


Sleep tight pupper




sweep tite fluffer

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Mike Judge creating new Idiocracy anti Trump campaign ads:



I'd have to see these ads but I'm struggling to imagine them swaying anyone. I doubt most Trump supporters have seen Idiocracy and I'm guessing those who have either think it's condescending liberal bullshit, or think Camacho would make a badass president.


I definitely find myself talking about Idiocracy more and more often, though, especially in the context of Trump.



I live in a very conservative area and many of such people that are my age have seen Idiocracy, Team America World Police, etc etc. Family Guy (ugh) is especially popular with the young conservative crowd. I think people generally recognize that those works are satirical, but they don't seem to completely get it. A year or two ago I overheard a co-worker (at a place where I was one of three liberals that I knew of) comparing Barack Obama to Mister President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, claiming that our current president won votes by being a "rock star president" and I guess implying a lack of professionalism. I guess there is some kind of redneck equivalence between becoming president of a student law review in the second year of law school/being a law professor and attorney for a decade, and being a member of Lynyrd Skynyrd. I don't doubt at all that he is now a Trump supporter and believes that he is fully qualified as a candidate.

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Mike Judge creating new Idiocracy anti Trump campaign ads:



I'd have to see these ads but I'm struggling to imagine them swaying anyone. I doubt most Trump supporters have seen Idiocracy and I'm guessing those who have either think it's condescending liberal bullshit, or think Camacho would make a badass president.


I definitely find myself talking about Idiocracy more and more often, though, especially in the context of Trump.



i'm guessing they'll probably just be for fun. trolling trump and trump supporters

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I'm more worried about Clington winning the Dem primary than I am about Trump winning the general election at this point. Gonna throw in one last contribution to the Bern campaign for Tuesday. Hope he can win Cali...


So once Clinton wins the nomination you'll start worrying about Trump full time? You're in California though, so at least you won't have to vote for her, she'll win there comfortably in the general.


Edit: I forgot there's more than California on Tuesday, so maybe you're in some other state?

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I'm about 99% sure that slimeball cunt Hillary and her campaign and her corporate fucking money will steal yet another state from Bernie on the 7th. Even if Bernie wins the popular vote, she will buy the delegates. An absolute disgrace.


This country needs new parties.


EDIT: Voting for Gary Johnson is a total joke. The Libertarian party is a total parody of itself that lacks any integrity whatsoever.

Edited by clarktrent
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boo hoo, corporations are evil, boo hoo


the US could really do with lowering its corporate tax rate to european levels (at least to the average, but more would be better).

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boo hoo, corporations are evil, boo hoo


the US could really do with lowering its corporate tax rate to european levels (at least to the average, but more would be better).

I totally agree, and that right there is the reason why many European countries actually produce things. I'm not saying that corporations are evil, I'm saying that major corporations get behind politicians like Hillary.


The thing is that big corporations lobby for more regulations and laws just because they are in bed with the politicians and can actually afford them. The smaller competitors would just go out of business.

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