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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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the age when a crazy old racist orange guy tramples over one of the political parties, and that party still controls the majority of the house and senate


i saw an article on politico the other day titled why hasnt the republican party collapsed?


not a very good article but a good question. it got me thinking about it. it's not even the gerrymandering, that just gives them an extra 15% maybe. its because there's a slow turn around in consensus and it lags behind reality by 30x the speed


Well, there's absolutely no talk about mid-term elections in the USA. So they come and go in silence. That coupled with restrictive voting laws means that no one is voting for anything really.


as they designed it

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the age when a crazy old racist orange guy tramples over one of the political parties, and that party still controls the majority of the house and senate


What a time to be alive.

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I read a comment from someone from the Trump campaign that the Farage appearance was not happening, but apparently it did. This is not the first time the spokepersons and surrogates say conflicting things, it's like the campaign is all over the place and never on the same page.

As for their response to their bad polling numbers, it's just further proof that they live in an alternate reality, last presidential election it was about unskewing the polls, now they don't even bother. It's just nope, not happening, liberal bias blah blah. Either they are just keeping up appearances for the truly dumb so they can keep asking them for more money or then they are also dumb.


Trump's campaign is a huge mess. Sad!

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Guest bitroast

faaark. that nigel farage speech was pretty strong. pretty inspiring. 

shame it was by a fucking cunt endorsing another fucking cunt. 

scary shit. 

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faaark. that nigel farage speech was pretty strong. pretty inspiring. 

shame it was by a fucking cunt endorsing another fucking cunt. 

scary shit. 


it's easy to see how if farage was giving speeches all over the place for trump he could rally the troops.  he's a much better speaker than trump. he's actually got enthusiasm and passion.  scary to think about. 

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If Trump were half as good a speaker, we'd be [even more] doomed.


yeah.. he's just so all over the place and his dumb one liners and focus on himself are just absurd.  i've seen some things posted on reddit titled "If America sees this speech by Trump he'll win the election easily" and it's just him doing his same old dumb shit.. which just makes me think the person is mining for upvotes or is really dumb or sheltered and has never seen/heard a good speech. 


but all the stuff farage says is so sheathed in fascism and racism and anti-immigrant code i don't know how people didn't get it?  maybe they did and it's what they liked about him?  and then there's the "protest vote".  hopefully enough of the bernie supporters see the writing on the wall and realize how far a trump win is away from their platform and they do the smarter thing and vote for hillary.  

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If Trump were half as good a speaker, we'd be [even more] doomed.


yeah.. he's just so all over the place and his dumb one liners and focus on himself are just absurd.  i've seen some things posted on reddit titled "If America sees this speech by Trump he'll win the election easily" and it's just him doing his same old dumb shit.. which just makes me think the person is mining for upvotes or is really dumb or sheltered and has never seen/heard a good speech. 


but all the stuff farage says is so sheathed in fascism and racism and anti-immigrant code i don't know how people didn't get it?  maybe they did and it's what they liked about him?  and then there's the "protest vote".  hopefully enough of the bernie supporters see the writing on the wall and realize how far a trump win is away from their platform and they do the smarter thing and vote for hillary.  



In most states the protest vote seems to be going for Garry Johnson, who at the moment only seems to be really taking votes away from Trump. Stein is the only one who you'd think could spoil for Clinton, and she's thankfully doing pretty pathetically at the moment (as she should, she's fucking terrible).

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I miss there being candidates that you like, or at least can relate to.

That's what happens when the electoral system is so that you don't have a chance unless you have the backing of one of the two major parties and access to the hundreds of millions it takes to make a legit run.

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Garry Johnson seems like a likeable, relatable, guy. He's got some silly policies of course, but also lots of good ones.


He's a pretty reasonable and pragmatic - i.e. the kind of libertarian who is ok with seatbelts and driver's licences and actually has some history as an elected official.


Personality wise he's hilarious, a kooky guy but nonetheless an oddly sincere and good person, like some kind of character David Lynch and Christoper Guest collaborated on.


Edited by joshuatx
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faaark. that nigel farage speech was pretty strong. pretty inspiring. 

shame it was by a fucking cunt endorsing another fucking cunt. 

scary shit. 


Aye Farage is charismatic and a good public speaker. He is entirely the reason UKIP has done so well, I think, the party would have been (and will be) dead in the water without him. He's good at appearing as one of the common people of the UK as well, even if he does come from (relative) privilege.


Regarding Trump's public speaking, well, this transcript always cracks me up



"Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you're a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us."



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Despite that (lol), I think Trump is actually a really compelling public speaker.


There is something about his cadence and dialect and intonation that is comforting somehow, despite the horror of the actual content of what he's saying.


And it's funny, I just dove back into Jungian self-analysis again and it's really weird how Trump seems to soothe some people's paternal issues. I think (and on some level this is obvious) everyone has totalitarian desires, like a strong father saying to his family "look, it's gonna get a little ugly but just listen to me and we'll be fine" and that's how you get, y'know, normal people thinking that being a guard at Aushwitz is a morally good thing.


Why is it that virtually nobody thinks they're capable of being a guard at Auschwitz, and yet most people would be? Whatever that disconnect is, I think it accounts for why civilization is perpetually susceptible to totalitarianism.

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^He's a salesman. I'd be perfectly ok with him winning people over to buy 2017 Cadillacs or something relatively harmless. He's done this for properties for years.


That kind of personality in office is dangerous. It's the core of the professional lobbyists and corrupt officials. I don't think it's something any recent president or nominee has ever had to the extent Trump espouses it, including Clinton. Trump literally has no plan, no core principles no sense of moral, social, or ideological consistency or thought. That doesn't work for executive office of world's super power. It's not throwing money at a casino or high rise condo with only a whim of what the hell is actually going to go down.

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