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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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More of their grand swamp-draining plans. Repeal ACA but replace it with what? These inept mooks only know destruction and self-service. They give fuck-all about doing anything constructive in helping the citizens. MAGA = one big joke.

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golden showers from hookers in the presidential suite where the Obamas once stayed, they're saying. amazing.

Edited by usagi
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Wow. Wow. Well, we know anon is gonna release that video if trump isnt impeached before then, and when that happens, it'll be like a real-life episode of Black Mirror.


Of course Trump will be Trump and will respond claiming the video is doctored , and that it's not him.


*Grabs extra extra buttered popcorn*


He will go down as the "Pee Pee President" or something embarrassing.


5 years later he will write a memoir boasting about his real estate wins, presidential victory and golden shower sexcapades in Russia and everywhere else. It will contain a forward from none other than R. Kelly.


100 years later, the concept of presidency has shifted from politically able, to meme-worthy.

Edited by Lane Visitor
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It seems too good to be true. I would love for that entire document to be true, and to see Trump get charged with treason... but it really just seems too good to be true.

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I think this is the C.I.A teasing Trump with the tip of their dick before they decide to just start plowing. 


Nah, it's more benign. The point is to show the extent with which fake information is pushed through the US-society/media to influence US politics. And that Trump can be victim as well (=attempt to depoliticize the issue by the intelligence agencies). Which won't be news for him as he was already complaining about the dishonest media for quite a while.

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It seems there are two things going on at once.. The sex scandal originates from 4chan, but they can't be credited for the dossier.


Better link that's searchable (processed with OCR): https://www.pdf-archive.com/2017/01/11/trump-intelligence-allegations-searchable/

Edited by maitake
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IMO the documents look like a sloppy fake. Not very technical.. The "Confidental Source" headings and such.. Just seems a bit off and not what you would expect for something so serious. A decent writer could probably pull that off.

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I now understand what Trump means when he says "we've got to figure out what's going on" because I sure don't know what is.


And that is essentially what those 'adversaries' want to achieve: creating

1. doubt/fear

2. mistrust

3. detachment/anger


But besides the foreign adversaries, there are plenty of US parties pulling cards from the same deck. (*cough* NRA *cough*) So, I'm afraid the solution is not the legal option (freedom of speech means freedom to spread bullshit as long as you don't shout fire in the theater), but the aggressive option. Not sure what that would mean, but it'd smell like those crappy sci-fi cyberwars... Or, in other words: the US defence budget needs more money. (which should be a recognisable pattern)

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To make the above point valid, I think I should have added a remark that the amount of misinformation could make it virtually impossible to figure out what is going on. By the time misinformation is correctly labelled as such, other bullshit stories have already passed. It simply takes too much time to figure out what's actually going on. So with all the disinformation in the atmosphere, there's only a tiny bit which will be figured out and the rest can cancer away until it's mutated and needs accute treatment..


anyways, 2cts

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