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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Seems ol trumpy is using foreign aid to bully other nations. And that's how he's going to pay for the wall.


trump has a long history of hiring contractors and not paying them. i believe the plan of having mexico pay for the wall, is having mexicans build the wall then not paying them

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Send in the Feds to do what? Kill people in Chi-town to stop them from killing each other?



you have to admit that would stop them from killing each other

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This article lists out all the shenanigans Trump and his cronies have gotten up to in the last week, with links to articles and citations to all their points... There's also links to events that have happened in previous weeks. It's definitely concerning when you start adding all the little things up.


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Trump’s cabinet level appointees are the least diverse in decades: 18 of 23 are white men, and none are Latino. Trump defended this, saying his cabinet has the highest IQ of any cabinet ever.

Another example of how he justifies actual facts using alternative facts

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These next four years will be USA at it's very very worst. The US as the big international bully amplified by X. You're going to be the target of so much hate and ridicule from the outside world. I just can't believe what a shitshow you've gotten yourselves into. Godspeed. You'll be needing it.

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Trump’s cabinet level appointees are the least diverse in decades: 18 of 23 are white men, and none are Latino. Trump defended this, saying his cabinet has the highest IQ of any cabinet ever.

Another example of how he justifies actual facts using alternative facts
Implicitly he' saying women have lower IQ than men. Which is plain wrong. If IQ was the main qualification to join the cabinet, at least half its members would be women.


Trump’s logic isn't indicative of a higher than average intelligence, to put it mildly.

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trump's recent statements about millions of fraudulent votes should be perceived as chilling in that they are an overture laying down the groundwork to steal future elections for himself and his republican cohorts with the noxious tactic of voter purge lists cooked up disingenuously, such as the crosscheck program that stole him this election. not only are these statements progressing the propaganda front to frame the narrative the way he wants, he is also signalling to the individuals that would participate to get started.

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Mexico already confirmed that they won't pay for the Great Wall of Trump. As an American, I support their decision.


That's because it's not only absurd as a proposal but they have no incentive to. More Mexicans leave the US than immigrate to Mexico, and Mexico has it's own border issues in the south with immigrants from central America (Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua) crossing illegally to Mexico. They are literally dealing with the same issues as the US Border Patrol.


Also, the wall is completely symbolic as a promise. A 'wall' of sensors already exists, literal walls exist in border cities, and a the US Customs and Border Patrol has armed patrols up and down the border in key crossing areas. It would be insane and needless to build a wall in most of the southwest, the deserts are some the most remote, desolate, and extreme environments in existence. No one tries to cross there and most who do die off in the desert. It's a drug smuggling area still but that's a different issue.

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Trump’s cabinet level appointees are the least diverse in decades: 18 of 23 are white men, and none are Latino. Trump defended this, saying his cabinet has the highest IQ of any cabinet ever.

Another example of how he justifies actual facts using alternative facts
Implicitly he' saying women have lower IQ than men. Which is plain wrong. If IQ was the main qualification to join the cabinet, at least half its members would be women.


Trump’s logic isn't indicative of a higher than average intelligence, to put it mildly.



Institutional sexism is still rampant in the U.S. The IQ statement is also bogus because he's mostly appointing business insiders and lobbyists, those people have skills in networking, coercion, sales, etc. which are not qualities that extol intellect but instead embody manipulation, street smarts, and at best leadership. Past administrations, for better (Obama) or worse (Bush), nonetheless in picked far better educated and qualified cabinet members overall.


My wife sees it all the time at her job with the Texas legislature. She works far harder and performs better than many simply to meet the same expectations. The 'good ole boy" system still thrives. The ERA failed in the 70s and hasn't been revived. Acts to equalize pay (it's still 77% of men's on average) are perpetually hampered with opposition. We are the only country in the world without a national law guaranteeing paid maternity leave. Actual progress has spurred anti-intellectual shit like the Men's Rights movement.

Edited by joshuatx
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Christ, IQ isn't even a real metric for adults, I realize there are ways of shoehorning adult intelligence back into an IQ, but it was always intended to measure the ratio of mental age to actual age in children.  So in Trump's case, giving him a mental age of 10 (and we're being generous here, I'm just going off the fact that he speaks at a 3rd grade level) yields an IQ of (10/70)*100 = 14.  The president has an IQ of 14.


Also, I'm p sure Grover Cleveland's administration (2nd one, not the first, lol) had the highest IQ ever.

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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Leaky stuff:



One Trump aide told Politico Sunday that the new president “gets bored and likes to watch TV,” while others told the New York Times that Trump’s “lack of discipline troubled even senior members of Mr. Trump’s circle.”

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I thought it'd be fun and also quite awakening to have a thread about how we anticipate (or currently notice) things being different in our lives, be it small first world issues, or larger complex problems, whatever, under the current Trump presidency. Okay I'll go first...


Now That Trump's President...


I've been pretty much hibernating from my Trump supporting family anticipating they will rub his win in my face every chance they have, ready at any moment to say "Don't disrespect the commander-in-chief, now" if I make a slight comment.  :cat:

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edit: please change the word "fun" in my initial post to "interesting" as you read it, as some of the issues people may experience with this administration could be very serious and emotional depending on how his rule begins to affect communities, (while others could be sillier or more trite issues) so my apologies for the poor choice of words. 

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so far the only thing that's changed here is that my Twitter is basically 85% trump shit. Well also you hear a lot of people on the street, in bars etc talking about him. Still pretty much in a "can't believe this shit" phase..


But German government elections this year could get interesting. There's a right wing populist party called AFD and they might get a lot of wind through trump. They say they're not Nazis because of course not, but they are. Fuck em. Really, they need to be fucked.


One thing I find amazing is that on the international relations world nobody really has the cojones to just say out loud that they think Trump is a joke and refuse dollaboration with the US administration until he's out. It may hurt in the short term but would help everyone. Like why not?

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as a white male and born american citizen i doubt i'll notice much in the way of day to day changes affecting my life other than media coverage. i fear for minorities and women since there's a bunch of bible thumping, corporate nut jobs running most of the gov't and picking scotus

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I thought it'd be fun and also quite awakening to


urban camp for the next 4 years :)



lol touche.. but read my 2nd post bulky...


edit: please change the word "fun" in my initial post to "interesting" as you read it, as some of the issues people may experience with this administration could be very serious and emotional depending on how his rule begins to affect communities, (while others could be sillier or more trite issues) so my apologies for the poor choice of words. 

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as a white male and born american citizen i doubt i'll notice much in the way of day to day changes affecting my life other than media coverage. i fear for minorities and women since there's a bunch of bible thumping, corporate nut jobs running most of the gov't and picking scotus

Kinda where I'm at. But I've lived as a minority in another country before, so I can't help but empathize to some degree with the families who are legit threatened by this presidency.


My biggest fear right now is whether our senior officials will be complacent enough to give Trump free reign. In other words, not have the balls to impose checks and balances on what appears to be the path to despotism.

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