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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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had a little chuckle from this excerpt from President Bush on Ellen DeGeneres show


Bush said when he visited with tyrants he would suggest they have a free press, which DeGeneres used as a segue to Vladimir Putin. Bush explained the Russian president was not impressed after meeting Bush's dog Barney, a Scottish Terrier.
"(Putin) kind of dissed him," Bush explained. "He looked at him like, 'You think that’s a dog?' A year later Putin said, 'Would you like to meet my dog?' Laura (Bush's wife) and I were with Putin in this dacha outside of Moscow and she said, 'Ya I'd like to meet him,' and out comes a giant hound kind of loping across the yard, and Putin looks at me and says, 'Bigger, stronger, and faster than Barney.'"
Moral of the story the 43rd president explained: "He’s got a chip on his shoulder," adding, "I had a contentious relationship with him and I think whoever the president is, is going to find out that Putin will push and push and push until somebody stands up to him."



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the fact that dr martin ssempa has been brought up is proof positive great insights have come out of this 252 page discussion.

Eat da poo poo

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the fact that dr martin ssempa has been brought up is proof positive great insights have come out of this 252 page discussion.

Eat da poo poo


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The whole admin is a giant puppet show, bigger than Putin or any one person.

Why are you getting your news from geopolitical fan fiction?

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Genius...Roger Stone...bastion of upstanding politeness...


We are literally a month and a half in


In a year the fing world is gonna be on fire...

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Retaliating against the "deep state" while flipping out and blaming the former president. Tailspin.


He's basically asking them to release the evidence against him. Good show.

Edited by Candiru
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 Carter Page fires back, says Donald Trump was behind Russia conspiracy at GOP Convention





what a mess. how long has it been?  a month and a half? 

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