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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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yo this healthcare bill is a real stinker.



getting rid of lifetime caps sucks and even if you have insurance through work, that could dink you because if you have a premature baby, or get cancer, or some other shit luck, you could blow through your limit and be left with NOTHING


protection to preexisting conditions aint really there because by not guaranteeing minimal protection in plans, companies can offer worthless plans to ppl with conditions to make them affordable, the plans are so shitty that they don't really provide any insurance


and the medicare cuts to pay for tax cuts for rich people are just immoral. we KNOW that coverage saves lives. taking people off coverage, out of system, results in preventable deaths AND it's more expensive in the long run because you get people with congestive heart failure, instead of just managing their fucking blood pressure for $500/year


IF YOU LIVE IN A RED STATE, CALL YOUR SENATOR! for real. this could be a huge bummer. this site is a good quick and easy way to find 'em and call 'em. don't be a dick and call if you don't live there though. that shit breaks the process for everyone. 


I know there are some good people (with good gear) on this site in Texas, in Penn, and probably more. get on the horn!

Edited by mammalsolidarity
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the healthcare bill is brutal shit. it's what the harsh memes are made of. it's fucked up. they are the death party. they are the Death Panel

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maybe that's the secret to makin' Merka great agin though, kill all the useless sick people. a modern day Aktion T4. the Tories have been at it for a while.

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maybe that's the secret to makin' Merka great agin though, kill all the useless sick people. a modern day Aktion T4. the Tories have been at it for a while.



seems so. rather hard edge to it isn't there.  seems it'll put a bunch of angry people into the streets even more. or perhaps they'll some people just enough to keep them from revolting. 


meh.. fuck.  the future looks bumpy as ever. we'll have to invade a country to take our minds off it. prep your kids! 

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I have a co-worker who sits around listening to angry anti-liberal talk shows and voted for Donald. He's a devout Christian guy and extremely anti-abortion. While personally I find him a relatively agreeable guy for the most part (even if a little obnoxious in some ways), his convictions bleed through occasionally and it's interesting to see.


I asked him for his  thoughts on the state of American healthcare one day. During the conversation he confessed that both him and his wife don't pay for health insurance. He said this after blabbering on about obamacare and how it's a failure. He shared his excitement with me the day the GOP announced their repeal.


He said his wife a few years ago ended up needing surgery for appendicitis after it burst. I asked him how they could afford it and he said the hospital ate the bill after they filled out paperwork for their charity/debt forgiveness program. The irony wasn't lost on me.


A month ago he was bitten by a tick, and last week the doctor diagnosed him with lyme disease. He paid $100 dollars just for a 15 minute walk-in and a prescription for antibiotics. A part of me wonders what will happen to him if the treatment fails and it turns into a chronic lyme infection. 

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I have a co-worker who sits around listening to angry anti-liberal talk shows and voted for Donald. He's a devout Christian guy and extremely anti-abortion. While personally I find him a relatively agreeable guy for the most part (even if a little obnoxious in some ways), his convictions bleed through occasionally and it's interesting to see.


I asked him for his  thoughts on the state of American healthcare one day. During the conversation he confessed that both him and his wife don't pay for health insurance. He said this after blabbering on about obamacare and how it's a failure. He shared his excitement with me the day the GOP announced their repeal.


He said his wife a few years ago ended up needing surgery for appendicitis after it burst. I asked him how they could afford it and he said the hospital ate the bill after they filled out paperwork for their charity/debt forgiveness program. The irony wasn't lost on me.


A month ago he was bitten by a tick, and last week the doctor diagnosed him with lyme disease. He paid $100 dollars just for a 15 minute walk-in and a prescription for antibiotics. A part of me wonders what will happen to him if the treatment fails and it turns into a chronic lyme infection. 

tell this guys no one just EATS this bill. The hospital, the doctors STILL GET PAID. WE PAID HIS BILL. HE IS FREELOADING.


and this is about efficiency. getting people to visit doctors regularly prevents more expensive costs later.

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It is funny that he's still sitting on that land, but who knows, he may have lots of strange/unexplainable assets sitting around. I think the only possible story there is why the hell he was given it by the lady, obviously, but then why he didn't quickly get rid of it. Very strange that he wouldn't have just offloaded it that year for some profit...unless she gave it to him to try and up the name recognition of adjoining property in hopes that it would drive up the value/interest in the rest of the land. "Oh yeah, this swamp without a road to it doesn't look like much, but Donald Trump owns some land here ya know...this quarter acre just down from his land could be worth a lot more some day..." that sort of shit.

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I wish this guy would just write a goddamned blog post. I mean, respect to him for collating news sources, but seriously, 40-tweet long tweet-storms on the regular means it's time to get serious about writing.

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