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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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just got a cab ride home from the airport. the driver had lived in alaska working as  welder for many years. he lived in dutch harbor (where the boats for the crab fishing show are based) and he said it's the worst place on earth.  he lived there for 9 years. said every 3 months he had to leave. said sarah palin sucked and she ruined the dividend that alaska residents get from the oil companies. 

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people in fairbanks are way more progressive than kodiak. alaska should secede and become a confederation of eco-regions. google murray bookchin.

I believe it. I'm pretty sure you guys are about on par in terms of progressive attitude with us Los Anchorage folk. I know we've had an Alaska Independence political party for a while too that never really gained any momentum.


just got a cab ride home from the airport. the driver had lived in alaska working as  welder for many years. he lived in dutch harbor (where the boats for the crab fishing show are based) and he said it's the worst place on earth.  he lived there for 9 years. said every 3 months he had to leave. said sarah palin sucked and she ruined the dividend that alaska residents get from the oil companies. 

Dutch Harbor is one of the locale where Deadliest Catch was shot IIRC. And there's pretty much no reason to live there if you're not in the fishing industry. We still get the PFD every October as residents but it varies every year. I think it was as low as $600 back in 2005, but in 2008 it was more than 3K. This year it might be $1600.


As for Palin, I pretty much never hear about her anymore in the context of current affairs. She had her fame about a decade ago and then faded after that.

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people in fairbanks are way more progressive than kodiak. alaska should secede and become a confederation of eco-regions. google murray bookchin.

I believe it. I'm pretty sure you guys are about on par in terms of progressive attitude with us Los Anchorage folk. I know we've had an Alaska Independence political party for a while too that never really gained any momentum.


just got a cab ride home from the airport. the driver had lived in alaska working as  welder for many years. he lived in dutch harbor (where the boats for the crab fishing show are based) and he said it's the worst place on earth.  he lived there for 9 years. said every 3 months he had to leave. said sarah palin sucked and she ruined the dividend that alaska residents get from the oil companies. 

Dutch Harbor is one of the locale where Deadliest Catch was shot IIRC. And there's pretty much no reason to live there if you're not in the fishing industry. We still get the PFD every October as residents but it varies every year. I think it was as low as $600 back in 2005, but in 2008 it was more than 3K. This year it might be $1600.


As for Palin, I pretty much never hear about her anymore in the context of current affairs. She had her fame about a decade ago and then faded after that.




yeah.. i was just relaying the taxi driver's thoughts. it was interesting. he had pretty specific experience. but 9 years in dutch harbor sounds rough. he said that there's a handful of japanese companies that own the town essentially.. and EVERY fish "even the trash fish" goes right to japan. he said there's one company that for appearances has its HQ in seattle and has an a bunch of american executives for appearance sake but it's also a japanese company. he was an older guy who moved to portland 2 years ago after getting too old and injured to crawl around welding shit underneath big things.  he said one year he got $7k for dividend which was the highest for him ever. 


and yeah.. palin has thankfully faded.. i was hoping we'd get the "Who is america?" episode that features her but it wasn't in that short 7 episode season.  the bio movie about her part in the Mccain for pres campaign that stars Julianne Moore is pretty awesome if you've not seen it. entertaining in its own right.. roll in the history and politics of it all and it's kind of amazing. 

Edited by ignatius
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To be honest, anyone can make that shit and post it... Wouldn't surprise me, but it's the same as the 'Soros pays them libz to come out and protest for black people to be treated like people' to hear me left-ish friends parrot that ad around.


Donald Trump needs no help destroying his presidency. Him and his base put the rest of us in the shitter and all we can do is watch more turds fall into the deep chasm of self-realization and despair realizing it was all a sham before getting sucked into the sewers below with the rest of us turds.


I don't live in Middle America. I live in cloistered-ass Seattle up in the corner of the USA that should basically just be BC at this point. But holy fuck, having been to Vegas, Charleston, Newark, Portsmouth, Miami, Dallas and Phoenix in the last year.... It's fucking ridiculous we haven't broken into smaller nation-states... but then we'd all die in some war...

I agree with the last paragraph. It’s also why I haven’t moved out of Massachusetts. It’s as blue as it gets, and I’m still nervous about everything.

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Interesting thread, apparently you can $$$ for just showing up to Trump rallies, extra for being non-white and/or holding a sign


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk


I like how they replace people who aren't cheering for the don.




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^^^ that's the kid who was shaking his and making a WTF face when the donald was saying typical "i don't make any sense" type shit. 


Yep. Second link is his buddies next to him getting replaced as well.

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There aren't even nails driven into that wooden beam

Thats politics in a nutshell. :)


Edit: looks like shumi has a tiny bit of a nail to go though. Looks like hes missing the plot. I mean head. To Ryans amusement.


O well...

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Denying the deaths of thousands, what an absolute shitbird. Not that he wasn't one already, but he might have sunk even lower.

America, having this absolute moron as your president surely is a sign that you are a failed state and it's going to be irreparably damaged even after the cheeto-in-chief is gone. The world at large (if anything is left) will never trust the US again, because there is always probable risk that someone like Trump will be elected president again because you are a gilded banana republic.
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As unhinged as this lying ass monkey is, somehow I think an October 23rd, 2077 scenario circa Fallout canon is unlikely. He doesn't even see eye to eye with his own White House staff these days.

But at the time of year when the southeast and the Caribbean are most vulnerable to hurricanes, we couldn't have a more inept leader. I mean, siphoning FEMA funds to beef up detention of migrant children? Fuck outta here.

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Saw recently the number of teachers out there that have second jobs. America sucks. Getting rid of the orange weirdo ain't gonna change shit.

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