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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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most of the demonstrators are not "poor white trash" which is something i keep seeing on social media. it's like these people have never been to virginia. lots of upper middle class trump voters, that was his base. not poor white people. that myth needs to stop. also there are confederate memorials all over virginia. richmond is full of them. i don't think they need to be removed. it's part of the state's history. this is complete fucking melodrama from both sides that has escalated into violence. pathetic all around.

Just because you have money doesn't mean you're not a pig-fucking half-wit whose identity is based on hatred and inequity. If your culture, heritage, or whatever you want to call your dirty laundry, can't integrate peacefully with the changing world, then it's toxic waste and should be treated as such.

Edited by sweepstakes
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the hell are you talking about? that isn't what i was saying at all. 

I replied before I read your second post. Didn't mean to attack you but yeah that's how I feel about the confederate shit. The only disagreement I have is that just because someone isn't poor doesn't mean they're not white trash.

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yeah but i specifically said the word "poor". i actually don't like the label white trash but whatever, i'm not going to get into an argument about this shit. i'm just sick of seeing woke twitter or whatever vilifying poor white people when i know for a fact that the people at these rallies are privileged upper middle class pieces of shit.

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I'm just disgusted by confederate apologism and I guess not living in the south I don't really have to deal with it. To me it looks like a really self-absorbed form of white entitlement. 


i mean it is, completely. there are heritage sites that i think need to stay up that have historical significance and then there are things like the statues of confederate leaders that should probably come down but are placed in areas like monument ave in richmond where an entire intersection is built around them where it might be logistically and financially very difficult to take them down. but there is a double standard where, for instance in richmond, there is no memorial to the black troops who saved the city from completely burning and being looted, there's no grave anywhere for nat turner, and on and on. so of course that's a problem. 

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i just happen to live in virginia so i don't want this shit happening in my backyard. just tired of all of it.

I hear ya. Feel the same here in Texas with that bathroom bill shit going on.

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Didn't one of the Southern states have to erect a statue of Satan because of freedom of religion or something like that?

I think that was oklahoma which is midwest and bible belt and shitkicker rednecks but not a state until 1907 and not part of the south


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regarding taking down statues.. this is the mayor of new orleans speech about it. worth watching to get a big picture.. 



i agree w/him.  besides.. quite simply.. the losers of the war don't get monuments.. sure, battle sites and fallen soldiers get noted and memorialized but putting robert E lee all over the place.. fuck that. 


don't forget the union siezed his plantation and made it arlington national cemetary.  

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'You're fags. Go home. You have no testosterone.'


Has anyone ever understood his audience more profoundly than Alex Jones?

Christ could you imagine 1960s Alex Jones . 'Hey hey LBJ, how many frogs did you turn gay?'

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Dunno if I should be more worried about these neo Nazi hog humpers getting horrific, or about nukes flying both ways over the Pacific


Fixed so it rhymes

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Dunno if I should be more worried about these neo Nazi hog humpers getting horrific, or about nukes flying both ways over the Pacific


Fixed so it rhymes


lol, nicely played


Duck Dynasty meets CoD. That military-grade tactical motorcycle helmet makes my gun hard.

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Found a good analysis comparing neoliberalism and Nazi Germany today: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/the-supermanagerial-reich


Wish you luck in the US, I hope you get your shit together rather sooner than later. Frankly, even though I believe in free speech, I don't think it should apply to the neo-nazis anymore as they have shown that they will not act in good faith and have no respect for others' speech . As someone on twitter put it very well: the nazis and their ideas had their chance 80 years ago, no point in going through the discussion once again. :)

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I think Charlottesville is going to be where history books point to this whole alt-right/neo-nazi nonsense finally unraveling. I hope. "But Antifa are the real fascists!" is sounding weaker by the day when literal nazis are showing up to these protests.



Didn't one of the Southern states have to erect a statue of Satan because of freedom of religion or something like that?


Yeah The Satanic Temple (Not to be confused with Church of Satan as per Boyd Rice avatar above) unveiled a Baphomet statue somewhere, and also adopted a highway for their church. One member was also allowed to do some Satanic Invocation at a council meeting despite some weenie fundies showing up, which was pretty lol



they're basically political pranksters who poke at the lack of divide of church-state in the US

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