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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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i don't know who threw the 1st punch but last night the tikitards knicked an old guy's hat off and threw him on the ground and roughed him up.  they also surrounded the anti protesters and were grunting and spitting and calling them all the bad words.


renegade media has lot's of stuff.  




here's the tiki march video



there's a 45 minute version on their fb page





Edited by ignatius
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That's the thing with events like these: there is no "first punch" in the chaos. There's always lots of instances of (non-violent) aggression escalating a situation from bad to worse. Not aimed at maitake, but I think the "we don't know who threw the first punch" is Trumps excuse for his "violence on all sides" bullshit. As if there should be a single person to blame, and until we know who, all are to blame equally. It's just nonsense.

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That's the thing with events like these: there is no "first punch" in the chaos. There's always lots of instances of (non-violent) aggression escalating a situation from bad to worse. Not aimed at maitake, but I think the "we don't know who threw the first punch" is Trumps excuse for his "violence on all sides" bullshit. As if there should be a single person to blame, and until we know who, all are to blame equally. It's just nonsense.



i know right.. and when some idiot is angrily yelling in your face about how hitler didn't make a mistake seems legit ok to grab him by the tongue and pull real hard. 






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you means apart from badge numbers and other forms of formal identification?

I'd like to see you pick out badge numbers in a riot where people are running from clubs, and pepper spray.  If you can, then hey more power to ya.  Behind a riot shield, everyone looks kinda the same. 


*btw I was stuck in an airport riot last year, and it was one of the scariest fucking things I ever went thru.  A large crowd panicking in an enclosed space can be fatal.

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That's the thing with events like these: there is no "first punch" in the chaos. There's always lots of instances of (non-violent) aggression escalating a situation from bad to worse. Not aimed at maitake, but I think the "we don't know who threw the first punch" is Trumps excuse for his "violence on all sides" bullshit. As if there should be a single person to blame, and until we know who, all are to blame equally. It's just nonsense.


i know right.. and when some idiot is angrily yelling in your face about how hitler didn't make a mistake seems legit ok to grab him by the tongue and pull real hard.






Yeah thats such a cop out to deflect blame on the leftist agitators. Protesters of both sides are amped up and plenty are there to lash out. The difference? One side is made up of nazi fucks emboldened by our current potus and the other is furious that we are dealing with open fascist and racist assholes walking around with guns in america in 2017.

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What's scary now is these lunatics in open carry states that show up in full camo fatigues, with body armor and assault rifles, or dressed as SWAT, bc anyone can buy from police and military suppliers these days, so in a conflagration like this, you can't tell the legit cops and army from the "militia" crazies.

Yeah and this is literally going on every other week at various rallies and protests. One last year at Texas included not just the typical militia in camo but self-described "red" leftists in balaclavas and bandanas with semiautos as well. I have no idea how law enforcement deal with this, this is a situation when i truly feel bad for the cops. Protecting 1st amendment rights of racist, hatefup, delusional people who idolize figures in history that tried to destroy America, not defend it. This tragedy yesterday would of been a lot worse if someone fired off a gun.

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At least it's clear what Trumps legacy will look like. A break down of the deep state and a growth of homegrown terrorism.


A silver lining? The next president will be the complete opposite of Trump. (either in 2020 or 2024) And one of the policies this non-Trump has to implement is a revamp of gunlaws as a way to manage homegrown militia with a radicalised mindset.

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The next president will be the complete opposite of Trump


why do you think this is going to happen?



bush to obama to trump. not sure how clinton would fit the pattern, though. a


also, trump is currently really testing his support in the gop. and i'm a man of hope. i think the gop will win over trumpism and become a better gop. most interesting voices are currently happening coming from the right, imo (richard painter, frum). there will be more and more people on the right standing up to this bullshit. and the gop will be better because of this, imooooo

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How about everyone just ignores these pathetic desperate nazis? They just want the attention after all.

We could until they started killing people. We could when every elected official left or right would condemn them publicly w/o hesitation yet now we have a POTUS that waffles on simply calling them bad. Szb

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I started taking a sabbatical from FB three days ago, and then this shit happens. Fuck.

My understanding is this whole white supremacist rally was started in the first place as a protest over the proposed removal of a Confederate statue in Charlottesville. Gotta love it when neo Nazis pull the victim card.

(sigh) Just can't get away from hostile politics these days.

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most of the demonstrators are not "poor white trash" which is something i keep seeing on social media. it's like these people have never been to virginia. lots of upper middle class trump voters, that was his base. not poor white people. that myth needs to stop. also there are confederate memorials all over virginia. richmond is full of them. i don't think they need to be removed. it's part of the state's history. this is complete fucking melodrama from both sides that has escalated into violence. pathetic all around.

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The next president will be the complete opposite of Trump


why do you think this is going to happen?



bush to obama to trump. not sure how clinton would fit the pattern, though. a


also, trump is currently really testing his support in the gop. and i'm a man of hope. i think the gop will win over trumpism and become a better gop. most interesting voices are currently happening coming from the right, imo (richard painter, frum). there will be more and more people on the right standing up to this bullshit. and the gop will be better because of this, imooooo


Presidents over the last few decades definitely tend to follow that pattern, but it's surely no guarantee going forward. 


Your hope that the GOP will learn and change is sweet, it is. I hope you're right too. But given how both parties are pretty shit at learning from their mistakes right now suggests that this isn't very likely.

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most of the demonstrators are not "poor white trash" which is something i keep seeing on social media. it's like these people have never been to virginia. lots of upper middle class trump voters, that was his base. not poor white people. that myth needs to stop. also there are confederate memorials all over virginia. richmond is full of them. i don't think they need to be removed. it's part of the state's history. this is complete fucking melodrama from both sides that has escalated into violence. pathetic all around.

The catch is the same places that maintain these displays are reluctant to add ones for African-Americans and/or are monuments that emerged long after the Civil War. Mississipi and Georgia actually adopted their controversial flags in 1906 and 1956 resp. In fact Georgia barely approved it in 1950s b/c of concerns it promoted confederate sympathies. People who are not racist but wave the confederate flag due so because of pop culture identity, like Dukes of Hazard and shit, which basically trades hate for ignorance and revisionist history. Its a double standard: they downplay slavery and class oppression yet say anti-confederate people "dont lnow history." They say its about states rights and heritage yet like the edginess of it and backtrack when called out about how delusional those things are.

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Texas is interesting because some parts are very confederate sympathetic and conservative while other parts post signs like this.




Its a state with a far more diverse and complicated history. Its telling that the least progressive deep south states and regions are also the poorest and most divided ethnically and financially.



Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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no i agree and richmond in particular is guilty of this. honestly they should tear all of these displays down since they aren't actual heritage sites and do contribute to the feeling that these cities are still very much stuck in the confederate past. i just wonder about the logistics and necessity of doing so. and also if this will bring about more violence since these morons are planning on protesting in boston soon under the guise of a "free speech rally". i just happen to live in virginia so i don't want this shit happening in my backyard. just tired of all of it.

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