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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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It's funny, but it was posted on this page already. Your post saves a click though.





noooo. don't drop out, we need more gifs like this damnit.


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^I think Kasich is waiting for Trump to be arrested/assassinated.


Yes please.



I am impressed he stayed in the running this long, like some futile lifeline for moderate and/or reasonable conservatives to say "hey we exist among this absurdity"


Trump winning with Kasich as the second to last in the race...I would not have bet on that

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Wtf is that article you linked? Seems like it's from months ago when Rubio was still in the race.


Cruz is out though! Like what, three days after picking Fiorina as his VP. Flol.


sent using magic space waves




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I can't fathom Trump won but I'm relived Cruz is gone. Trump is more idiotic, deceitful, and ridiculous but Cruz is stubborn, delusional, and a megalomaniac in a more subtle and frightening sense. Trump does deals, and his lying sways him back to being a pragmatic businessman, a lot of establishment Republicans feel they could work with him, fill his cabinet with technocrats, etc. Cruz would of steamrolled this country into a perverted "constitutionalist" right-wing religious mess. He would of failed to do so but in the meantime kill every bill that came to his desk that was remotely reasonable and moderate and polarized all but his most loyal aides and appointees. This country would have been held up from any progressive reform for 4 years unless he got impeached.


TLDR: Trump = corrupt but workable despot > Cruz = destructive zealot dictator

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I love that the Onion has continuously and hilariously given him the reaming he so deserves, my fave so far has been the iron mask surge


god i want to live in rhode island so bad. it's like CT but with actual grit. DA BUCKETTT...


bob do u actually think hil-dog is gonna win??? cruz sucks but dang i'm still really nervous


Nah fam, you don't want to live here, our state is the Titanic and all the pols do here is rearrange the deck chairs, and dat grit is acually from all the concrete spalling off our bridges. We're too caught up in the game to leave (yet) but I wouldn't recommend moving here unless you've got a sweet gig lined up.


Love the place but it's being run into the ground. Providence going bankrupt within 5 years or so (you can backquote me on this) and in doing so is gonna bring down most of the state with it. The Bucket's been good to the Dobalinas but we'll play wait 'n see. RI is kinda like a NY/NJ lite in that our state gov't is predominantly Democrat (a hypermajority in fact) and is essentially operated as a RICO to keep everyone's inside hookups.


I did throughly enjoy seeing Bernie thwack Hil here despite every major RI Dem endorsing her (full disclosure, my sister wrote this article). This dealt a schadenfreude blow to our Governor - a sleazy me-first former hedgefund manager in the pocket of a certain Wall St folks - who wanted nothing more than to jump ship to a cushy Clinton appointment.


Anyway Clinton v. Trump, christ fuck it, I'm going with Cthulhu.


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Anyway Clinton v. Trump, christ fuck it, I'm going with Cthulhu.


Texas is likely going to be 60-70% for Trump in which case I'm voting 3rd party. If it's close to 50-50 in polls I'll pinch my nose for Clinton. Unless they eliminate the Electoral College which I doubt but god knows at this point. I respect Bernie the most but his vagueness on certain policies and the rather flippant $15 minimum wage + free college for all policies turn me off because they are superficial "fixes" to more deep-rooted problems that excite the dumber folks on the left. That said he's got my vote if he wins the nomination hypothetically.

Edited by joshuatx
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Remember at first when Trump was a complete joke? Same shit happened with Hitler, just sayin'...


I'm not comparing him with Hitler unless he invades Mexico and initiates pogroms in the streets against rich foreigners. His vague policies are definitely a weird formula for fascism but we're way off from that being actual policy.

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I wasn't necessarily Godwinning Trump's policies, but actually I'm happy to double-doen on the comparison.

I don't trust politicians to be forthcoming about their most controversial ideas and impulses (unless it happens to serve them somehow), and I think Trump's are even worse than he lets on. I don't usually Godwin but I think Trump would happily turn America into a brutal dictatorship if he could (he's on the record praising multiple dictators for 'getting things done').


Now, I feel this more or less about most politicians, but especially so about Trump. I mean, he uses all the common Orwellian techniques (again, most politicians do but Trump most of all): He essentiall says 'people X are why America isn't great, I will get rid of them and make America great...and if you use violence on my behalf I will pay your legal/medical bills." His rhetoric regarding using violence is alarming. Depending on the platform he will deny having asked his base to use violence, but he most certainly has. Just imagine if he were given unencumbered power...

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I like how early Tuesday the media showed the mugs of Clinton and Trump front page and talked like they were already the winners of Indiana even though only one percent of the vote was counted at the time, and Bernie still ended up winning. And Cruz throwing in the towel was only a matter of time.

you know what can melt steel beams? the very hot sauces and salsas of mexico.


just sayin

I prefer Sriracha tho

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I like how early Tuesday the media showed the mugs of Clinton and Trump front page and talked like they were already the winners of Indiana even though only one percent of the vote was counted at the time, and Bernie still ended up winning. And Cruz throwing in the towel was only a matter of time.


you know what can melt steel beams? the very hot sauces and salsas of mexico.


just sayin

I prefer Sriracha tho



we'll get to the asians too bro

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does anyone else find it interesting how the republicans choose donald trump despite the established republican party not wanting him as the nominee, him starting off as a joke, all the millions anti-trump campaigns spent and even all the stupid shit trump said while inversely, the democrats fed right into the (democratic) party's plan of picking clinton from the start?



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I like how early Tuesday the media showed the mugs of Clinton and Trump front page and talked like they were already the winners of Indiana even though only one percent of the vote was counted at the time, and Bernie still ended up winning. And Cruz throwing in the towel was only a matter of time.


you know what can melt steel beams? the very hot sauces and salsas of mexico.


just sayin

I prefer Sriracha tho



we'll get to the asians too bro


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This is what you would call an "opportune moment" for a third party surge.


Been hoping for that all year. And honestly, I'll hold out some hope through the next four, but if any third parties want to make a name now is definitely the time, it may be the only shot they get for a while.

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