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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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The democrats are being shits for not accepting Trump's terms, every dreamer i know (selfishly) are screaming at democrats for not accepting the deal. Democrats are using dreamers to obstruct Trump's administration, i mean the guy wants to give us a path to citizenship (something obama and democrats never wanted to give us), give the man the wall!!! i dont want to go back to my birth country, i love it here and want to become a citizen.


the reason there is any offer is because the democrats demanded it. they are bargaining because they know they have the leverage to do so. also, the dreamer thing was created by obama. 


the republicans are not the ones fighting for dreamers. democrats are.



Republicans control both house + presidency, a CLEAN DREAM ACT aint gonna happen, time to wake up and smell the coffee. My frustration comes from democrats acting like a 16 year old trowing a fit because daddy didnt get the car they wanted for their sweet 16. The only way we are getting DACA is by giving trump funding for border security/wall, that is the reality of the situation end of story. If democrats want to wait 'till 2020 to pass a CLEAN DREAM ACT fine but most of us are going to be deported by then unless they compromise.


I don't understand why the idea of compromise is so alien to people, you cant always get what you want, specially when you are the minority party, time for the democrats to be adults and compromise.

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Not sure if posted, but anyhoo



Holy shit. I coincidentally posted a pic of Judge Doom to a FB friend's post of that vid. Apparently I wasn't the only one who was reminded of that character as the first thought.

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Who the fuck is making 6 figures doing landscaping? Maybe construction, maybe, but roughnecks working in the oil patch up north in Alberta were maybe pulling in 6 figures during the boom, but that’s working 80+ hours a week in a shithole in the middle of nowhere.

Day labourers aren’t making 6 figures a year pouring concrete or doing demo. Plus if you get injured in the US with no insurance you’re fucked.


My first landscaping job i got paid 250 for a days work picking up twigs so the guys that work the machines can do their job. If you know how to use a landscaping machine you can easily make around 300-500 a day. It is rough work but if you can handle it im sure the pay is worth it.


The way it works is a contractor gets paid for a job, then the contractor has two choices, hire legal labor and pay for the wages, insurance, regulation fees, etc  or pay a day laborer 500 for a days work and pocket the money you would spend on extra fees for hiring legal labor. The way it was explained to me legal labor costs around 300 dollars more than illegal under the table labor, thats why contractors do it and thats why if you come to my town at 5-6 am you'll see a bunch of dudes standing in corners looking for work and an hour later those corner are empty.



Yeah I know how under the table pay works, I did it for a summer painting houses while I was collecting EI (Employment Insurance). I'm just saying that $250 a day is crazy money to be paying a dude for picking up twigs. $25/hr for that? No wonder the US economy is all kinds of crazy. Anyways, if you worked 10 hours a day for 365 days, at $25/hr you would make $91K plus change. Pretty damn good for unskilled labour.

Looks like it's time to be an illegal labourer in California. Lol. Fuck a masters degree.

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@ Chen, you say that (and im sure you are kidding) but there are consequences to that kind of lifestyle, by the time you are 40 your body is gone, and you are left with some savings, no skills and probably dont have the energy to gain a skill (some people do and good on them for that but its not easy at all).


There is a reason why i dont do that kind of work anymore, im making about 20,000 less a year simply because i could not take it anymore, those extra 20k is just not worth it, your body feels it, your minds feels it. I remember my mother telling me back when i was working as a garbage man and making 32 dollars an hour that i looked so old and tired, and that made me really sad, it made me ask why and the conclusion i came to is that i was destroying my body for an unsatisfying job and for money that was not making me happy at all.


Yeah you make a lot of money but at what cost. Life is precious, and you need a healthy body/mind to enjoy it.


Would to see stats on drug use and unskilled hard labor, i'll bet you anything that a huge percentage of unskilled hard-labor workers have substance abuse issues, i mean i saw it with my own eyes but would i dont have the data to say what percentage in general.

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Yeah I did manual labour for a few years while I was in school. Not for me for long. I am still somewhat incredulous of that kind of money for unskilled labour - but if the market bears the price, that's what it is.


Substance abuse for sure - lots of the very same roughnecks i was talking about earlier have massive alcohol/drug problems, so they spend most of their hard-earned cash in a hurry.


Seems like all this deportation will hurt the labour market, so there might be some unintended consequences to any decision that involves scrapping programs like daca.

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Here Illegally, Working Hard and Paying Taxes


More than half of the estimated seven million immigrants toiling illegally in the United States get a regular paycheck every week or two, experts say. At the end of the year they receive a W-2 form. Come April 15, many file income tax returns using special ID numbers issued by the Internal Revenue Service so foreigners can pay taxes. Some even get a refund check in the mail.



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On the disneyland article, i dont understand why you posted that, the people protesting already have DACA, of course they want it lol.


The question to ask here is why out of the 1.8 millions who qualify for DACA, only 680,000 signed up for it, im sure there are many reasons but like i said i can only report on the people i know.


i posted the disneyland article because you had said illegals don't want DACA. that was my evidence that they do (because those recipients have it and now they're standing up for those that don't and should). can you post evidence to show that they actually don't? you still haven't posted anything that can prove anything you've said so far. it would really help if you did because otherwise- there's no point in going around in circles

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Whether or not illegal immigrants or regular immigrants are paying taxes is a really dumb argument in comparison to the amount of money left untaxed by billion dollar companies and billionaires.


Tax the goddamn rich. Don't make the conversation about the poor. It's a distraction tactic.

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Whether or not illegal immigrants or regular immigrants are paying taxes is a really dumb argument in comparison to the amount of money left untaxed by billion dollar companies and billionaires.


Tax the goddamn rich. Don't make the conversation about the poor. It's a distraction tactic.

I've never been a history buff, to my own detriment, but I remember hearing some vaguely-stated facts a year or two ago about how much the rich in America used to pay...I think around the early 1900s? The top 1 or whatever percent of Americans were paying something like an effective 90% tax rate on earnings. There was much more to the stats to consider of course (I don't income tax had been in place, etc.) but still, ...yeah. Let's do that again.

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So there's a Holocaust denying Nazi on the ballot in Illinois on the GOP ticket. He's the only one so he's the primary winner and nominee by default. State Republicans can't take him (allegedly) off despite denouncing him. It's incredible that there's not been a stronger rebuttal yet. He did an interview on CNN and the top comments are literally all Nazi, alt-right, white supremacist, etc. accounts. Literally all trolls, bots, etc. It's really hard to fathom that this isn't that shocking nor that this guy will be universally denounced anytime soon. I'm starting to really see how this "hyper-normalization" concept is really manifesting itself.

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"When the Democrats are in power, Republicans appear to be the conservative party," Paul said at one point. "But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party. The hypocrisy hangs in the air and chokes anyone with a sense of decency or intellectual honesty."


I mean, this is ridiculous and all but the dude isn't wrong on this point.

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^agreed. I've been trying to ignore much of the government stuff this week so I haven't read into the deal the Senate leaders had come to, Pelosi's long speech, or into Paul's particular issues beyond he's against govt spending getting out of hand.... Just the silliness of it all is sort of frightening, but also totally just ridiculous. I dunno, I'll shut up til I read more.

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"When the Democrats are in power, Republicans appear to be the conservative party," Paul said at one point. "But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party. The hypocrisy hangs in the air and chokes anyone with a sense of decency or intellectual honesty."


I mean, this is ridiculous and all but the dude isn't wrong on this point.


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"When the Democrats are in power, Republicans appear to be the conservative party," Paul said at one point. "But when Republicans are in power, it seems there is no conservative party. The hypocrisy hangs in the air and chokes anyone with a sense of decency or intellectual honesty."


I mean, this is ridiculous and all but the dude isn't wrong on this point.



I think this is because conservatism, as a political philosophy, is nothing more than a red rag to use on the campaign trail. it's almost completely useless as a framework for guiding governance and does not actually exist as a consistent or well thought-out practice.


people who gain power on a conservative ticket are more driven by self-interest and a kneejerk desire to stem (inexorable) changes, the latter of which is mistaken as "conservative values" but which is at bottom just thinly-veiled primitivism and backwardness.


this is well-apart from the Democrat/Republican dichotomy btw. also, economically liberal but socially conservative people are some of the worst human beings on this earth.

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