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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Whoopsie, looks like another former Ruskie spy done gone got assassinated, thanks Obamacare




Sorry if a lil' OT, but figured it topical enough seeing as Russia's having it's own sham elections soon, followed by the Trump Deluxe Platinum Carte Blanche fucking-with of the 2018 Usa midterms


Meanwhile trade wars 'r fun and son-in-law fuckface gets a half-billion loan hookup in the White House.  Seems legit


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Sam Nunberg part 2: legal councelling on live TV.


This guy's life is being turned upside down. And it's being written in history. In CAPS.


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These people bend over backwards to put Nunberg in the best light.


Meanwhile, I'm guessing he can implicate Roger Stone in the hacked mails case: Roger Stone knew about a committed crime, but didn't call the cops. 

Edited by goDel
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interesting.. kinda scary.. read.. .




In a way, then, according to America’s color-coded guide to political virtue and vice, Barack Obama might be considered the country’s only white president, in the sense that he served almost as a Platonic ideal of ancient moral philosophy. In office, he was preternaturally self-governed and self-regulated—Vulcan-like, as some said, and in control of his emotions, especially his anger. This self-regulation is a burden of race, which must have weighed heavily on Obama, being not just the first African-American president in US history but also one who took the office during a moment of extraordinary economic and military crisis.



c'mon, they're all cunts


the idea of Obama as above the bs of previous presidents, highlighted by Bush & the subsequent Trump circus being so corrosive, is a misnomer partially predicated on nostalgia


healthcare reform was one of a handful of ticks in the "for" column, as for the rest....civilian deaths from drone strikes abroad, being the commander in chief to a rabid CIA, allowing Iraq & Syria to prolapse & the opiate crisis escalating at home to name but a few, plus appearing to disagree with Netanyahu while ok'ing the continued financial & militaristic support for Israel is still ambivalence


you sit in that position of office, you're already corrupted

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^^^^ not disagreeing w/you.  to some degree it's all deception and farce  but at least obama had some class..  was able to rise above lot's of bullshit.. he miscalculated early on by making best efforts to reach across the aisle etc.. but recalculated later and tried to do as much by executive orders as possible since republicans actually had a meeting on day one of his presidency to discuss how they would block every thing he did regardless of if it was something they agreed w/or not. 


obama wanted to console americans and bond w/them and try to see eye to eye and he was there w/kind words and all that kind of stuff when needed.. there are a lot of other "ticks in the for column' that don't get a lot of play.. but one way to figure out what he did is too look at everything the trump admin has undone because 'obama did it'.   obama at least wanted to actually run the government.. he wanted it to function, to keep people safe.. to handle the things that needed handling... 


did he bomb and kill and all the things that presidents do.. fuck yes.. he did a lot...  he let a lot of people down in that regard.. not to mention all the people he deported which basically gave rise to gangs...  it was very calculating stuff. i don't give him a pass on any of it. 


he was relatable though and intuitive.. he could talk to people and hear them and know what they meant and know where he stood. 


and yeah.. it's some fucked up shit to be president and make all those decisions and know there's a river of shit to eat in every direction...  it must be a massive and overwhelming thing to confront and figure out what ways actual changes can be made.


trump doesn't care about any of that at all.  he is flippant.. a spoiled child blurting out bullshit w/o even talking to anyone about it and causing chaos.. and worse he's probably the most corrupt president we've ever had




also, worth mentioning the total financial collapse that he helped dig us out of though some of those fucks should've gone to jail... 


edit:  i'll just add as a sort of reminder... yeah.. the gov't is corrupt and mostly isn't looking out for us.. but i think leadership matters.. there is a difference and turning the big ship that is america a few clicks one or the other really matters and affects a lot of people... 


GW Bush is a good example.. would we have gone so wrong if Al Gore was president?  sure, it wouldn't have meant the world became a paradise of socialism and safety nets but maybe we wouldn't have invaded iraq.. maybe we wouldn't have invaded afghanistan...  maybe lot's of things.. maybe no gitmo.. maybe we'd be 10 years further along w/renewable energy..


maybe things would've been just a bit better for the world.. even just not spraying the middle east deserts w/uranium depleted rounds for 8 years would make things better somewhere... 

Edited by ignatius
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edit: i'll just add as a sort of reminder... yeah.. the gov't is corrupt and mostly isn't looking out for us.. but i think leadership matters..

Couldn't agree more. Strong leadership characteristics such as public speaking ability, confidence, and relatibility are one of the most important aspects of being a major figurehead, like U.S. president. Like him or not, Obama nailed it in this regard.

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can't wait for trump to make statements on all this.. 


"that's not my cum on her dress" 


or something.. apparently she has photos. 

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can't wait for trump to make statements on all this..


"that's not my cum on her dress"


or something.. apparently she has photos.

It’ll look like liquid Cheetos

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can't wait for trump to make statements on all this..


"that's not my cum on her dress"


or something.. apparently she has photos.

It’ll look like liquid Cheetos




cheez whiz



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