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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Yeah, the Iran shit Bolton/Miller/Trump (others?) are drumming up is seriously dangerous. Any war-like actions with them are actually scary given their own forces but also the broader implications with their friends. NK is just some little silly dingbat waving around his tiny dick in comparison.



And then that Iran-Bolton story. I hope this is all just a bad dream/hype.



'm hoping it's just more verbal diarrhea, he was pulling the same shit before the NK summit.


I agree the implications are more dire - unlike the DPRK Iran is actively fighting in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen against Saudi Arabia and UAE forces and they are a hell of a lot more involved in middle eastern flash points in other ways - opposition parties, militant groups, terrorism, etc. than the DPRK is overseas.

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Just FYI - the GOP and Trump are pushing him through because he's ruled in favor of foreign entities donating to PACs and of the qualified conservative judges is the most likely to grant Trump immunity. The Roe Vs Wade overturning is just a bonus.


there must be a dozen other judges they'd trust to toe these same lines, surely?

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Just FYI - the GOP and Trump are pushing him through because he's ruled in favor of foreign entities donating to PACs and of the qualified conservative judges is the most likely to grant Trump immunity. The Roe Vs Wade overturning is just a bonus.


there must be a dozen other judges they'd trust to toe these same lines, surely?



I'm not expert enough to know that for sure but as far as I have read of original 6 Trump vetted (narrowed from 25 or so) he was the one calculated as the least likely to subpoena the president hypothetically while also being a popular conservative choice. I just read about the foreign PAC thing yesterday. 

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sniveling frat boy entitlement 








Edited by ignatius
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I agree the implications are more dire - unlike the DPRK Iran is actively fighting in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen against Saudi Arabia and UAE forces and they are a hell of a lot more involved in middle eastern flash points in other ways - opposition parties, militant groups, terrorism, etc. than the DPRK is overseas.

Exactly, yeah...I try to keep up on international affairs but I'm no expert, but my impressions are that Iran don't take well to the threats and would be much more likely to escalate things, either directly or indirectly, quickly. They're likely feeling pretty attacked lately with multiple pressures being put on them economically from the outside, from their own people, etc., and they just strike me as possibly just going 'fuck it' and start dropping bombs. It may all just be the impression I'm getting and they're just talking some trash like Trump/NK/most countries are wont to do at various times.

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I agree the implications are more dire - unlike the DPRK Iran is actively fighting in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen against Saudi Arabia and UAE forces and they are a hell of a lot more involved in middle eastern flash points in other ways - opposition parties, militant groups, terrorism, etc. than the DPRK is overseas.

Exactly, yeah...I try to keep up on international affairs but I'm no expert, but my impressions are that Iran don't take well to the threats and would be much more likely to escalate things, either directly or indirectly, quickly. They're likely feeling pretty attacked lately with multiple pressures being put on them economically from the outside, from their own people, etc., and they just strike me as possibly just going 'fuck it' and start dropping bombs. It may all just be the impression I'm getting and they're just talking some trash like Trump/NK/most countries are wont to do at various times.




and yet it's the saudis who did 9-11. 


there's hardliners in iran and they have a lot of power. what's interesting is the lifting of sanctions brought the internet.. instagram etc.. and instagram is huge in iran now and things were changing.. people, young people, got a taste of the west and now that's being rolled back because cheeto mcdickface pulled out of the iran deal.


the west was gonna do it's thing w/the "Kill them w/kindness" and use the western freedom as a weapon to eat away at the power of the hardliners.. now that's been undone. 


as for proxy wars.. the USA is doing that as well... Iran is certainly neck deep in some interventions via jihadists in syria but that whole things is a fucking shit show of epic proportions. and then there's yemen. largest humanitarian crisis because of USA letting saudi bomb children w/weapons they bought from USA contractors.. 


hat will trump admin do? who knows.. bolton has been wanting to invade since he could use a toilet on his own and has said things like "by 2019 we'll be celebrating in tehran!". fuck that wingnut hawk. he should choke on his own mustache and die. 


btw just watched an interesting 2 part frontline series on iran.. worth a gander. 






don't read the comments.. 


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Pretty dramatic shit y'all.

crazy twists and turns which lead to... a delay. seemingly. wouldn't be surprised if they start positioning someone else to take Kavanaugh's place now



I agree the implications are more dire - unlike the DPRK Iran is actively fighting in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen against Saudi Arabia and UAE forces and they are a hell of a lot more involved in middle eastern flash points in other ways - opposition parties, militant groups, terrorism, etc. than the DPRK is overseas.

Exactly, yeah...I try to keep up on international affairs but I'm no expert, but my impressions are that Iran don't take well to the threats and would be much more likely to escalate things, either directly or indirectly, quickly. They're likely feeling pretty attacked lately with multiple pressures being put on them economically from the outside, from their own people, etc., and they just strike me as possibly just going 'fuck it' and start dropping bombs. It may all just be the impression I'm getting and they're just talking some trash like Trump/NK/most countries are wont to do at various times.


and yet it's the saudis who did 9-11. 


there's hardliners in iran and they have a lot of power. what's interesting is the lifting of sanctions brought the internet.. instagram etc.. and instagram is huge in iran now and things were changing.. people, young people, got a taste of the west and now that's being rolled back because cheeto mcdickface pulled out of the iran deal.


the west was gonna do it's thing w/the "Kill them w/kindness" and use the western freedom as a weapon to eat away at the power of the hardliners.. now that's been undone. 


as for proxy wars.. the USA is doing that as well... Iran is certainly neck deep in some interventions via jihadists in syria but that whole things is a fucking shit show of epic proportions. and then there's yemen. largest humanitarian crisis because of USA letting saudi bomb children w/weapons they bought from USA contractors.. 


hat will trump admin do? who knows.. bolton has been wanting to invade since he could use a toilet on his own and has said things like "by 2019 we'll be celebrating in tehran!". fuck that wingnut hawk. he should choke on his own mustache and die. 


btw just watched an interesting 2 part frontline series on iran.. worth a gander. 



I watched part one but haven't watched part 2 yet, a bit of where i'm getting my (small amounts of) info. good doc so far, as usual with Frontline. more up-to-date perspective and jabs back nd forth has been a little under the radar so far over the past weeks...


yeah the US may not have invented the proxy war but we've sure been big on it over the last....however long since WW2 basically. maybe before? my historical knowledge is a bit shit.

Edited by auxien
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Pretty dramatic shit y'all.

crazy twists and turns which lead to... a delay. seemingly. wouldn't be surprised if they start positioning someone else to take Kavanaugh's place now



I agree the implications are more dire - unlike the DPRK Iran is actively fighting in proxy wars in Syria and Yemen against Saudi Arabia and UAE forces and they are a hell of a lot more involved in middle eastern flash points in other ways - opposition parties, militant groups, terrorism, etc. than the DPRK is overseas.

Exactly, yeah...I try to keep up on international affairs but I'm no expert, but my impressions are that Iran don't take well to the threats and would be much more likely to escalate things, either directly or indirectly, quickly. They're likely feeling pretty attacked lately with multiple pressures being put on them economically from the outside, from their own people, etc., and they just strike me as possibly just going 'fuck it' and start dropping bombs. It may all just be the impression I'm getting and they're just talking some trash like Trump/NK/most countries are wont to do at various times.




and yet it's the saudis who did 9-11. 


there's hardliners in iran and they have a lot of power. what's interesting is the lifting of sanctions brought the internet.. instagram etc.. and instagram is huge in iran now and things were changing.. people, young people, got a taste of the west and now that's being rolled back because cheeto mcdickface pulled out of the iran deal.


the west was gonna do it's thing w/the "Kill them w/kindness" and use the western freedom as a weapon to eat away at the power of the hardliners.. now that's been undone. 


as for proxy wars.. the USA is doing that as well... Iran is certainly neck deep in some interventions via jihadists in syria but that whole things is a fucking shit show of epic proportions. and then there's yemen. largest humanitarian crisis because of USA letting saudi bomb children w/weapons they bought from USA contractors.. 


hat will trump admin do? who knows.. bolton has been wanting to invade since he could use a toilet on his own and has said things like "by 2019 we'll be celebrating in tehran!". fuck that wingnut hawk. he should choke on his own mustache and die. 


btw just watched an interesting 2 part frontline series on iran.. worth a gander. 



I watched part one but haven't watched part 2 yet, a bit of where i'm getting my (small amounts of) info. good doc so far, as usual with Frontline. more up-to-date perspective and jabs back nd forth has been a little under the radar so far over the past weeks...




not gonna happen. they're gonna ram that shitbag through.  might delay if someone other than that flake fuck ask for an investigation. but i doubt it.  those republicans on the committee don't care. 


lindsey graham told the assault survivor who confronted him to "go to the cops" and turned his back and walked off. grassley is as tone deaf as anyone. needs to wither up and die in the dirt. 

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Other Senators (Manchin, Murkowski) are already supporting Flake's call for the FBI investigation.


Not saying Kavanaugh won't still end up being pushed through, but I can promise you McConnell and Trump NEED someone to get that seat before the midterms, for multiple reasons, would surprise me if the WH wasn't already contacting Koney-Barrett (sp?) or other shortlist justice nominees. 


Grassley might already be dead, he's got about as much sense as someone who's brain stopped functioning a few years ago. I used to have a teensy bit of respect for Graham, but that's shot after his rant yesterday, he's an ass-kissing fool just like the rest.


Here's this for a quick cheap laugh: edit T355 you beat me to it lol :)

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yep they do need to fill the seat asap for political reasons.. kavvanaugh is the guy who thinks presidents can do anything and are immune to investigation etc.. so trump would like him in there if it comes down to the court and his ass is on the line. 


we'll see. 


kavvanaugh is also shady as fuck w/his gambling problem and his debts of like $200,000 being suddenly paid off from nowhere. it's all fucking weird. 


these motherfuckers all need to get rolled up in a rug and buried in the woods. 

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I used to have a teensy bit of respect for Graham, but that's shot after his rant yesterday, he's an ass-kissing fool just like the rest.


Here's this for a quick cheap laugh: edit T355 you beat me to it lol :)


:-P same wavelength just slightly different delay modulations


Yeah, Christ - the whole "I'm a single white male and they say I shouldn't speak but fuck-em" - - - it's like living in a Kay and Peele sketch, but absolutely not funny at ALL. 

Edited by T3551ER
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I like the woman looking at him with disgust to the left.



Every single woman in that photo has some level of concern on her face.




that's his mom and his wife and a group of the women who wrote a letter supporting him. the blonde women on far left is his mom

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I like the woman looking at him with disgust to the left.



Every single woman in that photo has some level of concern on her face.



All these women are related to Kavanaugh, btw. So in reality they're mostly empathetic to Kavadrunkrapist.




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I like the woman looking at him with disgust to the left.



Every single woman in that photo has some level of concern on her face.



All these women are related to Kavanaugh, btw. So in reality they're mostly empathetic to Kavadrunkrapist.







Oh okay, so they just look like that then.

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tangent: in reality, the #MeToo thing is not just a socalled "masculinity"-problem. The irony is there's plenty women supporting the oppression of other women (victims). I was really surprised to read why a number of women signed that letter supporting Kavanaugh and saying how good of a man he is with respect to women. Really sick how that works. Some of them said they signed because they didn't believe a single accusation could be true and Kavadrunk needed a bit of support. That right there is a slap in the face to the entire #MeToo movement.

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