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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Clinton is close to Trump or winning in states that went to Romney last elections according to polls. But it's still June, but it seems Trump is really not doing well. I am sure he'll get his share but there is no way he will win Clinton in the GE. And Trump being the egomaniac that he is, he is not going to back down on any dumb statements he'll make and he's going to keep making them all the time. And I am sure Clinton's team has filecabinets of dirt on Trump that they will use once the race properly starts, but they might not need to use it so often as Trump himself is sabotaging his campaign by being Trump. He doesn't even have a proper election infrastructure in place yet. So far he's been riding the free publicity the media has been giving him. But that's mostly because he's an orange reality-TV star oaf who keeps saying dumb stuff.

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hasn't the bernie campaign been making the point that hillary is losing to trump in national polls?


No, they've been using polls that show Sanders has a better chance of beating Trump than Clinton does; I haven't looked into how these polls were given as such a thing can surely influence the results, but it doesn't matter anyway because Clinton is getting the nomination, not Sanders.

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Clinton is close to Trump or winning in states that went to Romney last elections according to polls. But it's still June, but it seems Trump is really not doing well. I am sure he'll get his share but there is no way he will win Clinton in the GE. And Trump being the egomaniac that he is, he is not going to back down on any dumb statements he'll make and he's going to keep making them all the time. And I am sure Clinton's team has filecabinets of dirt on Trump that they will use once the race properly starts, but they might not need to use it so often as Trump himself is sabotaging his campaign by being Trump. He doesn't even have a proper election infrastructure in place yet. So far he's been riding the free publicity the media has been giving him. But that's mostly because he's an orange reality-TV star oaf who keeps saying dumb stuff.


Yeah, the Clinton campaign will pull that dirt on Trump out when he attacks her for her spotty history and political record. It'll be a little back and forth, but Clinton has it lock for the reasons you said; Trump is killing himself for the general, even as he's seeming to try to gear towards it...he just can't. He's too ridiculous and too ignorant.

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i'm curious how the debates will play out, whether trump can continue to do whatever the fuck it is he did in the republican debates and kind of keep it tit for tat, or if clinton will slay him.


*buys popcorn*

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Guy at Trump rally in Greensboro live tweets his experience. What's wrong with you America?



Just read those tweets and couldn't imagine what it would've been like to be in his shoes. Sounds like Idiocracy and the Third Reich put together.


Clinton and Trump are both bags of shit as far as I'm concerned. Deciding between "the lesser of two evils"...the crook or the blowhard...just doesn't seem like a viable excuse anymore.


AFAIK there are still around two million ballots cast by Bernie voters that remain uncounted in Cali. If he gets surreptitiously squeezed out the race, I'm voting Jill Stein again in the general election.

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this guy live tweeted a trump rally in greensboro.




i really hope we don't turn the country over to these particular racist meat heads.


here's a few of his tweets. the last two in particular illustrate the disconnect pretty clearly. derp.


- Trump event like a security state. Just watched a girl get denied for being "too alternative."


- Tailgating in parking lots. Vendors selling Hillary Sucks But Not Like Monica shirts. General awfulness.


- Guy wearing Socialism Sucks shirt and lip syncing to Tiny Dancer. Nothing makes sense anymore.


- Crowd chanting BUILD THAT WALL BUILD THAT WALL over operatic music.


- Lots of people yelling bitch at Clinton's mention


- Crowd member just shouted "gays had it coming"


- Calls for Hillary to return money to countries that discriminate

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Guy at Trump rally in Greensboro live tweets his experience. What's wrong with you America?




Just read those tweets and couldn't imagine what it would've been like to be in his shoes. Sounds like Idiocracy and the Third Reich put together.

Clinton and Trump are both bags of shit as far as I'm concerned. Deciding between "the lesser of two evils"...the crook or the blowhard...just doesn't seem like a viable excuse anymore.

AFAIK there are still around two million ballots cast by Bernie voters that remain uncounted in Cali. If he gets surreptitiously squeezed out the race, I'm voting Jill Stein again in the general election.

Out of curiosity: how does clintons shittyness compare to trumps? They're not even remotely comparable. Not trying to stop you from voting for Stein, or anything. I just don't think the "lesser of two evils" argument is a strong one. Like you, but for a different reason. As it implies those two can be compared, which is completely rubbish, imo. Clinton is a serious politician, which people can disagree with. Trump isn't.

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Guy at Trump rally in Greensboro live tweets his experience. What's wrong with you America?



Just read those tweets and couldn't imagine what it would've been like to be in his shoes. Sounds like Idiocracy and the Third Reich put together.

Clinton and Trump are both bags of shit as far as I'm concerned. Deciding between "the lesser of two evils"...the crook or the blowhard...just doesn't seem like a viable excuse anymore.

AFAIK there are still around two million ballots cast by Bernie voters that remain uncounted in Cali. If he gets surreptitiously squeezed out the race, I'm voting Jill Stein again in the general election.

Out of curiosity: how does clintons shittyness compare to trumps? They're not even remotely comparable. Not trying to stop you from voting for Stein, or anything. I just don't think the "lesser of two evils" argument is a strong one. Like you, but for a different reason. As it implies those two can be compared, which is completely rubbish, imo. Clinton is a serious politician, which people can disagree with. Trump isn't.



bernie sanders is the only progressive bringing the message to the party. to me he sounds completely reasonable and logical. the only one with a real vision.


trump is a con-artist. all his businesses are pretty much scams. trump university was an outright scam.. fraud. we've elected frauds before though.. see florida governor for example. before being governor he ran a big healthcare company. it was policy from the top down to commit fraud on medicare/medicaid and other federal and state agencies by over billing and billing for things they didn't even do. they were investigated by the FBi and the justice dept made the company pay: In December 2000, the U.S. Justice Department announced that Columbia/HCA agreed to pay $840 million in criminal fines, civil damages and penalties. The government settled a second series of similar claims with Columbia/HCA in 2002 for an additional $881 million. The total for the two fines was $1.7 billion.


well, whatever.. but he's still governor today even though he was running that fraudulent company at the time of all the fraud.


trump is basically just persuading people by making them feel good and giving voice to the pent up rage of a mostly white, mostly uninformed demographic. he's pressing their buttons.. blaerg.


clinton is qualified but a lot of people don't like her positions on some key things and she has the age old problem of being plastic appearing and say one thing do another on a lot of issues and kind of creepy on some other issues and sort of out of touch with a lot of young people. she's still, imo, a far more qualified and reasonable candidate than trump even though i think she'll just walk us right into expanded anti-terrorist drone warfare blah blah blah and she's hand in hand with many corporations and i don't personally connect with her.


however, i don't think she's going to pour gasoline and napalm all over the world and light a match the way i think donald trump has potential to. and he's just a racist bullshit artist who doesn't know shit but has the appearance of "being good at business" so that means he has all the answers or something according to his followers.


even thinking about this election makes my dinner want to come up.

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Guy at Trump rally in Greensboro live tweets his experience. What's wrong with you America?



Just read those tweets and couldn't imagine what it would've been like to be in his shoes. Sounds like Idiocracy and the Third Reich put together.

Clinton and Trump are both bags of shit as far as I'm concerned. Deciding between "the lesser of two evils"...the crook or the blowhard...just doesn't seem like a viable excuse anymore.

AFAIK there are still around two million ballots cast by Bernie voters that remain uncounted in Cali. If he gets surreptitiously squeezed out the race, I'm voting Jill Stein again in the general election.

Out of curiosity: how does clintons shittyness compare to trumps? They're not even remotely comparable. Not trying to stop you from voting for Stein, or anything. I just don't think the "lesser of two evils" argument is a strong one. Like you, but for a different reason. As it implies those two can be compared, which is completely rubbish, imo. Clinton is a serious politician, which people can disagree with. Trump isn't.



clinton is qualified but a lot of people don't like her positions on some key things and she has the age old problem of being plastic appearing and say one thing do another on a lot of issues and kind of creepy on some other issues and sort of out of touch with a lot of young people. she's still, imo, a far more qualified and reasonable candidate than trump even though i think she'll just walk us right into expanded anti-terrorist drone warfare blah blah blah and she's hand in hand with many corporations and i don't personally connect with her.


however, i don't think she's going to pour gasoline and napalm all over the world and light a match the way i think donald trump has potential to. and he's just a racist bullshit artist who doesn't know shit but has the appearance of "being good at business" so that means he has all the answers or something according to his followers.


basically this. I'm not warming up to Clinton but I don't exactly see her in the more cynical "lesser of two evils" camp either. if she was running against romney 2.0, i.e. jeb bush or rubio, there's no way in hell I'd vote for her. most of the progressive BS is hyped by her supporters. at the end of the day she's a MOR candidate who I don't think will jeopardize my quality of life and if anything might make it a little better indirectly. if this was 1968 she'd be Nixon and Trump would be George Wallace. One is a cold establishment politician but the other is a batshit racist populist who would heavily damage America's global reputation.


that said I get the moral obligation argument to vote 3rd party. I don't regret voting for Obama in 2012 but in hindsight I would have voted for a 3rd party. I live in Texas which is likely going to be a easy win for Trump, and instead of a futile vote for Clinton I'll likely vote for Gary Johnson (a more liberal Ron Paul basically) or Jill Stein (Sanders alt essentially). Probably the former but not 100% decided.

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I've been wondering lately that if Trump gets elected how long will it be until he gets assassinated?


We had something remotely similar happening in the netherlands roughly 10 years ago. An almost certainly winning populist candidate shot dead by a 'left' extremist only a week before the election. Since then the populist right refers to the "bullet coming from the left" from time to time. Nasty stuff.

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(cue new page)




I do indeed see the satire in this...especially if you pause @ 0:45, immediately followed by "カント"

Should really be マンコ :catbed:

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trump is in plans for making his own network built around the audience that is supporting him for his presidential bid. all that vitriol on cable so people can go full racist idiot when Fox News isn't giving them what they need. ugh. wtf america.



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He also told Swierkowski that he had tickets for a Trump rally in Phoenix, Arizona, later that day, and planned to try to kill Trump there as well.


^^^ cray indeed.

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