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Luke Vibert Live + Broadcasts + Interviews

Guest AlexPallas

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I was thinking he means 180db.


Hmm I'm not so sure tbh. I know how they both played that track live a few times.... But produk really has a vibert vibe. The bounciness of the beat and that CLAP is so vibert!


And then he says in so few words that his favorite track on the album is produk, kind of like a dig at syro that his fav track is the one he should be credited for kind of thing.. =/


dude produk is straight tuss, just listen to the drums on 180db, full wagon christ style




could be right. we'll probably never know

Edited by StephenG
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vibertvibed synth test... there was a quote by mike p or someone explaining how the track was made. like luke was testing out new synth sounds and this track was the result, or maybe it was richard fiddling with vibert's synths? idk, but if someone could find it that'd be sweet

Edited by impotentwhitecapitalist
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vibertvibed synth test... there was a quote by mike p or someone explaining how the track was made. like luke was testing out new synth sounds and this track was the result, or maybe it was richard fiddling with vibert's synths? idk, but if someone could find it that'd be sweet


Not sure, but that interview, Vibert just says the beat and the bass was made by him... not the lead synth?

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vibertvibed synth test... there was a quote by mike p or someone explaining how the track was made. like luke was testing out new synth sounds and this track was the result, or maybe it was richard fiddling with vibert's synths? idk, but if someone could find it that'd be sweet

I remember something like that - it was definitely Vibert twiddling in Richard's studio. 180dB could be from one of those endless sessions, seeing how it was played at Snowbombing, together with bits from this track - which Vibert posted years ago on the web, so it's allowed to post here - being a part of one of those jams:


(Interview snippets) Clip I - Luke with Richard James.mp3


Still, Produk seems the most obvious to me.

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makes me wonder now about that one guy that was saying half the tracks on syro are collabs/have work done by other people, he said there were credible people "at another forum" claiming this.

where? wich forum?



Anyway, that idea of an Aphex & Vibert album sounds like the best thing ever. Too bad :(

Yes, an album full on lush funk like produk sounded awesome. That makes me so sad :(

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makes me wonder now about that one guy that was saying half the tracks on syro are collabs/have work done by other people, he said there were credible people "at another forum" claiming this.

where? wich forum?






Anyway, that idea of an Aphex & Vibert album sounds like the best thing ever. Too bad :(

Yes, an album full on lush funk like produk sounded awesome. That makes me so sad :(


Gotta blama Aphex for ripping everyone off. Aphex is one big hack.S

Syro is amazieng tho.

Edited by th555
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Meh 4chan is unreliable, long live the aphex acied!

Except for that one time that someone on there predicted a new Aphex album + a new Clark album around the time they actually got released, long before anyone knew about :) but besides that, yeah, mostly useless I'd say.

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It was me that said a "credible source" said half the tracks were collabs. (Search through my post history, I don't have many; it was one of few posts in the syro thread.)


(My info was NOT from 4chan; there are lots of places where various rephlex etc people post.)


I left out details and identities because I didn't want it to turn into a shitstorm lest something weird happened.


I was subsequently very surprised when syro credited no one else. I mostly forgot about it, but this vibert interview makes me sad.


Very strange interview. Vibert's a complex guy but I haven't seen him being dark like this. Admittedly I don't read many interviews but I'm sad to see this...


ah well.

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Very strange interview. Vibert's a complex guy but I haven't seen him being dark like this.


Funny, I had the same impression. :) Also during his Boiler room set, he clearly was not in a good mood. No fun at all. Some people, when they stop smoking weed after decades of doing it every day, they get uptight and moody for a while.

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Thanks for sharing! Missed opportunity to ask about Kerrier District or other upcoming things, or ask him about the soundcloud dump and Luke's old archive, ah well :)

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